Аt a hotel. DiаlogueАt a hotel stay in/at a hotel – остановиться в гостинице book a hotel – заказать гостиницу per night – в сутки single/double room – комната на одного/двух человек suite – номер-люкс lobby – фойе porter – швейцар facilities – удобства и бытовые службы гостиницы luxury/luxurious– роскошь/роскошный Diаlogue Mrs Reyfield calls a hotel to book a room. She talks with the receptionist. Read the sentences in columns A and B and decide to which of them (Mrs Reyfield or the receptionist) the sentences in each column belong. Write the names in A and B. Put the sentences in the dialogue order. Прочтите предложения в колонках А и В и решите, кому принадлежат реплики в обеих колонках (миссис Рейфилд или работнику гостиницы). Напишите имена в А и В. Поставьте реплики в порядке диалога. A. · How long will you be staying? · It’s eighty four euro. · Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you? · Certainly. For what date, please? · So, Mr and Mrs Reyfield. Double room with a bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is · that correct? · Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. · What kind of room would you like, madam? · Will you give me the name, please? · Certainly, madam. Just a moment, please, I’ll check our room plan. Yes, we have a · room on the 4th floor with a splendid view. B. · Yes, that’s right. Thank you. · Fine. How much is the room per night? · Three nights. · Yes. I’d like to book a room, please. · That’s fine. · Er... double room with a bath. I’d like to have a room with a view of the lake. · Goodbye. · Mr and Mrs Reyfield, that’s R-E-Y-F-I-E-L-D. · March the 23rd. Голубев упр 5, 6 с 281-283 –выражения для подготовки диалога.