Waiter training: Food and Beverage service. How to take orders as a waiter. F&B Service training!Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ What tutorial the author is gonna give you? How long is the author working in the best restaurants in the world? Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to …………. I`ll be back with the menus but if you want to order some drinks I`ll be happy to take you order. May be got champagne maybe just a bottle of water. What way have you to approach the table? What have you to do firstly? What suggestion have you make to the guest firstly? Bottle of ………..? …………………? ………………….. water. Thank you. And for the ladies? ……………………. of champagne. ……………. glasses of champagne. Would you ………. moshen Don Italian or moshen Don rosé??? moshen Don Italian. Thank you very much! I`ll be …………………….. with the menus and the ………………. are coming right away. Thank you. So we will meet one more time. Here is the …………….. They go??? Do you need a ………………… for a glass of …………. or a bottle of one? ……………. list? Would you like to take a ……………? Please. Thank`s. Everything is on the menu it`s written in ……………., in ………… in German. But today we have also …………….. and we have excellent torany??? in salt crust /krʌ st/ корочка baked in …………. something that`s really really good. If you want to have a …………. today but it`s for …………… ……………. it`s ………… euro per fish. You can choose the ……………. ………………….. anything you want with that. The ………….. is preparing the????? always really really good so if you want to have a fish today I will highly ……………………… it. Okay! Thank you very much! If you have any ……………………… please let me know. My name is Ned. I`ll be happy to ………………………. So, ladies and gentlemen do you have any ……………? Are you ready to ……….? …………………? okay. Let`s start with the …………….. For you what`s up? - A small ……………. and then for ………………… a steak. Would you like the steak ……………….. or ……….. or ………………….? Thank you very much! Write the order down!
For you? A ………………..? A ……………... And after that? Chicken be gutted /ˈ ɡ ʌ tɪ d/ (выпотрошенный)? be cutting (нарезанный)??. Thank you very much! You sir? Okay. That`s most often! Very good! Main course? You have not …………… yet? Ok! I`ll ………. you a …………………… and go to that gentleman. Not decided? Move to the next guest! Thank you! For you sir? Ok? And then for …………………………………? For ……………….. you want chicken with sparga (asparagus, sparrowgrass). Are you soon? Have you decided? Ok. You want to have the New York ……….. and how do you like the steak will be done? Ok. ……………….. Thank you very much! And did you make your …………..? Do you choose some ………? You want my ……………………? Ok. Very good. Are you looking for a white ………….. or red …………….? …………….. wine. Very good. DO NOT ………………… WINE BEFORE ASKING FOR THE …………… PREFERENCES.
And do you like something that`s really ……….. and so heavy? Not tannin |ˈ tæ nɪ n| (вяжущее) not acid |ˈ æ sɪ d| or you want something that`s really ……… wine heavy barrel |ˈ bæ rə l|………… wine heavy barrel one. Ok. I`ll …………….. then something from the super Tascana wine. Would you like to ……… something from Bulgarian? Orneliest, Asicaya, Tina nello, but we have not ordinaly |ˈ ɔ ː dɪ n(ə )l| не обычное Orneliest 2011 and that`s the best year for the last 10 years so I would definitely |ˈ defɪ nə tlɪ | определенно ……………. Orneliest if you want to try Orneliest it`s the ………….. wine right now from the Italian super discount??? wines. Yes. Ok. Do you want try it? Wunderbar! IF A GUEST ORDERS AN EXPENSIVE BOTTLE OF WINE GIVE THEM A COMPLIMENT, MAKE THEM FEEL SPECIAL! I like …………….. this one because it`s really excellent! You will …………. it guys! You will enjoy really! Don`t ……………! So only lovely восхитительный, очаровательный; приятный …………….. Thank you very much! If you have any …………………… so you like anything else just let me know. My name is Ned. And we `re gonna have a wonderful evening tonight! Thank you (4. 36)
Now Guys. If it`s a complicated order and they asked for many modifiers for example the souce I won`t be distressing (огорчиться, волноваться) the mistake I don`t want do with this sauce I`m gonna with this sauce and things like that and if people order for example not everybody orders appetizer or some of the table order entré e course (is a dish served before the main course of a meal. Outside North America, it is generally synonymous with the terms hors d'oeuvre, appetizer or starter. It may be the first dish served, or it may follow a soup or other small dish or dishes. In the United States and parts of Canada, the term entré e refers to the main dish or the only dish of the meal) And he`s gonna have three course meals and everybody else gonna have two course meals I want to repeat the whole order. I will take the order and then I`ll say: Hi, Guys! Let me ……………. this for you because I don`t want to have any confusion. The lady will have this and this and this. The gentleman will have this and this. Then everybody gonna have …………… just gentlemen are gonna have an entré e ……………… and then all of you will have the main …………... And the ladies will have this, this lady will have this, the …………….. will have this, and the gentleman will have this.
This way is the best. So but if it`s a simple order like just a ………. and ……….. and things like that and everybody has the …………… course and …………….. course. Then everything is OK, I just …………………… after they order me. Their course. The salad I repeated, the small salad, OK. And then …………….. piccata OK. And so ……………. piccata. It`s enough, you don`t need to …………… again the whole order for them. Only when it`s very ……………….., when there`s many modifiers and things like that. It`s recommendable, I recommend to …………. DEUTLICH and ………… them exactly who is gonna get what at what time. Yes, because it`s very ………….. to point that because if one person of the table wants to have a three-course ………….. and he wants entré e course and everybody would have to stay and wait and …………. him eating, you know. When you tell them that and at the end of the taking over (принимать заказ) you tell them that maybe somebody would ……………. their mind and say: you know what I want to take me also entré e course I will take also this Shrimpf (креветка) or a talentenia??? with white truffle sauce or something like that.
So repeat that they know that they will have to ………. and watch this person eating and then everybody else will …… the main course. And this things like that. So. Right now we have taken the ………….. order, we have taken a ………. order, we have taken the …………order. You go to the ……………., you punch |pʌ ntʃ | пробиватьthe order in and you move on to the next …………. When the …………… are there you can always stop by |ˈ stɑ ː p baɪ | (заглянуть, забежать) на минуткуand …………… If everything is OK. Then the food is there. Make sure that you have prepared the ………….., for the steaks, steaks myself with a soup ……………. and things like that maybe your …………..??? Maybe your backup waiter (резервный дублирующий официант) will have to do that or maybe your busboy (официант, помощник официанта). I don`t know how is the system in your restaurant but anyway if ………….. is there you have to ………………. yourself, find time prepared because it`s really annoying when the soup is coming from the ………………. and the runners |ˈ rʌ nə r| ( бегун, посыльный)bringing you that dishes and the lady doesn`t have a soup spoon on the ……………….. and the soup stays there what is she gonna do? She is gonna get it.
Piece of maybe not be stuff (наестся, быть не голодным) but she is gonna get you mad and bader worse |wɜ ː rs| mood and things like that. And we want to …………………. those people in a good mood. So basically that is what means to take order from a table.