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Aids for Classes 01


                                                                                                        Aids for Classes 01

Plans for the Future and Ambitions

What are your plans for the next year?

Are you going to study hard?

Do you plan to take part in any creative projects?

Would you like to do any volunteering in the future? What kind?

Next year/summer/July  
In a year/month/week Через год
In four or five years from now Через 3 – 4 года
After leaving school/As soon as I finish school/When I finish school После окончания школы/как только закончу школу, /когда закончу школу,
I plan toenter a University next year Pr. Simple
I’m going to leave school next year Be going - to намерение
I’d like to go to the Uni next year. Would like – пожелание
I’m finishing/leaving school next year Pr. Cont. - запланированное и подготовленное
I hope to pass the exams Hope + Infinitive
I think/ believe/ suppose/ hope I’llpass the exams  think/ believe/ suppose/ hope + I’ll
To finish school = to leave school Закончить школу
To go to University = to enter a University/ Drama School/Arts School/ Higher School of Economics Technical College Пойти учиться в университет = поступить в Университет/ театральное училище/ художественное училище Экономический институт Технический колледж
take an exam/sit an exam Сдавать экзамены
To take school-leaving exams/ state exams Сдавать выпускные экзамены/ государственные экзамены
To pass an exam/to do well or badly at the exam/to fail an exam Сдать экзамен/ сдать экзамен хорошо или плохо/не сдать экзамен
To get a high grade at the Math exam Получить высокую оценку за экзамен по математике
An exam in Math = a Math exam  
To study/to prepare/to revise for an exam Готовиться к экзамену
To study/work hard Учиться/работать много и усердно
a school-leaving party Выпускной вечер
A volunteer To do volunteering, to do a volunteer work, to volunteer with animals, environmental volunteering, social volunteering (help for families with children or elderly people) to be a trained volunteer Волонтер, доброволец заниматься волонтерством, быть волонтером с животными, экологическое волонтерство, социальное волонтерство (помощь семьям с детьми или пожилым людям) быть обученным волонтером



Fluency Gym

I’m leaving school next year and plan to enter a Drama High School.

We are having state exams in June.

I am not sure what I’ll do after leaving school.

I hope to enter the University of Economics thanks to my high grades at the state exams.

I hope I’ll do well at my English exam.

I’m going to study hard over the year to do well at the exams.

You are going to fail the exam if you don’t work hard.

I don’t think I’ll take a gap year after leaving school.

I think I’ll probably participate in some volunteer project.

I don’t think I’ll have time to do this.

As soon as I finish school I am going to spend a month travelling with my family. We’ll probably go to Turkey or some other place at the seaside.




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