My future. Girls' Brigade. Woodcraft Folk. Girl Guides. The Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade. Images posed by models. Some names have been changed. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 My future I’m 16 now and I still go to all the groups. I am starting my Queen's Award soon, for which I’ll do loads volunteer work. All the experience I’ve gained looks really good on my CV and I’ve recently got my first job - the employer talked more about my Girls’ Brigade experience than anything else, saying it showed I could be trusted. I’m sharing my story with you because I want to show others just how rewarding youth groups can be and to encourage those who do go, never to stop because of the taunting. These are experiences that will last me a lifetime. Info on Youth Groups: Girls' Brigade Woodcraft Folk Girl Guides The Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade Images posed by models. Some names have been changed. I soon started Young Leader Training where I helped look after over around 30-40 young girls in the younger age groups. I lead them in crafts and games – it was great! At 15 I joined the London massed bugle band and since then I’ve performed at two London marathons, the Lord Mayor show and Horse Guard Parades, plus at other major events too. People may call me sad that I do these things, but they were green with envy when I was given a once in a life time experience… when I was asked to represent Girl's Brigade at Buckingham Palace! The event was an actual garden party at the palace and when I was there I met Boris Johnson (major of London), the duchess of Cornwall and even Prince Charles! This was all thanks to going to a youth group. I’m 16 now and I still go to all the groups. I am starting my Queen's Award soon, for which I’ll do loads volunteer work. All the experience I’ve gained looks really good on my CV and I’ve recently got my first job - the employer talked more about my Girls’ Brigade experience than anything else, saying it showed I was a serious person.
2. How did being a member of the youth organisation help Mary?