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Method 1: Many believe that teachers are more influential in the development of children’s intellectual and social abilities, compared to parents. However, in my opinion, although teachers have certain impacts on this, it is the parents who play a bigger role. Method 2: Many believe that teachers are more influential in the development of children’s intellectual and social abilities, compared to parents. In my opinion, although parents have certain impacts on this, it is the teachers who play a bigger role. Admittedly, teachers can affect the growth of their students in terms of intelligence and social dexterity. In fact, students, especially young children, are highly sensitive to people’s behaviours around them. Therefore, when students are sent to school where they spend most of their time with their teachers, their development can be easily influenced by those teaching them. For instance, by attending group work assignments or creative games organized by their teacher, not only can students hone their interpersonal skills, such as team work or communication, but they can also boost their different kinds of intelligence, like problem solving or logical thinking. Admittedly, parents can affect the growth of their offspring in terms of intelligence and social dexterity. First, the children’s intellectual development can be affected by the way their mother or father chooses what to be included in their diet. Provided with ingredients that are beneficial for their brain, such as walnuts or oily fish, children are more likely to grow up smarter. Second, how much their social skills improve also depends on their parents’ personalities. For instance, it is likely that a child reared in a talkative and outgoing family will become sociable individuals in the future and better perform interpersonal skills such as communication. Nevertheless, the effect of parents on their children is much more significant than that of teachers. The first reason is parents are the one that children spend more time with, as opposed to teachers only teaching them in one-or-two years’ time. In other words, teachers, barely having any responsibility for the students having graduated and left school, can hardly have as great impacts on these young people as parents who are often by their side until they grow up. Also, unlike teachers who are in charge of looking after many students simultaneously, parents only have one or a few children to take care of. While parents are able to spend hours talking or solving puzzles with their children, which facilitates the betterment of these young people’s communication and critical thinking skills, it is hardly possible for teachers to do this with each of their students. Nevertheless, the effect of teachers on their students is much more significant than that of parents. Being sent to school where the majority of their time is spent without parents, most children nowadays are more influenced by their teachers as a result. Should teachers organize creative classroom activities such as puzzle solving games or group work assignments, their students’ mental abilities, such as critical thinking or problem solving, or social skills, like communication or teamwork can be significantly improved. In addition, there are many families in which not only are the parents busy working but they also lack teaching experience and methodology. Therefore, they can hardly boost their offspring’s smartness or communication abilities as effectively as the teachers. Method 1: In conclusion, despite undeniable impacts of teachers, what can define how intelligent and how good at social skills a child can be is his or her parents. However, it is essential for both of them to join hands for the sake of the comprehensive growth of children. Method 2: In conclusion, despite undeniable impacts of parents, what can define how intelligent and how good at social skills a child can be is his or her teachers. However, it is essential for both of them to join hands for the sake of the comprehensive growth of children.