IN – ON – UNDER – BEHIND – IN FRONT OF – BETWEEN – NEXT TOСтр 1 из 7Следующая ⇒ SCHOOL: ________________________________________________________________________ NAME: _________________________________________________ GRADE: _________________ TEACHER: _____________________________________________ DATE: ___________________ 1- Complete the sentences with THERE IS / THERE ARE:
__________ a police car.
2- Choose the right alternative: ___________________five pens in the box. a) There is b) There are ____________________ some books on the table. a) There is b) There are _____________________ four chairs in the room. a) There is b) There are _____________________ a pencil in the pencil case. a) There is b) There are _____________________ a ruler on the book. a) There is b) There are _____________________ a notebook in the backpack. a) There is b) There are
3- Look at the picture and complete with the prepositions of place: IN – ON – UNDER – BEHIND – IN FRONT OF – BETWEEN – NEXT TO