the present Progressive (Continuous) tense form
the present Progressive (Continuous) tense form
Formation: to be + ing: he, she, it islooking Spelling rules: 1. study – studying
we, they, you are look ing st ay – sta ying
I am look ing 2. clos e - clos ing
contracted forms: I’m, he’s, she’s, we’re, you’re, they’re, isn’t, aren’t
3. cut - cu tt ing
I am working. – Am I working? – I’m not working. prefer- preferring
He is working. – Is he working? – He isn’t working. comp el –compe ll ing (BE)
You are working. Are you working? You aren’ t working. trave l – trave ll ing (BE)
Questions: trave l – trave l ing (AE)
Isn’t he running? Who is running?
Why is(n’t) he running? Is he running or jumping? 4. t ie – t ying; l ie - l ying
He isn’t running, is he? – Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
He is running, isn’t he? – Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
The Present Progressive Tense Form is used to express (to denote/to describe)
an action going on at the moment of speaking (now, at the moment)
| an action going on at the present period of time(the moment of speaking not necessarily included)
(these days, this week, this semester, this year)
| an action, characterizing a person, bringing out her/his personal traits (a negative attitude of the speaker, a complaint) - emotional continuous
| a future action which will take place in the near future due to one’s personal decision; a future action regarded as settled
| a continual process (always, ever, constantly)
| another person’s individual habits to show that the activity takes place often and that the speaker thinks
it is worth commenting on and emphasizing (no
negative attitude of the speaker, no complaints)
| The coffee is boiling over!
I’m lookingfor my book.
| He is writing a book.
They are getting ready to move to their new house.
What are you doing this semester? – I’m writingmy thesis.
| always, ever, constantly
He’s always makinga fuss about nothing. (! )
(И вечно ты …)
A friend of mine is always complaining she’s broke, but she’s
always buying herself expensive clothes.
He’s always cancelingplans at the last minute.
| Are you dining out tonight?
I am sailing only next month.
He is having a meeting this afternoon.
| The earth is always moving.
The sun is ever shining.
| always
I’m always losing things.
We’re always singingtogether.
He’s always fixingmy computer.
She is always making us laugh. You know, she is always tellingjokes.
| 1) is used with stative verbs when they change their meaning:
e. g. Are you seeing her to night? (see = meet).
I’m seeingJohn now. (see = date)
He is just being silly.
(be = behave)
They are having a class.
(have + noun: a smoke, a bath, a walk, dinner, coffee, a party, trouble, a headache, a good holiday, a wonderful time)
2) with verbs of bodily sensation (feel, hurt, ache, itch + wear, look, seem, hope) –Present Indefinite or Present Continuous without any change in meaning.
You look good. You are looking healthy.
I feel sick. I’m feelingsick.
I’m hopingthey will be happy there. I hope you return from the war intact.
My foot hurts. My foot is hurting.
3) with stative verbs to show a great intensity of feeling:
I’m hatingthe city!
I’m likingmy new life very much.