1) David is an excellent runner. (excellent) David jogs excellently. (excellent) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Review: adverbs and adjectives
Complete using adverb o adjective:
1) David is an excellent runner. (excellent) David jogs excellently. (excellent) 2) I am a singer. (bad) I sing. (bad) 3) You are a writer (slow). You write (slow). 4) Anna is a girl (careful). Anna speaks (careful). 5) Her dress is (beautiful). She dresses (beautiful). 6) I think you drive too (fast) 7) I came to the station (early), but the train was (late) 8) Everybody came to the (nice) party. 9) The bus is (slow) today. 10) Your test is very (good). 11) Please, don't run so (fast). 12) Your wrote the letter (nice). 13) I know that Jean plays tennis very (good). 14) We walked up the hill (slow). 15) His brother is a (friendly) boy. 16) He is learning (hard) for the test. 17) Jean smiles (lovely). 18) You speak English (good). 19) Please, speak to him (friendly). 20) Please, listen (careful). 21) My job is (bad). 22) My small brother always eats (quick). 23) Mary and Judy are girls (nice). 24) Are you an sportsman (excellent)? 25) Sharon's hair is (beautiful). 26) Why do you write so (slow)? 27) Alice is very (angry) today. 28) I ran to the shop (quick). 29) Timmy is a boy (happy). 30) I wrote her a letter (polite). 31) You must work (careful). 32) She sings the song (beautiful). 33) The sentences are (correct). 34) I think the test is (easy). 35) She can do this exercise (easy). 36) Diana plays tennis (excellent).