Appearance. Appearance. Build (телосложение). Legs and arms. Features. Cheeks. Eye-lashes ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Appearance (ADDITIONAL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS) Appearance Attractive Impressive Good-looking Pretty Build (телосложение) Large Small Powerful Slim Strong Clumsy Ordinary Lean Fat Plump Middle-sized Average height Legs and arms Long Short Slender Thin Head Big Small Round Thin (thick) neck Hair Golden Red Reddish Fair Blond Ash-blond Chestnut Silvery Grey Black Brown Dark Silky Bald head Moustache Beard
Features Regular Plain Ugly Fine Nose Snub Thin Strait Long Mouth Firm Large Small Lips Full Thick Thin Teeth Even Uneven Large Small Perfect Cheeks Pale Pink (rosy) Eye-lashes Strait Thick Thin Long Short
Plan how to describe a man: 1) general appearance 2) build and body 3) head and neck 4) hair face (nose, mouth, lips, teeth, eyes, eyelashes, cheeks).