


Случайная статья

Обязательно tobe + глагол с окончанием -ing)


                План описание картинки на ВПР                   7 класс
1. I'd like to describe picture number. ....... ( Ябыхотел(а) описатькартинкуномер... )
2. The picture shows... a girl/a boy/a woman/a man/a child/boys/girls/ city/ monument / house/ Big Ben /bridge/nature/landscape (Картина/фотопоказывает…. )
3. It was (probably) taken inside/ outside.

                                       (indoors / outdoors)

Возможно, онасделанавпомещении/наулице.
4. The action is taking place at school/at home/in the supermarket/in the park/in the gym/in the cafe/ in the city center/in the countryside (Действиепроисходит)

5 Looking at this girl/ boy/man /person I get the impression that the girl/boy/person /man is reading a book/playing on the computer/watching TV/cooking/playing tennis/playing hockey/watching video/flying on a plane/playing football/relaxing (ЧТОделаетчеловек!!!

Обязательно tobe + глагол с окончанием -ing)

Погода: It's raining. It's sunny.

6. The girl/boy looks like she/he is about.... years old.

7. The person looks nice. He/she has got dark(тёмные)/fair(светлые) hair. He/she has got brown/blue/green eyes. The girl/boy is wearing....... (a blouse, a skirt, a school uniform, a sweater, jeans, a cap, trainers....... ) (описаниемвнешность)
8. I guess she/he is quite and kind(clever and intelligent/funny and friendly.... )


9. I like picture because the atmosphere is peaceful/cheerful.
It reminds me of (напоминаетмнео ) school/summer / holidays /my trip to London /my granny / my friends/ my childhood.

10. This is all I wanted to tell you.

I'd like to describe picture number №1. The picture shows a girl.
It was taken indoors. The action is taking place in a classroom.
Looking at this girl I get the impression that the girl is sitting at the desk and writing. (I think she is doing her classwork. )
The girl looks like  she is about 7 years old. She looks nice.
She is short and slim. She has got long fair hair. She is wearing a school uniform.
I like picture because the atmosphere is cheerful. It reminds me of my school lessons.
This is all I wanted to tell you.



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