Good afternoon! Today we have asked five people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about their families. now we would like to present their opinions to you.Задание 2. Good afternoon! Today we have asked five people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about studying a foreign language abroad. now we would like to present their opinions to you. Speaker A I learn Italian as a foreign language and last summer I went to Italy as an exchange student I stayed with a host family not in the student council and that was a great mistake the people I stayed with were an elderly couple without children they wanted me to spend all my free time with them and kept asking lots of questions they didn't want to accept the fact that I needed time to do my homework and to be on my own I wouldn't recommend anyone to stay with a host family
Speaker B I Spent last Summer abroad as an exchange student in Germany it was a great experience I think I returned home an absolutely different person I learned so much I was staying with a host family and my hosts never treated me as a child but as a responsible person and I had to become responsible. I got used to coming home on time I'm not later than I have promised think I've become more independent and confident in myself for the choices I make
Speaker C
when I was getting ready for my trip abroad, the most important question for my parents was where I would Stay. I wanted to choose a student's hostel, but my parents were against it and I went to a host family it was the right choice my hostswere a lively couple with two kids senioraclaracooked fantasticpastas and pizzas I had never tasted anything like it and I loved her desserts to she used to say that it's important to taste the country whose language you're learning
Speaker D
I thought I could speak Spanish pretty well before I went to Spain as a student in the classroom everything was more or less fine but I couldn't understand people on the streets they were speaking very fast and pronounced words indistinctly so I had to ask the same question several times before I was able to catch the answer. the locals also used words that are only used in the particular region. I haven't seen them in my textbook
Speaker E
it was my parents’ idea to send me to France for the language course I'd never left home for so long and I thought I would feel homesick and lonely but it was nothing like that. there was actually no time. from morning till 2 p. m. we had classes and then we went on excursions or trips or had other activities every other day we had contest or concerts and in the evenings there was time for partying and having fun. it was great. and I never felt bored
Вариант 13. Задание 1. Text A. Today we're holding a workshop and you'll learn some techniques on how to work with paper fabric dry flowers and other materials, of course you can take home everything you create today your craft could make a great gift for a friend I'm often asked what hobby is the best I have no answer for me the best hobby is cooking and I often treat my friends with homemade cakes and lemonades and one of my friends collects lottery tickets. Hobbies maybe different
Text B
Hi, Fred, it's me Andrew I'm taking pocket sandwiches for us for tomorrow excursion so you're not going to be hungry on the bus even if we come back home really late Missis Carta says we're going to eat in a cafe but anyway Do You Remember by the way where exactly the bus will be waiting for us tomorrow morning should we go to school first or do we need to go directly to the bus stop. Call or text me, Will you? see you tomorrow
Text C
can I help you? Yes, I need a present for my niece She’s turning 13 next Friday. I see, here are books for teenagers and souvenirs and I can also recommend board games. Board games? Do you think teenagers play board games nowadays. Definitely, your niece and her friends will be having a lot of fun playing them. it's a good way to keep kids away from their phones and tablets and also have a look at this painting set it has several coloring books. No, no, painting sets is what the parentsalways buy her, she's got dozens. I’ll take this board game. Does it really keep them away from tablets
text D
Hi, Emma! where are you heading Hi Sam sorry I didn't notice you to my music class it starts in 10 minutes. I won’t keep you long, you get to your violin class on time. Fine, but I don't play the violin I chose the drums. Though My mom was very much against it. And I can understandwhy. Most girls play the piano, violin or sometimes the guitar, it's sort of a conventional choice right but playing the drums is much cooler. absolutely but I really need to go Sam come to our rehearsal I've been accepted into a a band as the new drummer and we are rehearsing for the Christmas show Задание 2. Good afternoon! Today we have asked five people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about photography and taking photos. now we would like to present their opinions to you.
Speaker A
a new photo exhibition starts at our school on Monday and will last till the end of the month it's called ‘life on campus’ which means that any photos that show our school life are welcome and I encourage my students to take part in it I think it's a great opportunity for them to remember and share some funny and memorable moments of their school life they are welcome to display portrait, classroom scenes, pictures from our camping trips and out and class activities
Speaker B if you're not a professional photographer I don't think you should go for an expensive camera I know there are several Brands you can buy cheap and they will take very good pictures, don’t look for lots of functions, for beginners the most features are not important the main thing is it should be easy to use, maybe have a nice design and be rather light to carry I guess these things are important for a beginner photographer. Have a look and decide what is best for you
Speaker C Well I'm not a professional photographer but I love taking pictures actually I don't like interior scenes I prefer nature and especially the streets practicing street photography has helped me change my perspective I think I've become more observant I walk a lot and walk to places I have never been to I can see beauty and many things I never noticed before you can sense a story and everything you find out this is what I like about it
Speaker D It’s not easy to become a good photographer the quickest way to get some basic knowledge is to take a short coursefor young photographersthis will give you a good idea of how to use your camera what could be better than listening to photography experts you’ll learn more … hour than from Reading any special books the next step is to go out with the camera and take pictures just as many pictures as possible. It’s that the way I did it
Speaker E
moments happen all the time and they can happen fast as I see it photography freezes these moments so we can take the time to enjoy them being a photographer I have the ability to show myself and share my ideas through images when someone looks at one of my photos they are able to see something exactly the way I saw it photography can convey ideas in a very artistic Visual and creative way my way
Вариант 14. Задание 1. Text A. Dear visitors of the park right now we are starting the awarding ceremony, our winners the three best roller skaters will get their prizes. We also have to inform you that the light show which had been planned for this evening is cancelled for technical reasons as a sort of compensation tonight we offer you another exciting show the best Latino dancers will be competing on a summer stage tonight A Storm of energetic music and colorful costumes. Don’t miss it
Text B hi Sarah it's Samantha I've got a problem with my computer in fact it's not the computer I just can't get into my school account anyway I remember that we've got some assignments till tomorrow in science but I don't remember what exactly we have to do could you text the tasks to me please it's really urgent because I need to complete my homework by 6 p. m. as I Don't Want to Miss a pizza in the best pizza the city my parents promised to take me there tonight
Text c Here you are at last Greg, I've been worried sorry, Mrs Key, it was my first afternoon off and I wanted to see the city my fault I haven't shown you anything yet anyway next Sunday we'll go to the robot Exhibition at the Exhibition Center. Thanks. and what did you see today. First I went to the entertainment park, I found myself at an ice cream funfair, which is a great place if you love ice cream. but I don’t. so I turned back and go to the entertainment parkat last and wow I've never had so much fun before the place is fantastic especially the roller coasters
Text D Hi Emma, Hi, Neal. I'm calling to ask you a favor all my family are going to the seaside lucky you have a nice holiday thanks but since everyone's leaving there's no one at home to take care of my pet and we can't take him with us. Sorry, Emma, I can’t help you there. our rule is neithercats nor Dogs in our house. they might cause cough and sneeze which can lead to some dangerous syndromes. Oh, I'm talking about cats or dogs. It’s just a little bird, a parrot. that makes things different I'm not allergic to birds and I don't mind having your bird as a guest in our house it'll be fun
Задание 2. Good afternoon! Today we have asked five people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about their families. now we would like to present their opinions to you.
Speaker A our family is not large we spend lots of time together unlike most families, we don't get together in the evenings and at weekends we see each other during the daytime in our family bakery it's a family business was set up by my grandfather and now my parents run it my granddad is still in charge of all the accounting matters. I work in the bakery shop and my brother delivers fresh bread and buns to our regular customers
Speaker B
I have three siblings which means four kids in the family all in all. that means plenty of housework especially for Mom she usually does most of the shopping and we try to help her with the cleaning at least with keeping our rooms clean. As the oldest sister I also try to look after the younger ones dad always washes the dishes and often helps mom with cooking which is his hobby by the way. Doing things together really helps us have more for each other Speaker C I have 10 siblings dozens of cousins nieces nephews in-laws (you name it). we all now live in different places and even countries however we have no problem keeping in touch. We regularly call each other and text most of us are on Facebook and can keep up with life events I even send cards and letters in the old-fashioned way. We’re also trying to get together as often as possible. Usually for big family events where the majority of this will show up
Speaker D my sister and I are twins and people think we should be inseparable because they believe we are very much alike well partially that's true we spend a lot of time together we do look very much alike but we are very different in character she is very calm and relaxed while I am bubbly and very emotional she is very ladylike and wears nice dresses and my all-time favorites jeans and sneakers despite this we get along really well and never quarrel
Speaker E I enjoyed greatly when our family gets together it doesn't happen very often unfortunately because we live in different cities and Everyone is always so busy but there is a day when we put off all our plans and come to our grandparents’ house for a special party. We all look forward for this day. We exchange news, discuss our plans, chat and enjoy delicious cake that our grandmother makes for this day. it's huge and everyone takes the piece of it
Вариант 15. Задание 1. Text A. Dear students! we are very glad that you’ve chosenour summer language school and we'll do our best to make your time here Pleasant and useful. Apart from English classes which are held every day of the week including Saturdays and Sundays you can join our Spanish club the Spanish club welcomes to every Friday from 6 to 9 p. m. Anyone can take part in these weekly sessions. our teachers will arrange the activities in groups of different levels
Text B hi Mom I can't wait to tell you the news just listen your daughter Lucy Brown has won the space research contest for school children and has been awarded first prize which is a telescope now we will all be able to enjoy the night sky from home it's much more interesting than going to the Planetarium the telescope is not large in fact it's an amateur version I saw the same one on a TV show on the educational Channel see you at home we're celebrating today, aren’t we?
Text C do you like their town Tim? Yes, Ann. it's nice and quiet have you always lived here yes I have hardly ever left it it's nice you are right especially the orchard Garden next to the river I go there when I feel sad or happy sounds like you really like it yes it's a special place for me. Look, could you show me a bit of your town? I'd like to see the Old Tower in the center it's a museum now not really interesting anyway and the main pedestrians street with all witchcraft shops I'd like to buy some souvenirs there and that wonderful Orchards Garden of yours, of course
text D Hi Lucy I didn't know you are back from holiday. Oh, Sam we returned yesterday our flight was delayed by 5 hours can you imagine that. Yes, I can. delays and crowds in the airport are the reasons why we prefer cars to planes we are going to the seaside on Friday by car of course. Right. the car is convenient in many ways. We also need to take lots of luggage, including diving masks, flippers and my surfboard. The car will hold all of that looks like it's going to be a great holiday send me photos, will you? now I need to be off for the train station my granny's arriving on the 6 o’clock train