MINOBRNAUKI OF RUSSIA. Federal State Budget Educational. Institution of Higher Education. (FSBEI HE “ISU”). Historical Faculty. Certificate of knowledge of the … language. Place: Russia, Irkutsk, Irkutsk State University ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
MINOBRNAUKI OF RUSSIA Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University” (FSBEI HE “ISU”) Historical Faculty Certificate of knowledge of the ……… language Issued to the 2nd year student ……………. , studying at the bachelor 41. 03. 05 «International relations», gr. 07…. 1-DB of the faculty of history of Irkutsk State University. Knowledge: I. Understanding: £ Understands speaking and lectures easily £ Understands almost everything, if they speak slowly and clearly £ Understands with difficulty; need repetition and translation £ Does not understand speaking and lectures
II. Speaking: £ Speaks quickly, correctly and clearly £ Speaks clearly, but not quite correctly and quickly £ Speech is stumbling, with mistakes £ Cannot speak the language III. Writing: £ Writes quickly and correctly £ Writes with difficulty, with lots of mistakes £ Does not own written language
IV. Reading: £ Reads quickly with reading comprehension £ Reads slowly, but understands the general meaning of the text £ Has difficulty understanding the text £ Does not understand simple text Examiner: Position: lecturer Date: 09. 06. 2020 Place: Russia, Irkutsk, Irkutsk State University