A) Look at the table and complete the sentences with a frequency adverb and the verb in the present simple. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
A) Look at the table and complete the sentences with a frequency adverb and the verb in the present simple.
1) Karen ________________________ (walk) to work. 2) Andrea _______________________ (get) the train to work. 3) 4) James and Andrea ______________ (walk) to work. 5) James _____________________ (cycle) to work. 6) Karen and James _____________ (get) the bus to work. 7) Andrea and James ____________ (drive) to work.
B) Write sentences about you. Use a frequency adverb.
1) ( get/the bus) ______________________________________ 2) (drive) ____________________________________________ 3) (walk) ____________________________________________ 4) (get/a taxi) ________________________________________ 5) (ride/ a motorbike) ___________________________________
C) Write in, at, on or from.
1) _________ Tuesday. 2) _________ Winter. 3) _________ 2 o’clock. 4) _________ the morning. 5) _________ Thursday. 6) _________ Monday to Saturday 7) _________ Friday afternoon. 8) _________ August.
A) Look at the table and complete the sentences with a frequency adverb and the verb in the present simple.
8) Karen ________________________ (walk) to work. 9) Andrea _______________________ (get) the train to work. 10) Karen ________________________(drive) to work. 11) James and Andrea ______________ (walk) to work. 12) James _____________________ (cycle) to work. 13) 14) Andrea and James ____________ (drive) to work.
B) Write sentences about you. Use a frequency adverb.
6) ( get/the bus) ______________________________________ 7) (drive) ____________________________________________ 8) (walk) ____________________________________________ 9) (get/a taxi) ________________________________________ 10) (ride/ a motorbike) ___________________________________
C) Write in, at, on or from.
9) _________ Tuesday. 10) _________ Winter. 11) _________ 2 o’clock. 12) _________ the morning. 13) _________ Thursday. 14) _________ Monday to Saturday 15) _________ Friday afternoon. 16) _________ August.