2. Complete the sentences with SOMETHING, ANYTHING or NOTHING ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 2. Complete the sentences with SOMETHING, ANYTHING or NOTHING It’s too dark. I can’t see ANYTHING. What did Jane say? NOTHING. She didn’t say ANYTHING. I want SOMETHING to drink. I’m thirsty. This bag is empty. There is NOTHING in it! There is NOTHING to do this city! I’m bored. I want to read SOMETHING about Steve Jobs. I’ll buy a book about him. Do you know ANYTHING about insects? Children need SOMETHING to do or to play with. 3. Complete the sentence with EVERYBODY, EVERYTHING or EVERYWHERE: EVERYBODY needs friends. Tim knows EVERYTHING about computers. He goes EVERYWHERE with his motorcycle. He never drives his car. I like all the people in this room. EVERYBODY is friendly. This hotel is comfortable and EVERYTHING is clean. Let’s have breakfast. EVERYBODY woke up hungry! Gabriel’s room is a mess. There are clothes EVERYWHERE. You are right. EVERYTHING you said about Chris is true.