Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky
OF A 4TH-YEAR STUDENT _____group
(Name and surname of a student)
Type of practical training: ASSISTANT OF AN OBSTETRICIAN
O B & G Y N
Place of practical training _________________________________
The list of compulsory practical skills and knowledge
| On one’s own
| Under the supervision
| - In the delivery room
| Inspection and external examination of pregnant women
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| Filling in case histories of labour
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| Vaginal examination during labour
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| Rupture of the amniotic sack
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| Non-breached delivery and inspection of the birth canal
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| Examination of the placenta and determining its integrity
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| Suturing ruptures of the perineal of the 1 and 2 degree, the walls of the vagina, cervix (under doctors supervision)
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| The first inspection of the newborn, umbilical cord
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| Determination of the blood groups
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| Catheterization of the bladder with the rubber or metal catheter
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| Participation in the resuscitation of neonate
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| Participation in the obstetric operations: C- section (if available), manual interventions in case of the breach delivery, application of the obstetrics forceps
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| Sanitation requirements for the delivery room
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| Epidemiological events during childbirth and postpartum women with HIV
| - In the postpartum unit
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| Observation of the puerperas
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| Hygiene of the puerperas
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| Taking smears from three points to determine the flora
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| Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections
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| Hygiene of the stitches of the perineum
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| Hygienic determination of the nutritional value of food in the postpartum period
| - In the small operating room
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| Intravenous injection
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| Participation in the operation of medical abortion
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| Participation in the anesthesia and resuscitation procedures
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| Carrying out paracervical novocaine anesthesia
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| Sutures removal from the anterior abdominal wall and perineum
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| Health education (discussions, medical information)
| -
| Criteria for assessing microbiological purity of the air in hospitals
Organisation of work:
1. Admission department – 3 days
2. Delivery room and postpartum unit – 5 days
3. Observation department – 2 days
Student’s signature _______________________________________________
Head of the Department’s signature ____________________________________
Stamp «_ __» «____________» 201__