MEDIA LITERACY CHALLENGE. Magazine AnalysisСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ MEDIA LITERACY CHALLENGE Magazine Analysis First of all I want to say that I am not interested in magazines that specialized in fashion, celebrities, beauty advice and so on. There are too much advertising, gossips and information that interfere with the perception of the world. I know that such magazines are used only for entertainment but I prefer a little different. I decided to take really interesting and educational magazine “ National Geographic”. So let’s begin with its description. National Geographic is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society. It has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888, nine months after the Society itself was founded. It primarily contains articles about science, geography, history, and world culture. The magazine is known for its thick square-bound glossy format with a yellow rectangular border and its extensive use of dramatic photographs. The magazine is published monthly, and additional map supplements are also included with subscriptions. It is available in a traditional printed edition and through an interactive online edition. On occasion, special editions of the magazine are issued. The first issue of the National Geographic Magazine was published on September 22, 1888, nine months after the Society was founded. It was initially a scholarly journal sent to 165 charter members and nowadays it reaches the hands of 40 million people each month. I am sure that everyone are agree with me that this magazine capture readers attention with the help of amazing and unbelievable pictures. What about me I can look at pictures for a long time peering at every detail. They are so colorful and live that you cant pass by. When it comes to information that this magazine provides it is really educational and cognitive. This magazines provides the most interesting and exciting articles that are checked by experts for veracity and relevance. The magazine immediately attracts attention with its cover page, which contains the most interesting articles. Next is the content, grouped by topic, by interest, by heading. Next to the article, they write what it is about in order to interest the reader and orient him to read the facts and data that interest him. They write here not only about animals, there are colorful articles about various cities, plants, outdated nations, in general about the world, what happened, what is, and they predict what will happen. All scientific information processed by learned publicists and adapted for readers of various levels. Zoology, Botany, Physiology, Geography, Geology, Cultural Studies, Astronomy - all this is collected in one journal. Articles are written at the junction of these diverse sciences. Everything is read in one breath. Articles are supplemented with colorful pictures, diagrams and tables. The only minus for the scientific nature of this magazine is the abundance of advertising, but everything is clear that the magazine cannot exist without sponsors, and therefore everything should be placed on its pages.