Table of Contents 22 страницаshare it with a guy. Nacho, as much as he could, took care of my comfort. With a double the sink was on one side of his belongings, on the other mine. It wasn't much, but it was enough to meet my basic needs. Face cream, body lotion, brush teeth and, surprisingly, my favorite perfume. I picked up the Lancô me bottle with interest Tré sor Midnight Rose and I looked at my reflection. How did he know I brushed my teeth and went to the shower. When I finished, I braided two matches braids and cremated my face. I wasn't going to paint myself, after all, not really I had something, and secondly I was in a place where there was a shadow of the chance that I would sunbathe a bit. There was a knock on the door, so I put on a bathrobe that hung next to the mirror and I approached them, dodging them. - We only have one bathroom. Nacho looked at me through the crack in the door. - And how I see one bathrobe. A wide smile danced on his lips. - Hurry up. I went back inside and finished what I was doing in a hurry. I went to the bedroom I got dressed and went down to the living room, passing the bathroom that was already taken by my torturer. The television was playing and a laptop was open on the glass bench. I listened for a few seconds and I thought that the sound of the water pouring in the shower had not stopped, making me sure I had moments. I ran to the computer and pressed the start button. I knocked nervously my fingers on the counter, as if I could speed up switching on. A request was displayed on the monitor for password. - Fuck have it! I snapped, slamming the screen. - It's delicate equipment. I heard behind my back and cursed me again. - Need something I turned towards Nach and froze - he was standing on the stairs naked and dripping with water. I should have looked away, but unfortunately I couldn't. I swallowed and felt it stop getting thicker. He covered his member with his right hand, holding it in his hand, and leaned with the other against a glass wall. I need something - these words rang in my head like a bell, I wondered what happens next. Will he go down, reveal his manhood and press it into my mouth, maybe fucks me on the kitchen counter on the back, so that I can admire these compelling tattoos. " You took my robe, " he said. And yet not! My mind just sold me a powerful leaf as a mental punishment betrayal of her husband. I couldn't help being a healthy young woman with libido raging through pregnancy and I like every other guy on earth. I completely ignored it what he said, and I kept staring at him. When I was silent, no tearing his eyes away from him, he laughed and turned away, climbing upstairs. At the sight of the tattooed a soft grunt escaped my buttocks, and prayers for strength to my voice resounded in my head
looking away. - I heard! He shouted, disappearing upstairs. I fell sideways onto a soft, light couch and covered my face with a pillow. I hated the fact that so many attractive guys suddenly appeared in my life. Or maybe it's pregnancy made everyone like me? It seemed impossible to me suddenly in the world almost all sexy and well-built men lived; what a drama After a while I got up and took the remote control. I switched channels and it dawned on me. My parents already knew what he was doing Massimo, unless in some mysterious way they did not notice my abduction and probably madness Black. I got up and sat down. The thought that came to my mind gave me a sham an advantage and a chance to negotiate. Plotting the plan, I heard footsteps on the stairs and cautiously, For fear of another bout of nudity, I didn't turn my head. Nacho, wearing shorts and a sweatshirt with a zipper, he sat next to it. " Let's talk, " I said. He buried his face in his hands. - Seriously? He replied. - Is there a topic we haven't covered? - He extended two fingers, without moving his hands away from his head, and he looked at me with amusement. - My parents already know what Massimo does. It probably seemed thanks to that you kidnapped me. I got up from the couch, threatening him with my finger. " Now give me a good reason for me. " she didn't tell your sister that you were killing people because the previous one had lost power. His hands changed position when he put them under his head and grinned, arranging on the sofa. - Continue. He snorted, barely suppressing laughter. - Or I have something better. He sat up energetically and grabbed the computer from the counter. He tapped out the password so quickly that even if I knew what he had written by pressing millions of keys, I wouldn't be able to keep up his fingers. - We'll call your mom. He turned the monitor that had the home page on it Facebook. - Log in and check for yourself what your parents know. - He moved closer to so close that I felt this fantastic fresh scent. - Will you risk it? I didn't know if he was bluffing, but he gave me a chance to talk to my mother and possibly reassuring her that I'm okay. I pressed a few keys, logging into my account, unfortunately, mother was offline. - As far as I know, before he put them on the plane, your husband gave them a good fairy tale, why didn't you say goodbye to them He turned the computer over again and logged me off, then turned it on off. - It wouldn't be good for him if panicked Klara Biel got involved in the whole matter police. He winked at me. - It's fun to talk, but I have to go. Remember not to inform too much my sister about our lives. - What does she know? " Basically everything but pregnancy, because I think he won't notice it. " - He knocked over eyes getting up. " But if only I really can't see her, and she will see this one. " microscopic belly, then stick to the agreed version. - He went out onto the terrace, coming back in a moment with a board under his arm. - Remember, we came by and that's why when you found out, you came here. Hi. " And how do you explain her disappearance, genius, when I leave? " - I asked, winking sweetly. He stopped halfway and put rainbow glasses on his nose. - I'll say you miscarried.
He grabbed the bag that stood next to the wall and left. I sat on the couch with a chin resting on her headrest, thinking about irrationality of the situation. Nacho had an answer to every question I had, worked out a plan in every detail. I wondered how long he was preparing the whole action. I came to the conclusion that probably for a long time, and for a change chased thoughts about my reason presence in his house. I slid down and lay down on my back, sighing heavily. Looking at the ceiling, I wondered what Massimo was doing. He probably already killed half the protection for not looking after me. Some time ago this thought would give me a heart attack, but now there was no longer anything in this world that would surprise me, frighten me or surprise me. How many times I can still be kidnapped and how many weird people will I meet? I stroked my stomach, which I thought was already gigantic. " Luca, " I whispered. - Dad will take us home soon, meanwhile we have holiday. At that moment there was a knock on the door, and then someone turned the lock and Amelia stood in the doorway. - Why do I knock, I have the keys. She hit her head on the head several times. - No. come where do you have your bag? - I do not have. - I winced. " Quite... I came unexpectedly. " - I touched shoulders. - Okay, come on. - She pulled my hand. - I've got glasses in the car sunglasses and we'll buy the rest for you on the spot.
CHAPTER 19 We left the apartment and went to the glass elevator, which took us a few floors down. We passed through the gigantic hall, almost all transparent, and passing by receptionist, we stood on the edge of the sidewalk. After a while, the young boy substituted a white BMW M6 at the entrance, got out of it and waited by the open door until Amelia took its place behind the wheel. The burgundy leather inside matched the light body perfectly, and the automatic one the chest made driving much easier. " I hate this car, " she said when we left. - It's so ostentatious, though Costa Adeje has more striking cars. She laughed, glancing at me. - For example my brother. Costa Adeje, I repeated after her in my head, where the hell is this? I looked around when we were riding along the picturesque promenade. Amelia told me about the family and how she lost her mother in a car accident. I found out he was twenty-five years old and Marcelo is ten years older than her. From her statements I concluded that only he partly knows the specifics of his father's business, and he has no idea what her brother is doing. She was a very open person, and she probably thought I was the love of Nacha's life, huh made her want to bring my family as soon as possible. She shuffled her feet when she spoke about the return of my father from the continent and spending New Year's Eve with family and friends. This to me she realized that since she knew when the principal of my abduction was coming back, her brother told me He lied. I nodded, not interrupting her, every now and then only throwing in a question because I had hope to find out more. " We're here, " she said, parking under one of the hotels. - I have an apartment on time, when Flavio leaves. I looked at her questioningly. - My husband went with his father, I like to be close to Marcel, and here I am the closest. She headed for the entrance. - There are rather surfers on the beach spartan conditions, so that I had to bring there two sunbeds and a few more things. - She touched shoulders. - Although we will look like tourists or groupies, but what do I care, my spine will break in a minute, I'm not going to sit on the ground. Walking through the entire hotel, we found ourselves in the garden and later on the boardwalk and finally on the beach. It's unbelievable, but the whole ocean along the shore calmly rippled, while on the several hundred-meter stretch of beach, the waves reached sky-high heights. Dozens of people sticking out of the water like a buoy, sitting on boards waiting for the perfect one a wave that will manage to carry them. There was something magical about this view: on the one hand the sun, on the other, the snowy peak of the Teide volcano towering over the island. Small people in small groups they sat on the beach, drank wine, laughed and smoked the grass, judging by the smell of thick sweat baby, with whom I associated the smell of cannabis. It wasn't difficult to predict where we would sit. Two huge, soft chairs they were set, thank God, slightly to the side. Next to it was a giant closed umbrella, table, a basket of food, a blanket, and I think a waiter who also served as a bodyguard - either vice versa. He was at least decent enough to take his place on the small fold-out an armchair that stood a meter behind the entire structure. He did not dress as officially as ours in Sicily, he had on wearing light linen pants and an unbuttoned shirt. When we approached, he waved to us and continued as I suppose he was looking at the ocean. It was hard to tell because it wasn't through the dark glasses I saw his eyes. " Good, " Amelia sighed, undressing and laying on her deckchair in her suit. - Are you tanning during pregnancy? I took off my shorts, surprised.
- Of course, I'm just covering my stomach. She dropped the scarf and looked at me from underneath glasses. - Pregnancy is not a disease, and I will get hormonal spots at most. - Why do you need this one? band? She asked, pointing to my ankle, which was something black broad eraser. - Long story and boring. I waved my hand and pulled off the whole outfit, putting myself on a soft pillow next to her. I looked to the right and realized he was staring at me with open mouth. Fuck, she noticed. - You're pregnant? - I was silent. - Is this Marcel's child? I put my finger in my mouth and started biting my nails. - That's why I'm here - I groaned and closed my eyes, thanking God for the dark glasses on nose. - We came by when he was in Poland, I found out that I was pregnant and when I told him about it, he kidnapped me to take care of us. When I finished speaking, bile flowed into my throat and I felt as if in a moment I throw up. I reached for a bottle of water to drink the feeling. Amelia sat with her mouth open, which after a moment turned into a wonderful one smile. - How wonderful! She shouted, jumping up. - Children will be the same age as is the month fourth? I nodded, not listening to her. - This behavior very much in the style of Marcel, he has always been responsible and caring. She nodded. - When we were children, always... At that moment in my head I could only hear the sound of the ocean, I looked at him blankly and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I missed black, I wanted him to hug me he flew and then never let him go again. Only with him did I feel safe and I just wanted to share the joy of pregnancy with him. Pretending not to be another man's woman I got pissed off every second. And even more irritated by the fact that I'm lying to someone as sweet as Amelia just to keep secrets from coming out. - There is also Marcelo! She exclaimed, pointing at something. I followed him and I saw a man getting up on a board. - The one in the terrible celadon gaiters. - She shuddered. They were in fact fatal, but they stood out from the rest in the water. Most of them was dressed in gray foam with long sleeves and up to the neck, while he was naked a colorful cage and glaring pants that allowed him to see him. He cut the waves and looked like he leaned on it with one hand, keeping his balance. His bent knees were like springs; he perfectly balanced his body, despite the fact that the wave behind him begins to break and close. Almost everyone else looked in awe and cheered when he finally jumped out up, grabbing the board with one hand. " I want to, too, " I whispered, dazed and delighted at the same time. - Today the waves are too big and I don't think Marcelo would allow you to learn during pregnancy, but always you can go paddle boarding. Even I do it sometimes, although I don't really like it salt water. I turned towards the ocean and saw a colorful bald man walking towards us side, holding the board under his arm. He looked awesome in tight pants and wet from water tattoos. Were it not for the fact that he was a kidnapper, a murderer, and I had a husband and I was pregnant, I would fall in love with him this second. - Hello girls! He tossed the board and came to me. I knew what he intends to do so that's why I shook off the amok in time and turned my face, his lips hit on my cheek. He grinned slyly and froze at my ear. " One, one, " he whispered,
and then he came to his sister. - Congratulations, dad! She hugged him, and when he looked at me, I shrugged apologetically shoulders. " I said you could see it, you didn't believe me, " I sighed and took another sip of water. " I'm so happy, we'll have children of the same age, " she chattered hired kissing him every now and then. - We should have a party when the father returns or better announce it on new year's eve. - She jumped up from her sunbed. - I'll take care of everything, we have little time, but we should be on time. I'm so happy. She pulled a phone out of her bag and walked away a few steps, sinking in conversation. - Who will tell her, me or you? I turned sideways and removed my glasses. - Or you know what your problem, so face it yourself. I gave him a hateful look. - How dare you so hurt my sister? He looked at me questioningly. - Yes, hurt you. Do you know what she's will survive when I... miscarry? Will I disappear later? He is already treating me like a family member, you are heartless. I turned on my back, facing the sun. " I kill people for money, " I heard a soft, quiet voice next to my ear. " There is no such thing as a heart in me, Laura. " - I turned my head and saw the look which I haven't seen in his performance yet. Now the man kneeling on the sand perfectly fit Massim's description. He was a cold, stubborn man with no conscience. - Sunbathe for another two hours, I swim and then we will come back home and not be any more you'll meet with Amelia. He took the board under his arm and went towards the water. When Amelia returned, I suggested for her good to postpone the party's plans on the occasion of conception. I explained that I have a sick heart and pregnancy is at risk at any time I can lose a child. She was very concerned about this, but she understood why I did not want to announce this whole world. I did not do the bald thing, I just wanted to spare my sister's profession, who seemed honest and loved to me. Nacho actually swam a good two more hours, and when the sun began to set, he threw the board on the sand next to us and wiped the body with a towel. - Will we have dinner together? Amelia asked, looking at her brother. " We have an appointment, " he said shortly. I was getting dressed and she was sitting on a deckchair wrapped in a thin blanket and looking at him dissapointed. I felt responsible for her dissatisfaction, while Bald should feel uncomfortable with the situation. Ignoring his sister's pout, he pulled his sweatshirt out of his bag, and threw her towards me. - Put it on, you may feel cold in the car. We said goodbye to Amelia and after walking her to the apartment we went to the parking lot by the beach. Nacho packed a board in the car of one of his colleagues and grabbed me wrist pulling the boardwalk. - Don't you take her home? - I have a choice, I'll take you or the board. I invite you - he said, opening to me car door. - What is this? - I stared at the most amazing car I've ever seen. - Corvette stingray from the sixty-ninth year, welcome. - Its slightly the irritated tone prompted me to get into the black gem. It was shiny, unique and had tires with white letters. In fact, Amelia was right in saying that her brother is more ostentatious car than her. He started the engine, and the vibrating sound roared so loudly I felt my bridge tremble. An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face that didn't
escaped Bald's attention. - What? A Sicilian probably rides a pedal ferrari? He raised his eyebrows in amusement and pushed the gas. There was a bubbling sound as we hurried down the narrow streets along promenade. It was getting dark outside, and I would be almost happy if it wasn't for the fact that I was not in this country, what you need, with not the man with whom I would like. I looked left at Nacha, whose head nodded to the beat I want to live in Ibiza Diego Miranda. The piece flowed smoothly and he tapped the beat on the steering wheel, singing a. Here is my torturer, kidnapper and murderer empathized with a delicate house piece he was hammering like me. It was amazing how you didn't like him I was scared. Even when he tried to be rude or even scary, all my subconscious she laughed at him. He entered the house and threw the bag to the floor at the entrance, then pulled out a towel and went out onto the terrace. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I sat at the counter, plucking grapes from a bowl. Amelia had such a huge appetite that our lunch lasted as long as it did Nacha swimming, so I couldn't fit anything else. - You lied to me, why? I said when I remembered what she had reported give me his sister in the car. He leaned against the counter in front, almost laid on it, and stared at me with a smile. - Which lie are you talking about? - And this is so many of them? I dropped the uneaten fruit into the dish. - Quite a lot, given the fact I do and the circumstances in which you found yourself here. " Amelia told me when your father returns. " Strange that you have no idea apparently you work for him?! I raised my voice and he smiled wider. - What do I need? are you deceiving, Marcelo? - Somehow I don't like it when you talk to me, I prefer Nacho. He turned to the fridge and opened it. - Yes, you'll be free in two days. - He looked at me. - Probably. - Probably? " You know, a volcano can always erupt and your Sicilian prince won't come here. " - He set a bottle of beer on the counter. - Or I'll kill him and stay with me forever. He took a sip and fell silent, squinting slightly. I looked at him completely confused as he sipped his liquid from time to time, staring exploring me. " Good night, " I said, pushing my chair back and walking toward the stairs. - You didn't say you didn't want to! He shouted and I didn't react. - Good night! I closed the bedroom door and leaned against it as if I wanted to lock my body possibility of entering the room. I felt my heart beating and my hands tingle in a strange way. What up is going on with me? I buried my face in my hands and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I wanted to cry, but my body definitely didn't feel like it. After a few minutes I turned around and went to shower. First I poured cold water, and when the strange feeling stopped, I washed and embalmed. I hurried away from the bathroom, not wanting to meet in it with Nach and slid under the covers, hugging the pillow. I lay in the dark for a long time thinking about my husband and remembering all his beloved moments with him. I wanted him to dream and it's best for me to open my eyes and see him. Steps. I was awakened by footsteps, or rather a gentle slamming of the floor under the influence of movement. I was afraid to open my eyes, although subconsciously I felt that Nacho was creeping into my bed. Before sleeping I dropped the blinds, so the room was completely dark. Boards gently
they slammed again and I froze, waiting for what he would do. After his evening confession, that kill Massim that I stay with him, I could expect what she wants from me. Half awake, I tried to figure out what I would do if my fears were confirmed and he would be in a moment put his hand in my panties. All the muscles in my body tensed when in deaf silence at night I heard his shallow breathing. He stood close. He stopped as if waiting for something and then I heard the sounds of struggle. Terrified, I jumped out of bed, pushing myself away from the sound source, and reached up with my hand bedside lamp on the other side. I flipped the switch but it didn't work. My heart was pounding to the rhythm of a speeding horse, as I slid off the bed and crawled on my knees until I touched wall. The sounds of the fight continued, and I had the impression that I would die in a moment. I felt my hand sliding closet door and I crawled into it, then sat under the hangers on the same finally and pulled my legs to my chest. I was afraid, and the worst part was that I had no idea what was going on It is happening. I rested my forehead on my knees and nodded rhythmically back and forth. Suddenly there was silence and then I saw the pale light of a small flashlight; I felt sick. - Laura! - Nacha scream almost made me cry. - Laura! I wanted to answer, but despite trying hard from my throat, he couldn't get it out no sound. Then the door slid, and slender arms grabbed me up. I cuddled up into his neck, drawing on a fresh scent, and my body began to tremble. - Heart pills, do you need one? He asked, seating me on the bed. I shook my head and looked at the room lit by the pale flashlight. He was demolished: a lamp was thrown, broken, candles scattered, a torn carpet, broken curtains and... - I looked at the floor at the exit to the balcony -... corpse. It started in my head rumble, and all the contents of the stomach came to her throat. I turned my head and started to vomit; I felt sick and sick, I had the feeling that I was dying. After a while convulsions stopped, and I almost dead I fell on the pillow. Nacho grabbed the blanket and when he wrapped my semi-conscious body around him, he grabbed my wrist, by measuring your heart rate. Later, he put both his hands under me and lifted me down, where he switched several the light flashed again. - It's okay. His arms wrapped me around again, giving the appearance of security. " He... is dead, " I said, sobbing. - Dead. His hands stroked my hair, and my lips kissed my head when on my lap he nodded gently. " He wanted to kill you, " he whispered. - I don't know if there are more, they turned off the alarm, I have to get you out of here. He got up and put me on the counter. - You will go to Amelia, you tell her that we had a fight and I will come for you when I know what's going on. Her father's protection is guarding her around the clock, and nobody will look there. Hi! - He grabbed mine face to hands when I didn't respond. " I told you I was so that nothing would happen to you. " I'll be back. I wanted to stop him, but I didn't have enough strength to make him stay. I thought I was still asleep, and everything that happened was just a bad dream that was about to happen end. I turned and laid on my side, hugging my face against the cold counter. After mine cleansing tears flowed down his cheeks and his breathing grew steadily. After a few minutes Nacho came back dressed in a dark tracksuit, and before he zipped up his sweatshirt, I saw under it braces and two guns. I lay there dead just moving my eyes when he frustrated, he tried to utter a word from me. - Laura, you're shocked, but it will pass. A cry of helplessness escaped his throat. - You won't reach my sister in this state. Come! He grabbed my arms again
and wrapped in a blanket he took out of the apartment, then slammed the door behind us. When we were going down to the garage, he put me down and leaned against the wall, and unbuttoned his sweatshirt himself and unlocked the weapon. After making sure the road was safe, he took me in his arms again and putting it on the seat, he fastened the seat belt. The engine roared and the car burst forward. I don't know how long we went, I heard that Bald talked on the phone several times, but Spanish was as foreign to me as Italian, so I had no idea what it was about conversation. Every few minutes, he checked my heart rate and brushed my hair away from my face to see if I was alive. Because I definitely had to look like a dead person without blinking my eyes and looking blankly at the steering wheel. - Come to me. He lifted me out of the passenger seat and started walking. At first I saw only the sand, then the ocean, and when it turned - a small standing house almost on the beach. He climbed three steps and after a while we were inside; I closed eyes. I felt him put me on a soft mattress, and soon his arm was hugging me. I fell asleep. - Make love to me. The sound of his whisper was like an invitation. - Make love to me