REGIONALEXECUTIVECOMMITTEE (национальный исполнительный комитет)In 1930 the National Executive Committee resolved to establish[Д1] West-Siberian Region with Novosibirsk as a capital city. New buildings were needed forgovernment bodies. A competition was organized for the project of the Regional Executive Committee building. One ofthe participants was the famous Moscow architect Alexander Grinberg, who hadalready[Д2] built the Soviets House in some large cities. But Grinberg's project was not realized in Novosibirsk. The lower portion[Д3] was constructed toa design [Д4] by Andrei Kryachkov. Thenyoungarchitects Boris Gordeev and Sergei Turgenev reworked the floor plan and redid all the facades. A designerLeonovrecollected[Д5]: the conceptual design by Andrei Kryachkov was simple and rational offloor plan, with good proportions. But the facades were dry and inexpressive. Boris Gordeev and Sergei Turgenev developing[Д6] a working project suggested (предложили) the final architectural solution[Д7] ofthe facades. Their design was better. On 1 April 1931 the Regional Executive Committee building began to be built. It was to accommodate 15 departments[Д8] and 2000 employees[Д9]. The building contained 400 offices, 5small meeting halls and1 big meeting hall. The architects used a simple floor plan. The most important areas[Д10] were set apart[Д11] in the center: the amphitheater of the meeting hall, a vestibule and a lobby[Д12]. In the right wing there were apartments ofthe Committee employees. The corridor ended in staircases[Д13] lighted up through bay windows[Д14] with five-story high glazing[Д15]. The volumetricand spatial[Д16] composition of the building is determined[Д17] by city planning characteristics of the neighborhood[Д18]. A semi-circular protrudingpart stops dynamic development[Д19] of the building located at the relief dip point and pays attention its position along the red line of the prospect. This provided [Д20] silhouette expressiveness[Д21] of the constructionand highlighted it in the row[Д22] of buildings componentingKrasnyi Prospect. Besides the Regional Executive Committee was the first building with lifts in Novosibirsk. The construction work was completed on 1 October 1932. The volume- layout structure and exterior design of the Soviets House in Novosibirsk shows the influence[Д23] of the Moscow People's Commissariat. The sharp[Д24] asymmetry of the construction follows the main axis[Д25] of the facade exposed[Д26] by a stained-glass window above the central entrance and by a gallery-rostrum attached[Д27] to it. As for me, I like this construction and think this building is the most important architecture monument in our city, because it is made in the style of constructivism, which in turn [Д28] attracts attention many peoples, both tourists and city residents. [Д1]Решено установить [Д2]уже [Д3]нижняя часть [Д4]построен по проекту [Д5]вспоминал [Д6]разрабатывая [Д7]решение [Д8]отделы [Д9]сотрудники [Д10]помещения [Д11]выделены [Д12]холл [Д13]лестничные площадки [Д14]эркеры [Д15]остеклением [Д16]пространственная(спэйжл) [Д17]определяется(дитемнд) [Д18]микрорайон [Д19]развитие [Д20]придавало [Д21]выразительность [Д22]ряду [Д23]влияние [Д24]резкая [Д25]ось [Д26]открываемого [Д27]пристроенной [Д28]который в свою очередь