Information letter ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 On April 20th, 2021 international art-project " Wings over Baikal" starts in the framework of environmental education. It is organized by “Zapovednoye Pribaikalye”, an Administration (www. baikal-1. ru) that consolidates management forces of some Baikal Specially Protected areas, most famous of it are Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve and Pribaikalsky National Park, it is aimed to save and protect the territories. Baikal is one of the UNESCO sites. One of the cleanest lakes in the world. Everyone has a right and an opportunity to visit it, to touch unique and amazing Baikal’s world, despite the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Let it do virtually! “Zapovednoye Pribaikalye” invites you to cooperation to show that distances andrestriction are not a trouble.
Do You love nature? birds? Maybe you have never been to Baikal and want to visit it. So the art-project is for you. Draw a bird, habitat in your living area. Sign yourfull zoological name. Send to “Zapovednoye Pribaikalye” by a post. The deadline is July 15th, 2021. And Your bird can be designed on international postcards as a result. Our post address for your pics: Russia, 664050, Irkutsk, St. Baikalskaya, 291B, Federal State Budgetary Institution " Zapovednoye Pribaikalye", Department of Environmental Education (marked " Wings over Baikal" ).
*Main terms and conditions: 1. Participant of any age and location - no restrictions no limitations. 2. Your strong desire to participate and actions. 3. Sending by post a drawn bird from your habitat(location where lives a participant) and sign birds’ name on additional sheet. 4. Don’t forget! The deadline is July 15th, 2021. Further, by the organizers of the project, the drawings of birds of all participants will be delivered to the territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park, where they will be photographed in natural landscapes. After that, these photos will be designed in the form of international postcards. Additionally: attention please!!! · the picture should be drawn as realistic as possible · picture size is10cm * 10cm on thick cardboard · don't bend the picture · write the full zoological name and /or if there is a local name - in a cover letter or on a piece of paper NOT in the picture · send the bird image and it sheet with name by post · write your actual residential address (Forwarding address) · write your e-mail and social networks contacts (Facebook, Instagram, telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, etc. ) ·