Your decision. Your declaration. When complete, please post or send by email to your GP practice. For GP Practice Use Only ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Your decision
I do notallow myidentifiable patient data to be shared outside of the GP practice for purposes except my own care. OR I do not allow the patient above’s identifiable patient data to be shared outside of the GP practice for purposes except their own care.
I do allow my identifiable patient data to be shared outside of the GP practice for purposes beyond my own care. OR I do allow the patient above’s identifiable patient data to be shared outside of the GP practice for purposes beyond their own care. Your declaration I confirm that: · the information I have given in this form is correct · I am the parent or legal guardian of the dependent person I am making a choice for set out above (if appliable)
When complete, please post or send by email to your GP practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For GP Practice Use Only