International scientific conference of young scientists
State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University Humanities Institute Department of World History and International Affairs supported bythe city administration of Veliky Novgorod
“THE HANSEATIC LEAGUE: FROM ORIGINS TO RENEWAL” International scientific conference of young scientists September 23-24, 2021
Informational letter
We’d like to invite you to take part in the International scientific conference of young scientists hosted by Department of World History and International Affairs of Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Russia, Veliky Novgorod) that will be arranged at the Humanities Institute of Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University on September 23-24, 2021. It is planned to engage young teachers, researchers, postgraduates, master’s students, students of Russian and foreign universities to the conference. The key idea of this conference is to increase the number of researchers of Hanseatic issues and to extend their cooperation with the Baltic Center of NovSU. The conference is focused on issues of origin, typology and modification of the communication space connected to the activities of the Hanseatic League and the participation of Russian towns in it. The historic perspective of reports presented at the conference concerns the problems of the medieval and modern Hanseatic League, as well as the New Hanseatic League, presented by a number of Russian towns under the authority of Veliky Novgorod. The theme line of report includes economics, political and military history, social problems, history of civilization and everyday life. Freshness of issues, use of little-known sources and innovativeness of historical research are welcome.
Main guidelines of the conference: 1. Origins and genesis of the Hanseatic League. 2. Changing the trade focus of Veliky Novgorod: from Gotland to the Hanseatic League. 3. Lü beck as a head of the German Hanseatic League. 4. Communication system of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages and in the early Modern period. 5. Organizing of the Hanseatic trade. 6. Hanseatic product range in view of written and archaeological sources. 7. German mission in Veliky Novgorod: organizing, function, social character of its merchants, their relations with the Novgorodians and the Novgorod town administration. 8. Russian, Lithuanian and Livonian towns within Hanseatic goods exchange. 9. Trade politics of the Livonian Order. 10. Hanseatic-Russian cultural interaction. 11. Everyday life of Hanseatic people in Russian towns. 12. Legal framework of connections within the Hanseatic League.
Participation in the conference in presence and online (by using Zoom) form possible. The conference program for in presence-participants will include tours to the historic downtown of Veliky Novgorod and Antonovo (former Antoniev Monastery).
To take part in the conference please send an application (Annex 1) before August 1, 2021 via e-mail (conf_kvimo@mail. ru).
In the conference’s aftermath publication of the best reports in the electronic source book of the Russian Science Citation Index is planned. The organizing committee reserve the right to select reports for publication. Requirements for the materials style will be sent out after the conference. All conference participants will collect certificates. Personal invitations (on individual request) can be sent in early September 2021. In case of possible continuous epidemiological situation conferencing is supposed to be arranged in a Online-form.
Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the sending party.
Location of the organizing committee: Veliky Novgorod, Antonovo, 1. Humanities Institute, Department of World History and International Affairs, room 1230.
Annex 1.
Application for participation in International scientific conference of young scientists “The Hanseatic League: from Origins to Renewal”