ANSWERS: A-5, B-6, C-2, D-7, E-3, F-1 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10 ANSWERS: A-5, B-6, C-2, D-7, E-3, F-1 The Minack Open Air Theatre is in one of the most beautiful settings anywhere in the world, perched high on golden cliffs above the turquoise sea. It was originally constructed in the 1930sby Rowena Cade, who lived in the house just behind the theatre. The girl who enjoyed a privileged upbringing built this famous theatre with her own hands. She worked every winter in all sorts of weather until she was well in her eighties. When she died, just before her ninetieth birthday, she left sketches suggesting how the Minack Theatre might be covered on rainy days. Unfortunately, there has never been sufficient cash to implement her plans. The first performance held in the theatrewas " The Tempest" in 1932. The stage was lit mainly by batteries and car headlights. As the moon shone across the water below, the Minack Theatre came magically alive for the first time…