


Случайная статья

Употребление страдательного залога с модальными глаголами


Употребление страдательного залога с модальными глаголами

Be V3 can / could may / might must should                                 + be V3 ought to have to be to  




            may / might


           should                   be V3

           ought to

           have to

           be to


can play                can be played

had to do              had to be done


Transform the sentences so as to use the Passive Voice:
1. You must feed the dog.
2. You should spend less money on clothes.

3. You can find this book in any library.

4. You should wash your hands before meals.
5. Where can you see this painting?

6. You must finish the project this week.

7. You mustn’t bring food to the classroom.
8. Should I cut the grass in our back yard?

9. You should call the police at once.
10. You can’t cross the street here.
11. You should push this door to open it.

12. You must give in your homework on time.

13. You shouldn’t take photos in the art gallery.

14. You can do the shopping in Oxford Street.

15. When you ride your motorbike, you must wear a helmet.

16. Mark’s green hair can shock Tanya.

17. You must learn these words by heart.

18. Can you memorize this poem easily?
19. The athlete can lift 100 kilograms.
20. I may spend my holidays in Spain.

21. You can use this machine for cutting bread.



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