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Studying online is more interesting than studying at school.
ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕЭССЕ! Полезный материал для написания ЭССЕ. To integrate technology into classroom learning. When technology is integrated into lessons at school, students will find those lessons more interesting. Live communication at school is more exciting Teacher’s live presence makes classes more fascinating The youth of today are not just educated in the traditional classroom setting, but also in more modern and less conventional ways by the Internet. It is clear that classroom teaching is still important in educating young people as it provides a different type of education to the material that they encounter online. Online learning is a new form of learning that helps a lot of students study comfortably at home. When technology is integrated into lessons at school, students will find those lessons more interesting. A virtual classroom allows learners to attend a lesson from anywhere in the world. Online learning is a new form of learning that has helped a lot of students study comfortably at home. One main drawback of online learning is that it does not allow face-to-face interaction. Online learning tools can promote a student’s independent learning. Studying online is more interesting because you have more freedom. You can study at your own pace and choose the resources that best meet your learning goals. Online classroom environment is a more exciting place as you can work in pairs and small groups without being interrupted by students from other groups. Other people find online classes boring as they do not see other students. As a rule, nobody wants to turn their web cameras on, and the lesson becomes less engaging. I disagree.... A lot depends on the teacher who can introduce a lot of fun activities into online classes. There is a whole bunch of apps that can be easily integrated with most tools for videoconferencing. If that school provided better educational materials, the students would be more interested in lifelong learning. If the teacher changed his teaching methods, he would make his lessons more interesting. One main drawback of online learning is that it does not allow face-to-face interaction. Nowadays, more and more people have access to online learning due to the proliferation of the Internet. Being computer-literate is very important in this digital era.
Positive development for students studying at home:
Distance learning courses provide flexible schedule. Young learners can choose their own learning environment. They do not have to travel to school, so they can save time as well. Students can study whenever and wherever they want. Learners can access to more choice of course topics. There is a wide range of information online, which helps children to learn any kinds of subjects that they are interested in and choose from a variety of online courses and programs. Technology makes lessons much more interesting. There are many learning resources such as animated videos and e-books.
Negative development for students studying at home:
Children are less motivated. There are awards and recognition for achievers in the class or university. This recognition and desire for achievement create intense enthusiasm. A lack of peer-and-teacher interaction is the main problem. Children can learn social skills through interaction with their classmates and teachers in school. Distance learning may lead to a lack of discipline.