The Basketball Diaries ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The Basketball Diaries is a crime and a drama film based on true events. It is film adaptation(This film is an adaptation; It is an adaptation…) of the book by Jim Carroll. This film is about 4 (when you write an article, it`s better to write numerals in letters: “four”) boys who study in a high school and play basketball. They are dreaming about a great career. The main character, Jim Carroll, stands out among his friends. He writes diar i es about his life. He is also a funny and a cheerful person. But his bes t _friend, Bobby, die s . Jim was(is) very upset and depressed of the/his death and that’s why he begins to use drugs (if the narration is in present simple, all the actions should be expressed in present simple). At first it was a once a week, but then he begin to use narcotics(drugs) with his friends (переносчастипредложения) every day (narration in present simple! ). Only one of these boy s doesn’t want to lose everything, therefore he doesn’t use pill s or heroin. And(omit this conjunction) Jim, Pedro and Mickey are kicked out from school and the basketball team. They begin to deal with crimes. They can rip off a n old woman or a little shop. Jim can’t live without drugs, but he doesn’t have any money. Once he fall s asleep outdoors in a cold winter. His old friend looks after him and Jim is on the mend. But he relapses. Jim find s Mickey and they go for (want to get) a new dose, but the dealer cheats them. Then Jim go es to his mother to ask for some money and she call s to(no preposition in here) the police. In prison Jim are helped(Jim is given help) with his addiction. After the/his release, he tell s to(no preposition in here) the public about his life and addiction. He also write s and publish es the book about this story. This film is wery (very) amazing. I love it!!! !!! PRESENT SIMPLE RULES!!! HE SHE + Vs/es She goesto school every day IT