Variant 11. Variant 12Variant 11 Task 1. a 12-year-old Girl with a height of 125. 3 cm (30 centiles), a body weight of 32. 0 kg ( 50 centiles), and a chest circumference of 57. 5 cm ( 65 centiles).
Task 2. The vital capacity of a 12-year-old boy's lungs is 2000 ml. Tabular indicators of girls (M ± σ ) for this age: 2100 ± 300 ml. Evaluate the child's physiometric indicators using the Sigma deviation method.
Task 3. The girl's height differs from the standard age-sex indicators on (+1. 5 δ R), body weight – on (+ 0. 9 δ R). Estimate her height and body weight using the Sigma deviation method.
Task 4. the Height of a 12-year-old girl differs from the standard age-sex indicators by ( +1. 5 δ R), body weight – by (+ 0. 9 δ R). Determine the harmony of physical development.
Task 5. A 14-year-old girl has been ill 4 times with acute respiratory disease and 1 time with follicular angina over the past year. There are no chronic diseases. Define a health group and a physical education group.
Task 6. A 12-year-old child has been ill 3 times with acute respiratory disease and aggravation of chronic bronchitis 1 time over the past year. Define a child's health group and a group for physical education. Variant 12 Task 1. a 12-years-old Girl with a height of 155. 3 cm (20 centiles), a body weight of 50. 0 kg ( 60 centiles), and a chest circumference of 95. 5 cm ( 85 centiles).
Task 2. The vital capacity of a 12-year-old boy's lungs is 2800 ml. Tabular indicators of girls (M ± σ ) for this age: 2200 ± 300 ml. Evaluate the child's physiometric indicators using the Sigma deviation method.
Task 3. The girl's height differs from the standard age-sex indicators on ( +1. 5 δ R ), body weight – on (+ 1. 5 δ R ). Estimate her height and body weight using the Sigma deviation method.
Task 4. the Height of a 12-year-old girl differs from the standard age-sex indicators on ( +1. 5 δ R ), body weight – on (+ 1. 5 δ R). Determine the harmony of physical development.
Task 5. A 14-year-old girl has been ill 2 times with acute respiratory disease and 1 time with follicular angina over the past year. There are no chronic diseases. Define a health group and a physical education group.
Task 6. A 12-year-old child has been ill 3 times with acute respiratory disease and aggravation of chronic bronchitis 2 times over the past year. Define a child's health group and a group for physical education.