CHAPTER I1. They had escaped, but they weren’t safe. Kira checked the ship’s records, unable to believe that none of the Jellies or the nightmares had overtaken them. One of the Jellies had headed after the Wallfish a bit over an hour ago, closely followed by the two remaining nightmares. The three ships had been only minutes away from opening fire on the Wallfish by the time it transitioned to FTL. In order to leave Bughunt as quickly as possible, the Wallfish had executed a hot jump, transitioning to FTL without taking the time to properly cool the ship. To do so would have required shutting off the fusion drive for the better part of a day. Hardly practical with hostile ships so close behind. Even with the drive extinguished, the heat radiating from it—as well as the thermal energy contained within the rest of the Wallfish’s hull—would quickly build up to intolerable levels inside the Markov Bubble. Heatstroke would become a very real risk, and soon afterward, equipment failure. Kira could already hear the life-support fans running harder than normal. It wouldn’t be long before the Wallfish would have to drop back into normal space. But it almost didn’t matter. Whether in subluminal or superluminal space, the ships chasing them were faster than any human-built vessel. They’d escaped, but it still looked like the Jellies and the nightmares would catch them. And when they did, Kira had no illusions of what would happen next. She couldn’t see how they were going to get out of the situation. Maybe Falconi or Gregorovich had an idea, but for herself, Kira thought the only option would be to fight. And she had no confidence in her ability to protect the crew, much less herself, if more of the xeno-like nightmares attacked. Her throat tightened, and she forced herself to take a breath, calm herself. The Wallfish wasn’t taking fire. It wasn’t being boarded. Better to save her adrenaline for when that was actually the case. … She had just started for the door when the bell-like tone sounded again. So soon? Was something wrong with the Wallfish? Out of instinct born of far too many trips on spaceships, she reached for the handhold next to the desk. The stump of her arm swung past the hold, missing it. “Fuck. ” Momentum nearly spun her around, but Kira managed to catch the hold with her left hand and stabilize her position. A faint tingle passed across her skin, as if the electrical charge of the air had increased. She realized they’d just dropped back into normal space. Then a thrust warning rang out, and she felt the wall press against her as the Wallfish turned and then began to burn in a new direction. “Ten minutes until next jump, ” said Gregorovich in his warbling whisper. Kira hurried straight to Control. Falconi, Nielsen, and Hawes glanced at her as she entered. The lieutenant was pale and hard-faced. If anything he looked worse than the previous day. “What’s going on? Why did we stop? ” said Kira. “We’re changing course, ” said Falconi. “Yes, why? We just left the system. ” He gestured at the ever-present holo in the center of the room. It showed a map of Bughunt. “That’s the point. The Jellies are jamming the whole area, and we’re still inside the jamming. That means no one saw us drop out of FTL, and since the light from the Wallfish will take over a day to get back to Bughunt—” “No one knows we’re here, ” said Kira. Falconi nodded. “For the time being, no. FTL sensors can’t pick up sublight objects, so the assholes chasing us aren’t going to see us when they fly past, not unless—” “Not unless, ” said Nielsen, “we’re really unlucky and they decide to drop back into normal space to take a look. ” Hawes scrunched his forehead. “They shouldn’t, though. They don’t have any reason to. ” Falconi gave Kira a look from under his brows. “That’s the idea at least. We wait for the Jellies and the nightmares to go by, and then we blast off in a different direction. ” She frowned, mirroring Hawes’s expression. “But … won’t they pick us up on their instruments as soon as we leave the jamming? ” “Shouldn’t, ” said Falconi. “I’m guessing the Jellies don’t want the rest of the nightmares to know about you, the Staff of Blue, or anything else at Bughunt. If I’m right, the Jellies following us are going to keep up their jamming, which means they’ll be limited to short-range observations in FTL. ”
Kira was doubtful. “That’s an awfully big guess. ” He nodded. “Sure is, but even if the Jellies drop their jamming … You know anything about FTL sensors? ” “Not really, ” she admitted. “They’re pretty crap. Passive ones have to be big, real big to be effective. Not something most ships can haul around. Active are even worse, and it’s active we have to worry about. Range is only a few light-days at best, which isn’t much at the speeds we’re traveling, and they aren’t particularly sensitive, which is a problem if you’re trying to detect Markov Bubbles, since the bubbles have such a low energy state. Plus … Hawes, why don’t you tell her? ” The lieutenant never took his eyes off the display as he spoke, his words slow and deliberate. “The UMC found that the Jelly sensors are about twenty percent less effective directly behind their ships. Probably because their shadow shield and fusion drive get in the way. ” Falconi nodded again. “Odds are the nightmares have the same issue, even if they don’t use a shield. ” He brought up an image in the holo of the three ships chasing them. “Once they’re past us, they’re going to have trouble detecting us—assuming no jamming—and every minute is going to make it that much harder. ” “How long until they realize the Wallfish isn’t in front of them? ” Kira asked. He shrugged. “No idea. Best-case scenario, a couple of hours. Worst case, sometime in the next thirty minutes. Either way, it should still be enough time to get out of their FTL sensor range. ” “And then what? ” A flicker of sly cunning crossed Falconi’s face. “We take a random walk, that’s what. ” He jerked his thumb toward the aft of the ship. “The UMC gave us more than enough antimatter to fly to Bughunt and back. We’re using the spare to make a few extra hops, changing course each time, to throw off anyone trying to follow us. ” “But, ” said Kira, trying to visualize the whole arrangement in her head, “they can still flash trace us, right? ” Gregorovich cackled and said, “They can, O my Inquisitive Mammal, but ’twill take time—time that will allow us to make our most hasty retreat. ” Falconi tipped a finger toward the speakers in the ceiling. “With each jump, it’ll be harder and harder for the Jellies and the nightmares to track us. This isn’t like the trip out here. We’re not going to be dropping out of FTL at regular intervals in what was pretty much a straight-shot flight. ” “We took precautions, ” said Hawes, “but nothing as extreme as this. ” Nielsen said, “Once we’re out of sensor range, the Jellies won’t be able to predict when we go sublight. And if they miscalculate even one trajectory or miss even one jump—” “They’ll end up waaay off, ” said Falconi with a satisfied grin. “The Wallfish can cover almost three-quarters of a light-year in a day. Think how long you’d have to wait on a flash trace if you were off by even a few hours on one of our jumps. It could take days, weeks, or even months for the light to reach you. ” “So we’re actually going to make it, ” said Kira. A grim smile appeared on Falconi’s face. “Seems like it. Once we’re out far enough, the chances of any of ’em finding the Wallfish, even by accident, are going to be pretty much nil. Hell, unless they track us to our last jump, they won’t even know which system in the League we’re aiming for. ” The pressure pushing Kira against the wall ceased, and she had to hook the stump of her arm through a handhold to keep from drifting across the room. Then the jump alert echoed forth again, and again she felt the strange tingle pass across her skin. “And which system would that be? ” she asked. “Sol, ” said Nielsen.
2. The second jump was longer than the first: forty-three minutes to be precise. While they waited, Kira went with Hawes to talk with Itari. “You okay? ” she asked as they left Control. He didn’t meet her gaze. “Fine, thanks. ” “Akawe seemed like a good captain. ” “Yeah. He was. And he was crazy sharp. Him and Koyich. … There were a lot of good people on the Darmstadt. ” “I know. I’m sorry about what happened. ” He nodded, accepting the condolences. “Is there anything you don’t want me to say? ” Kira asked as they neared the airlock with the Jelly. The lieutenant considered. “It probably doesn’t matter at this point, but whatever you know about Sol, the League, or the UMC, keep it to yourself. ” She nodded, lightly pushing against the wall to keep herself centered in the corridor. “I’ll try. If I’m not sure about something, I’ll check with you first. ” Hawes nodded. “That should work. We’re mostly interested in the Jellies’ military—placement of troops, tactics, future plans, et cetera—as well as their technology. Also details on why exactly this group of Jellies wants to join forces with us. So, politics, I guess. Anything else you can dig up would be a bonus. ” “Got it. ” At the airlock, Kira saw Itari floating near the back wall, its tentacles wrapped around itself in a protective embrace. The alien stirred and looked out with a single glossy eye from between a pair of tentacles. Curiosity. To be expected in any sentient organism, but Kira still found it intimidating. The intelligence lurking within the Jelly’s eye was a constant reminder that they were dealing with a creature just as capable as any human. Probably more so given its armored carapace and many limbs. Hawes spoke with the Marines stationed on either side of the airlock—Sanchez and another man Kira didn’t recognize—and they opened the door, allowed Kira and the lieutenant inside. Kira moved to the front; Hawes stayed behind her and to the right. [[Kira here: We would like to ask you questions. Will you answer them? ]] The Jelly rearranged its tentacles as it settled on the deck in front of them, holding itself in place with its suckers. [[Itari here: Speak, two-form, and I will answer as best I can. ]] First things first: definitions of terms. [[Kira here: Why do you call us two-forms? Do you mean…]] And she stalled out, unable to think of the Jelly word for male or female or even for sex. [[… do you mean like us? ]] She motioned from herself to Hawes. Nearscent of respectful disagreement. [[Itari here: No. I mean the form you have and the form that lives in your spaceships. ]] Of course. [[Kira here: Our ship minds? ]] [[Itari here: If that is what you call them, then yes. They give us much difficulty when we board your shells. Our first goal is always to disconnect or destroy them. ]] When Kira translated for Hawes, he snorted, darkly amused. “Good. At least they’ve learned to be scared of the minds. ” “As they should be, ” Gregorovich whispered from the ceiling. Hawes gave the speakers an annoyed glance. “This is classified, Gregorovich. Butt out. ” “And this is my ship, ” Gregorovich answered, deadly quiet.
Hawes grunted and didn’t argue the point. The Jelly shifted, a wash of reddish-pink moving across its tentacles. [[Itari here: We wonder, what relation do your ship minds have to your current forms? The one you call]]—and it produced a jumble of scents that, with some difficulty, Kira realized was the Jelly’s attempt to reproduce Tschetter’s name—[[Tschetter refused to discuss the subject. Are the minds subordinate to your form or are they senior? ]] Kira checked with Hawes, and he gave her the go-ahead. “Might as well tell it a bit, ” said the lieutenant. “Reciprocity has to be worth something, right? Their civilization wouldn’t work otherwise. ” “Maybe, ” Kira said. She didn’t feel confident of anything when it came to an alien society. [[Kira here: Ship minds begin as one of us. We have to decide to become a ship mind. It does not happen on its own. A ship mind often knows and understands more than we do, but we do not always take orders from them. That depends on what position or authority the ship mind has. And not all ship minds are in ships. Many exist elsewhere. ]] The Jelly seemed to chew on that for a while. [[Itari here: I do not understand. Why would a form that is larger and more intelligent not be your shoal leader? ]] “Why indeed? ” asked Gregorovich when Kira repeated the Jelly’s words. And he chuckled. She struggled to answer. [[Kira here: Because … every one of us is different. Among our kind, you have to earn your position. It is not given to you just because you were born or built with certain traits. ]] More definitions of terms, then: [[By forms you mean bodies, yes? ]] [[Itari here: Yes. ]] For once the Jelly had said something expected. Kira wanted to continue that line of questioning, but Hawes had other ideas. “Ask it about the Soft Blade, ” he said. “Where does it come from? ” The nearscent of the Jelly thickened, grew sharper, and conflicted colors rolled across its skin. [[Itari here: You ask for secrets we do not share. ]] [[Kira here: I am a secret. ]] She gestured at herself, at the Soft Blade. [[And the Corrupted are chasing us. Tell me. ]] The Jelly rolled and twisted its tentacles, one around another. [[Itari here: Many cycles ago, we discovered the works of the Vanished. It was their makings that allowed us to swim through space, both slower and faster than light. Their makings that gave us weapons to fight. ]] [[Kira here: You found these … makings on your homeworld? ]] Nearscent of confirmation. [[Itari here: Deep on the Abyssal Plain. Later, we found more remnants of the Vanished floating around a star counterspin to our homeworld. Among those findings were the Idealis, including the one you now are bonded with. It was that which began the war that led to the Sundering. ]] How much of their technology did the Jellies actually invent? she wondered. [[Kira here: Who are the Vanished? Are they Wranaui? ]] [[Itari here: No. They swam long before us, and we do not know where they went or what happened to them. If not for them, we would not be what we are, so we give praise to the Vanished and their makings. ]] [[Kira here: But their makings led to war. ]] [[Itari here: We cannot blame the Vanished for our own failings. ]] Hawes made notes while Kira translated. He said, “So it’s confirmed: there were or are at least two other advanced civilizations in this area of the galaxy. Great. ” “Sentient life isn’t as rare as we thought, ” said Kira. “That’s not exactly a good thing if we’re at the bottom of the pecking order. Ask if any of the Vanished are still around. ” The response was quick and definitive: [[Itari here: None that we know of, but always we hope. … Tell me, Idealis, how many makings of the Vanished have you found? ]] The bite of avid desire flavored the alien’s words. [[There must have been a great number in your system for you to spread so quickly. ]] Kira frowned and again checked with Hawes. “They seem to think—” “Yeah. ” “Should I mention the Great Beacon? ” The lieutenant thought for a second. “Okay. But don’t give away its location. ” With some trepidation, she said, [[Kira here: We have found one of the Vanished’s makings. I think. We found … a large hole that emits lowsound farscent at regular intervals. ]] A burst of reddish satisfaction spread across the Jelly’s skin. [[Itari here: You speak of a Whirlpool! One as yet unknown to us, for we keep close watch on all makings of the Vanished. ]] [[Kira here: Are there more Whirlpools? ]] [[Itari here: Six that we know of. ]] [[Kira here: What purpose do they serve? ]] [[Itari here: Only the Vanished could say. … But, I do not understand. Our scouts have not scented a Whirlpool in any of your systems. ]] She cocked her head. [[Kira here: That is because it is not in one of our main systems, and because we only found it a few cycles ago. The Vanished’s makings have not helped us learn how to fight or swim through space. ]] Itari went a dull grey, and its tentacles knotted in on themselves, as if it were rubbing its hands together—hands with fingers that were far too long and flexible. The alien seemed unreasonably perturbed. Even its scent changed, growing bitter and almondy. (Was that arsenic she was smelling? ) “Navá rez? ” said Hawes. “What’s going on? Talk to me. ” As Kira opened her mouth, the Jelly said, [[Itari here: You lie, Idealis. ]] [[Kira here: I do not. ]] And she impressed the nearscent of sincerity upon her words. The Jelly’s agitation increased. [[Itari here: The Vanished are the source of all wisdom, Idealis. ]] [[Kira here: Wisdom can come from within as well as without. Everything my kind has done, we have done on our own, without help from Vanished, Wranaui, Idealis, or any other form or kind. ]] With a wet, sticky stound, Itari let go of the deck with its suckers and started to push itself around the airlock, as if it were swimming in circles. It was, Kira thought, the Jellies’ version of pacing. Out of the corner of her mouth, she said, “The idea that we invented all our technology ourselves seems to be a bit disturbing to our friend here. ” Hawes smirked. “Score one for humanity, eh? ” The Jelly stopped and turned its tentacles toward Kira, pointing them at her as if they had eyes on the tips. [[Itari here: Now I understand. ]] [[Kira here: Understand what? ]] [[Itari here: Why it has been the plan—since first we scented your kind after the end of the Sundering—to destroy your conclaves once we reached a ripple of appropriate strength. ]] A splinter of unease burrowed into Kira. She resisted the urge to fidget in response. [[Kira here: Have you changed your mind? Do you agree with that plan? ]] The scent equivalent of a shrug. [[Itari here: Were it not for the Corrupted, yes. But circumstances are not what they were or will be. ]] “Did it really say that? ” asked Hawes. “Really? ” Bemused, but not in a pleasant way, Kira said, “It doesn’t seem worried about how we might react. ” The lieutenant scrubbed his fingers through his short-cropped hair. “So … what? The Jellies think xenocide is normal? Is that it? ” He was very young, Kira suddenly thought. No STEM shots for him. He couldn’t have been older than his midtwenties. Still just a kid despite all the responsibility the military had given him. “Could be, ” she said. He gave her a worried look. “How is peace ever going to work then? Long term, that is. ” “I don’t know. … Let me ask a few more questions. ” He gestured toward Itari. “Go for it. ” Returning her attention to the Jelly, she said: [[Kira here: Tell us of the Sundering. What was it exactly? ]] [[Itari here: The greatest struggle of our kind. Arm fought against Arm in an attempt to control the makings of the Vanished. In the end, the makings nearly destroyed us. Entire planets were left uninhabitable, and it took us many cycles to rebuild and regain our strength. ]] “Say, ” Hawes remarked, “do you think the Sundering explains why we haven’t seen any signals from the Jellies over the past hundred years? If they got knocked back and had to rebuild their tech, the light might not have had time to reach us. ” “Could be, ” Kira said. “Mmm. The brass back home are going to love this. ” Now they were coming to the crux of the matter. [[Kira here: Much of the destruction during the Sundering was caused by Corrupted, yes? ]] Again, nearscent of confirmation. [[Itari here: It was they that brought about the greatest calamities of the war. They that marked the darkest days of the conflict. And they that woke one of the beings you call the Seeker from its sleep. ]] [[Kira here: And how were the Corrupted stopped? ]] [[Itari here: Few records survived from the Sundering, so we do not know exactly how. But we know this much: the colony where the Corrupted first emerged was blasted out of existence by an impact from above. The seabed is cracked, and all forms of life on the planet are now gone. Some of the Corrupted swam into space, and those spread much as they are now spreading, and it was only with many resources and great effort that we killed them. ]] Queasiness formed in her stomach, and it wasn’t just from the weightlessness. [[Kira here: Do you think we can stop the Corrupted now? ]] The Jelly’s tentacles flushed with a deep purple. [[Itari here: You and the rest of your co-forms? No. Nor do we believe the Wranaui can. Not alone. These Corrupted are stronger and more virulent than those of the Sundering. We must fight them together if we are to have any hope of success. Know this, Idealis: to stop the Corrupted, every cell in their bodies must be obliterated or else they will grow anew. That is why we sought the Staff of Blue. It had the power to command the Idealis and more besides. With it, we could have broken the Corrupted. Without it, we are weak and vulnerable. ]] “What’s wrong? ” Hawes murmured. “You’ve gone all green about the gills. ” “The nightmares…” Kira started to say, and then paused, tasting acid. Right then, she didn’t want to reveal her part in creating the Maw to the lieutenant or to the UMC at large. It would come out eventually, but she couldn’t see how the truth would make any difference to the League’s response. They needed to kill the nightmares. What else mattered? “The nightmares come from the Vanished, ” she said, and translated the rest of Itari’s words. The lieutenant scratched at his neck. “Well that’s not good. ” “Nope. ” “Don’t count out the UMC, ” he said with false confidence. “We’re damn good at killing things, and we’ve got some real geniuses back home figuring out new ways of dealing out death. We’re not out of the fight by a long shot. ” “I hope you’re right, ” said Kira. He fiddled with a UMC logo patch on his sleeve. “What I don’t understand is, why are we seeing nightmares now? They’ve been around for a while, yeah? So what triggered them? You finding the xeno? ” She shrugged, uncomfortable. “The Jelly didn’t say. ” Technically it was true. “Has to be, ” the lieutenant muttered. “Doesn’t make sense otherwise. Signal goes out, then…” His expression shifted. “Say, how did Tschetter’s Jellies know to show up at Adra when they did? Were they keeping an eye on the system, in case anyone found the xeno? ” [[No, ]] Itari said in response. [[That would have attracted attention we did not want. When the reliquary was breached, lowsound farscent was released, and after it reached us, we sent our ship, the Tserro, to investigate. ]] Kira said, “Should I get some details on who exactly this we is? ” Hawes nodded. “Good idea. Let’s find out who we might be forming an alliance with. ” [[Kira here: The ones you serve, the ones who want to form a … shoal … with our leaders, do they have a name? ]] Nearscent of confirmation. [[Itari here: The Knot of Minds. ]] From the Soft Blade came an image of tentacles gripping and intertwining, and with that a sense of close trust. And Kira understood that a knot was a form of group bonding among the Jellies, one that signified a joint—and unbreakable—cause. Itari was still talking: [[The Knot was formed to protect the secret of Shoal Leader Nmarhl. ]] A thrill of recognition passed through her at the name. She remembered Nmarhl from one of the memories the Soft Blade had shown her when she was investigating the computer system on the Jelly ship, back at 61 Cygni. And she again recalled the unusual fondness the xeno seemed to have for the shoal leader. [[Kira here: And what was that secret? ]] [[Itari here: The location of the Idealis, which Nmarhl hid at the end of the Sundering. ]] Kira had so many questions, she didn’t know what to ask first. [[Kira here: Why did Nmarhl hide the Idealis? ]] [[Itari here: Because the shoal leader failed in its attempt to seize control of the Arms. And because hiding the Idealis was the only way to protect it and to protect us from further Corruption. If this Idealis had been in use, the Sundering could easily have been the end of the Wranaui. ]] Kira took a moment to process that and to translate for Hawes. “You remember this shoal leader? ” the lieutenant asked. She nodded, keeping her eyes on Itari. “A bit. It was definitely joined with the Soft Blade at some point. ” Hawes motioned for her to look at him. “Let me get this straight. The Knot of Minds tried to stage a coup back during the Sundering—whenever that was—and now they’re trying to do the same again? ” When he put it that way, it didn’t sound so good. “That’s what it looks like, ” Kira said. “So what was their justification back then, and what’s their justification now? ” The Jelly’s response was swift: [[Itari here: Our reason was and is the same: we believe there is a better current to follow. The one we are caught in now can only lead to the death of Wranaui everywhere, in this ripple and others. ]] [[Kira here: Then, if you succeed in replacing your leadership, is there one among the Knot of Minds who will scent for the Wranaui? ]] The Jelly was slow to answer. [[Itari here: That will depend on those whose patterns survive. Mdethn may, perhaps, be fitted to the task. Lphet, also, but the other Arms would dislike answering to one who followed the heresy of the Tfeir. Either way, it would be difficult for any of the Wranaui to replace the great and mighty Ctein. ]] At that name, and at that phrase, a line of ice poured down Kira’s spine. Flashes of images from her dreams filled her head: a vast bulk rooted amid the Abyssal Conclave; a huge, scheming presence that saturated the water with its pungency. [[Kira here: Is Ctein a name or a title? ]] [[Itari here: I do not understand. ]] [[Kira here: Are all your leaders called Ctein, or is it the name of just one? ]] [[Itari here: There is but one Ctein. ]] “It can’t be, ” she murmured, fear prickling the back of her neck. [[Kira here: How old is Ctein? ]] She had to stop herself from adding the phrase “the great and mighty. ” [[Itari here: The wise and ancient Ctein has guided the Arms since the last cycles of the Sundering. ]] [[Kira here: How many cycles around your sun has that been? ]] [[Itari here: The number would mean nothing to you, but Nmarhl placed the Idealis within its keeping place when your kind were first venturing off your homeworld, if that gives you an idea. ]] She did the math in her head. Over two and a half centuries. [[Kira here: And Ctein has ruled the waters for all that time? ]] [[Itari here: And longer. ]] [[Kira here: All in the same form? ]] [[Itari here: Yes. ]] [[Kira here: How long do Wranaui live? ]] [[Itari here: That depends on when we are killed. ]] [[Kira here: What if … you aren’t killed? How long would it take you to die from old age? ]] Nearscent of understanding. [[Itari here: Age does not kill us, two-form. Always we can revert to our hatchling form and grow anew. ]] [[Kira here: Your hatchling form…? ]] Several more questions only left her more confused about the Jelly life cycle. There were eggs, hatchlings, pods, rooted forms, mobile forms, forms that didn’t seem to be sentient, and—as Itari seemed to indicate—a host of forms adapted to specific tasks or environments. The unique nature of the Jellies’ biology sparked Kira’s professional curiosity, and she found herself shifting back into her role of xenobiologist. It just didn’t make sense. Complex life cycles were nothing new. Plenty of examples existed on Earth and Eidolon. But Kira couldn’t figure out how all the parts and pieces Itari was mentioning were supposed to fit together. Every time she thought she had a handle on it, the Jelly would mention something new. As a puzzle, it was frustrating and exhilarating. Hawes had other ideas in mind. “Enough with all the questions about eggs, ” he said. “You can figure out the squishy stuff later. Right now we’ve got bigger problems. ” From then on, the conversation revolved around things Kira considered less interesting but—as she would acknowledge—were no less important. Things such as fleet placement and numbers, shipyard capabilities, travel distances between the Jelly outposts, battle plans, technological capabilities, and so forth. Itari answered most of the questions in a straightforward manner, but some subjects it evaded or outright refused to answer. Mostly questions having to do with the locations of the Jelly worlds. Understandable, Kira thought, if sometimes frustrating. Yet, no matter what the topic, she couldn’t stop thinking about the great and mighty Ctein. The formidable Ctein. And at last, she interrupted the stream of Hawes’s questions to ask one of her own: [[Kira here: Why does Ctein refuse to join with us to fight the Corrupted? ]] [[Itari here: Because the cruel and hungry Ctein has grown bloated with age, and in its arrogance, it believes the Wranaui can defeat the Corrupted without help. The Knot of Minds believes otherwise. ]] [[Kira here: Has Ctein been a good leader? ]] [[Itari here: Ctein has been a strong leader. Because of Ctein we have rebuilt our shoals and expanded again across the stars. But many of the Wranaui are dissatisfied with the decisions Ctein has made these recent cycles, so we fight to have a new leader. It is not a big problem. Next ripple will be better. ]] Hawes made a noise of impatience, and Kira returned to asking questions for the lieutenant, and no more was said on the subject of Ctein. They were still talking with Itari when the jump alert sounded and the Wallfish transitioned back to STL space. “Two more to go, ” said Hawes, dragging a sleeve across his forehead. During their time in the Markov Bubble, the air in the ship had grown thick and stifling and hot enough that even Kira had begun to feel uncomfortable. She could only imagine how bad it was for the others. They gripped the handholds in the walls while Gregorovich reoriented the Wallfish, and then off they went again, flying away many times faster than the speed of light. The interrogation of Itari continued. The third jump was shorter than the last—only a quarter of an hour—and the fourth one was shorter still. “Just to throw them for a real loop-de-loop, ” Gregorovich said. Then the Wallfish disengaged its Markov Drive, and they sat, seemingly motionless, in the dark depths of interstellar space, with radiators spread wide and the interior of the ship pulsing with heat. “Gregorovich, any sign of the Jellies or the nightmares? ” Kira asked. “Not a whisper. Not a whisker, ” said the ship mind. She felt herself relax slightly. Maybe, just maybe, they had really managed to escape. “Thanks for getting us out of there in one piece, ” she said. A soft peal of laughter echoed from the speakers. “It was my neck on the line as well, O Meatbag, but yes, you are most welcome. ” “Alright, ” said Hawes, “we’ll call it quits with the Jelly for now. We’ve got plenty of material. It’s going to take the spooks back home years to parse all this intel. Good job translating. ” Kira released the Soft Blade’s grip on the wall. “Of course. ” “Don’t go yet. I’m going to need you to translate for a little longer. Still have to get my men settled. ” So she stayed while Hawes summoned the Marines who didn’t have cryo tubes and, one by one, Itari cocooned them. The men were not happy with the prospect, but since there was no reasonable alternative, they had no choice but to agree. Once the cocooned Marines were safely placed in the cargo hold, next to where Hawes and the rest of his squad would soon be lying frozen in their tubes, Kira left them and went to help the crew prepare the Wallfish for the three-month-long trip back to the League. “Gregorovich gave me an update, ” said Falconi as he descended toward her on the central ladder. Good. That saved her from having to repeat everything Itari had said. “I feel like I have more questions than answers, ” she said. Falconi made a noncommittal noise and stopped in front of her. “You didn’t tell Hawes, did you? ” She knew what he meant. “No. ” His blue eyes fixed her in place. “You can’t avoid it forever. ” “I know, but … not yet. When we get back. I’ll tell the League then. It wouldn’t do any good now anyway. ” She allowed a faint note of pleading into her voice as she spoke. Falconi was slow to answer. “Okay. But don’t put it off any longer. One way or another, you’re going to have to face this thing. ” “I know. ” He nodded and continued down the ladder, passing so close she could smell the musk of his sweat. “Come on then. Could use your help. ”
3. As the Wallfish cooled, Kira worked alongside Falconi to secure equipment, flush lines, shut down nonessential systems, and otherwise prepare the ship for their upcoming trip. It wasn’t easy for her with only one hand, but Kira made do, using the Soft Blade to hold objects she couldn’t directly grasp. The whole time, she kept thinking about her conversation with Itari. A number of things the Jelly had said were bothering her: words and phrases that didn’t entirely make sense. Seemingly innocuous expressions that were easy to chalk up to quirks of the Jellies’ language, but that—the more Kira focused on them—seemed to hint at greater unknowns. And she wasn’t comfortable with unknowns of that sort. Not after learning the truth about the Maw. When most of the big, obvious tasks were complete, Falconi sent her and Sparrow to carry water and several bags of sugar to Itari. The Jelly claimed its form could digest the simple molecules of sugar without any difficulty, although it wasn’t an ideal food long term. Fortunately, long term wasn’t an issue. Itari would be cocooning itself once the Wallfish returned to FTL. Or so the Jelly claimed. It made Kira nervous to think of the Jelly perhaps being awake while the rest of them were in a coma-like state, oblivious to their surroundings. They left the Jelly pouring the bags of sugar into the beak-like maw on the underside of its carapace and went then to the storm shelter near the center of the ship. There, Kira watched with an increasing sense of loneliness as, one by one, the crew again got into their cryo tubes. (The Entropists had already retired to their cabin and the tubes contained within. ) Before closing the lid over himself, Vishal said, “Ah, Ms. Navá rez, I forgot to tell you earlier: there is another pair of contacts waiting for you in sickbay. So sorry. Check the cupboard above the sink. ” “Thanks, ” she said. As in 61 Cygni, Falconi waited until the last. Holding onto a grip with one hand, he pulled off his boots with the other. “Kira. ” “Salvo. ” “Are you going to practice with the xeno on the way back, like you did before? ” She nodded. “I’m going to try. I have control, but … it’s not enough. If I’d had a better feel for the xeno, I might have been able to save Trig. ” Falconi studied her with an understanding expression. “Just be careful. ” “You know I will. ” “Since you’re going to be the only one up and around, can you do something for me? ” “Of course. What? ” He stashed the boots in the locker next to him and started peeling off his vest and shirt. “Keep an eye on the Jelly while we’re in cryo. We’re trusting it to not break out and kill us, and I’ll be honest, I don’t trust it that much. ” Kira nodded slowly. “I had the same thought. I can hang some webbing outside the airlock and hunker down there. ” “Perfect. We’ve got alarms set in case the Jelly does break out, so you should have plenty of warning. ” He gave her a wry smile. “I know it won’t be that comfortable there in the entryway, but we don’t have any better options. ” “It’s fine, ” said Kira. “Don’t worry about it. ” Falconi nodded and pulled off his shirt. Then he stripped off his pants and socks, put them in the locker, and pushed himself over to the one empty cryo tube. On the way, he trailed a hand across the side of Trig’s tube, leaving a three-fingered mark in the layer of frost coating the machine. Kira joined Falconi as he popped open the lid to his tube. Despite herself, she couldn’t help but admire the play of muscles across his back. “You going to be okay? ” he said, fixing her with a look of unexpected sympathy. “Yeah. I’ll be fine. ” “Gregorovich will be up for a little while longer, and remember—if you need to talk, at any time, you wake me up. Seriously. ” “I will. Promise. ”
Falconi hesitated, and then he put a hand on her shoulder. She covered it with her own, feeling the heat from his skin radiating into hers. He gave her a soft squeeze before letting go and pulling himself into the cryo tube. “We’ll meet again at Sol, ” he said. She smiled, recognizing the lyrics. “In the shadow of the moon. ” “By the shine of that green Earth. … Goodnight, Kira. ” “Goodnight, Salvo. Sleep well. ” Then the lid of the cryo tube slid shut over his face, and the machine began to hum as it pumped in the chemicals that would induce hibernation.
4. Kira carefully guided a bundle of bedding through the ship’s corridors. She’d wrapped it with several tendrils from the Soft Blade, so as to keep her hand free and keep the blankets from floating away. When she reached the airlock, she saw Itari floating near the outer door, looking out the clear sapphire porthole at the spray of stars outside. The Wallfish still hadn’t jumped back to FTL. Gregorovich was waiting until the ship was fully chilled. Already the temperature had dropped by a noticeable amount as the radiators did their job. Kira secured the blankets to the deck with clips and webbing from the port cargo hold. Then she went and fetched the few supplies she would need for the long journey ahead: water, ration bars, wipes, bags to store trash, the replacement contacts Vishal had printed out, and her concertina. When she was satisfied with her little nest, she went and opened the airlock. Anchoring herself to the frame of the open doorway, she was about to speak when the Jelly preempted her: [[Itari here: Your scent lingers, Idealis. ]] [[Kira here: What do you mean? ]] [[Itari here: The things you said earlier … Your kind and mine differ in more ways than just our flesh. I have been trying to understand, but I fear it is beyond this form. ]] She cocked her head. [[Kira here: I feel the same. ]] The Jelly blinked, pale nictitating membranes flashing across the black orbs of its eyes. [[Itari here: What is it that two-forms consider sacred, Idealis? If not the Vanished, then what? ]] The question daunted her. Now she was supposed to discuss religion and philosophy with an alien? Her classes on xenobiology had never covered that particular possibility. She took a fortifying breath. [[Kira here: Many things. There is no one right answer. Every two-form has to decide for themselves. It is a…]]—she struggled to find a translation for individual—[[… a choice each two-form has to make on their own. Some find the choice easier than others. ]] One of the Jelly’s tentacles rolled across its carapace. [[Itari here: What do you consider sacred, Idealis? ]] That stopped Kira. What did she consider sacred? Nothing so abstract as the concept of god or beauty or anything like that. Not numbers, as the Numenists did. Nor scientific knowledge, as the Entropists did. She briefly considered saying humanity, but that wasn’t right either. Too limited. In the end she said, [[Kira here: Life. That is what I think is sacred. Without it, nothing else matters. ]] When the Jelly didn’t immediately reply: [[What about the Wranaui? What about you? Is there anything other than the Vanished you consider sacred? ]] [[Itari here: We, the Wranaui. The Arms and our expanse into the swirl of stars. It is our birthright and our destiny and an ideal that all Wranaui are devoted to, even if we sometimes disagree on the means to accomplish our goal. ]] The answer disturbed Kira. There was too much of the zealot, the xenophobic, and the imperialistic about it for her liking. Hawes had been right; it wouldn’t be easy to live in peace with the Jellies. Difficult doesn’t mean impossible, she reminded herself. She changed the subject: [[Kira here: Why do you sometimes say this form when you refer to yourself? Is it because the Wranaui have so many different shapes? ]] [[Itari here: One’s form determines one’s function. If another function were needed, the form can be changed. ]] [[Kira here: How? Can you change the arrangement of your flesh just by thinking? ]] [[Itari here: Of course. If there were no thinking, why would one go to the Nest of Transference? ]] It was a term she didn’t recognize from the Soft Blade. [[Kira here: Is the Nest of Transference also a making of the Vanished? ]] [[Itari here: Yes. ]] [[Kira here: So if you want to change into your hatchling form or your rooted form, you would go to the Nest of Transference and—]] [[Itari here: No. You misunderstand, Idealis. Those are forms of the original flesh. The Nest of Transference is used for forms that are manufactured. ]] Surprise gave her pause. [[Kira here: You mean your current form was made? In a machine? ]] [[Itari here: Yes. And if needed, I might choose another form at the Nest of Transference. Also too if this flesh were destroyed, I might select another. ]] [[Kira here: But, if your form were destroyed, you would be killed. ]] [[Itari here: How can I be killed when there is a record of my pattern at the Nest of Transference? ]] Kira frowned as she struggled to understand. Several more questions did little to clarify the matter. She couldn’t seem to get the Jelly to make a distinction between its body and its pattern, whatever that was. [[Kira here: If your form were destroyed right now, would your pattern contain all your memories? ]] [[Itari here: No. All memories from when we left the system of the Vanished would be lost. This is why our shells always swim in sets of two or more unless the need for secrecy is great, as when we sent the Tserro to the reliquary. ]] [[Kira here: Then … the pattern is not you, is it? The pattern would be an out-of-date copy. A you from the past. ]] The Jelly’s colors grew more muted, neutral. [[Itari here: Of course the pattern would still be me. Why would it not? The passing of a few moments does not change my nature. ]] [[Kira here: What if your pattern were given a new form while your old form was still here? Would that be possible? ]]
Nearscent of disgust spiked the air. [[Itari here: That would be the heresy of the Tfeir. No Wranaui from the other Arms would do such a thing. ]] [[Kira here: You disapproved of Lphet, then? ]] [[Itari here: Our goals are greater than our differences. ]] Kira thought on that for a while. So the Jellies were uploading their consciousness, or at least their memories, into different bodies. But they didn’t seem bothered by their actual deaths. … She couldn’t understand Itari’s seeming indifference to its individual fate. [[Kira here: Don’t you want to live? Don’t you want to keep this form? ]] [[Itari here: So long as my pattern endures, I endure. ]] One of its tentacles reached out, and Kira struggled not to recoil as the rubbery appendage poked her in the chest. The Soft Blade stiffened as if it were about to attack. [[The form is unimportant. Even if my pattern is erased—as Ctein did to Nmarhl’s, long ago—it will continue to propagate in the ripples that follow. ]] [[Kira here: How can you say that? What do you mean by ripple? What do you mean those that follow? ]] The Jelly flashed red and green, and its tentacles wrapped tighter about its carapace, but it refused to answer. Kira asked her questions twice more, to no response. And that was all she could extract from the Jelly on the subject of ripples. She asked a different question then: [[Kira here: I am curious. What is the tsuro, the summons that I felt when the Knot of Minds arrived at the resting place of the Idealis? I’ve felt it from all your shells, except here in this system. ]] [[Itari here: The tsuro is another of the sacred artifacts of the Vanished. It speaks to the Idealis and coaxes it forth. Were it not bonded with you, the Idealis would answer of its own accord and move to present itself at the source of the summons. By use of the tsuro, Wranaui shells everywhere search for the Ideali. ]] [[Kira here: And have you found any more since the end of the Sundering? ]] [[Itari here: Since then? No. Yours is the last surviving. But we live in hope that the Vanished have left more of their makings for us to find and that, this time, we will treat them with greater wisdom than before. ]] She stared at the weave of fibers on the back of her hands: black, gleaming, complex. [[Kira here: Does your form know—does the Knot of Minds know—how to remove the Idealis from the one it is joined with? ]] The Jelly’s skin roiled with the colors of affront, and its nearscent acquired a mix of shock and outrage. [[Itari here: In what ripple would that be desired? To be joined with the Idealis is an honor! ]] [[Kira here: I understand. It is a matter of … curiosity. ]] The alien seemed to struggle with that, but in the end it said, [[Itari here: The only way this form knows to separate from the Idealis is death. Lphet and the other ruling forms of the Knot may be aware of other methods, but if so, they have not scented them. ]] Kira accepted the news with resignation. She wasn’t surprised. Just … disappointed. Then the ghost of Gregorovich’s voice sounded from the speakers, and he said, “Retracting radiators. Transitioning to FTL in four minutes. Prepare thyselves. ” Only then did Kira notice how cold it had gotten in the antechamber. Frustrated that she didn’t have any more time for questions, she informed Itari of the impending jump and then retreated from the doorway and closed and locked the airlock door. The lights switched to the dull red of ship-night, a whine sounded near the back of the Wallfish, and the exposed skin on Kira’s cheeks tingled as the Markov Drive activated and they set out on the last and longest leg of their journey: the trip to Sol.
5. Through the airlock window, Kira watched with interest as Itari wound a cocoon around itself with goo secreted from the undersides of its tentacles. The viscous substance hardened quickly, and within only a few minutes, the Jelly lay hidden within an opaque, somewhat greenish pod stuck to the floor of the airlock. Kira wondered how the alien would know when to wake up. Not her problem. She retreated to her own little nest, secured herself to the webbing, and wrapped herself with blankets. The antechamber was dark and intimidating in the nighttime lighting; hardly a friendly place to spend the next three months. She shivered, finally feeling the cold. “Just you and me, headcase, ” she said to the erstwhile ceiling. “Worry not, ” whispered Gregorovich, “I shall keep you company, O Varunastra, until your eyes grow heavy and the soft sands of sleep dull your mind. ” “How comforting, ” Kira said, but she only half meant the sarcasm. It was nice to have someone to talk to. “Forgive me for my irrepressible curiosity, ” said Gregorovich, and he chuckled, “but what strange scents did you exchange with our be-tentacled guest? You stood there for quite some minutes, and you seemed most affected by the stench afflicting your delicate nostrils. ” Kira snorted. “You could say that. … I’ll write a proper account later. You can see the details there. ” “Nothing immediately helpful, I take it, ” said Gregorovich. “No. But—” She explained about the Nest of Transference and ended with, “Itari said, The form is unimportant. ” “Bodies do tend to be rather fungible these days, ” the ship mind said dryly. “As both you and I have discovered. ” Kira pulled the blankets tighter. “Was it difficult becoming a ship mind? ” “Easy certainly isn’t the word I would use to describe it, ” said Gregorovich. “Every sense of mine was stripped away, replaced, and what I was, the very foundation of my consciousness, was expanded beyond any natural limit. ’Twas confusion piled upon confusion. ” The experience sounded deeply unpleasant, and it reminded Kira—somewhat to her distaste—of the times when she had extended the Soft Blade, and in doing so, extended her sense of self. She shivered. The soft sway of her body in zero-g caused her to swallow hard and focus on a fixed spot on the wall while she tried to calm her inner ear. The darkness of the antechamber and the abandoned, empty feeling of the Wallfish affected her more than she liked. Had it really been less than half a day since they’d been fighting through the streets on Nidus? It seemed as if it had been more than a week ago. Trying to fend off her sudden loneliness, she said, “My first day here, Trig told me how—in your last ship—you crashed and got stranded. What was it like … being by yourself for so long? ” “What was it like? ” said Gregorovich. He laughed with a demented tone, and at once, Kira knew she’d gone too far. “What was it like? … It was like death, like the obliteration of the self. The walls around my mind fell away and left me to gibber senselessly before the naked face of the universe. I had the combined knowledge of the entire human race at my disposal. I had every scientific discovery, every theory and theorem, every equation, every proof, and a million, million, million books and songs and movies and games—more than any one person, even a ship mind, could ever hope to consume. And yet…” He trailed off into a sigh. “And yet I was alone. I watched my crew starve and die, and when they were gone, there was nothing I could do but sit alone in the dark and wait. I worked on equations, mathematical concepts you could never comprehend with your puny little brain, and I read and watched and counted toward infinity, as the Numenists do. And all it did was stave off the darkness for one more second. One more moment. I screamed, though I have no mouth to scream. I wept, though I have no eyes for tears. I crawled through space and time, a worm inching through a labyrinth built by the dreams of a mad god. This I learned, meatbag, this and nothing more: when air, food, and shelter are assured, only two things matter. Work and companionship. To be alone and without purpose is to be the living dead. ” “Is that so great a revelation? ” Kira asked quietly. The ship mind tittered, and she could hear him swaying on the edge of madness. “Not at all. No indeed. Ha. It’s obvious, isn’t it? Banal even. Any reasonable person would agree, wouldn’t they? Ha. But to live it is not the same as hearing or reading it. Not at all. The revelation of truth is rarely easy. And that is what it was like, O Spiked One. It was revelation. And I would rather die than endure such an experience again. ” That much Kira could understand and appreciate. Her own revelations had nearly destroyed her. “Yeah. Same for me. … What was the name of the ship you were in? ” But Gregorovich refused to answer, which upon reflection, Kira decided was probably for the best. Talking about the crash only seemed to make him more unstable. She pulled up her overlays and stared at them without seeing. How did you provide therapy for a ship mind? It wasn’t the first time she had wondered. Falconi had said that most of the psychiatrists who worked with them were ship minds themselves, but even then … She hoped Gregorovich would find the peace he was looking for—as much for their own sake as his—but solving his problems was beyond her.
6. The long night crept past. Kira wrote up her conversation with Itari, played her concertina, watched several movies from the Wallfish’s database—none of them particularly memorable—and practiced with the Soft Blade. Before she started working with the xeno, Kira took time to think about what she was trying to accomplish. As she’d said to Falconi, control alone wasn’t enough. Rather, she needed … synthesis. A more natural joining between her and the Soft Blade. Trust. Otherwise she would always be second-guessing her actions, as well as those of the xeno. How could she not, given past mistakes? (Her mind wandered toward the subject of the Maw; with an effort of will, she resolutely pulled it back. ) As she’d learned through painful experience, second-guessing could be every bit as deadly as overreacting. She sighed. Why did everything have to be so hard? With her goal in mind, Kira began much as she had before. Isometric exercises, unpleasant memories, physical and emotional strain … everything she could think of to test the Soft Blade. Once she was confident her grip on the xeno was as strong as ever, then and only then did she start to experiment by relaxing her dictatorial control. Just a little bit at first: a tiny amount of leeway so she could see how the Soft Blade would choose to act. The results were mixed. Around half of the time the xeno did exactly what Kira wanted in the way she wanted, whether that was forming a shape on her skin, helping to hold a stress position, or fulfilling whatever other task she’d put to the organism. Perhaps a quarter of the time the Soft Blade did what she wanted but not as she expected. And the rest of the time, it reacted in a completely disproportionate or unreasonable manner, sending spikes or tendrils every which way. Those, of course, were the occurrences Kira was most concerned with. When she’d had enough and stopped, Kira didn’t feel as if she had made any noticeable progress. The thought dampened her mood until she reminded herself that it would be over three months before they arrived at Sol. She still had lots of time to work with the Soft Blade. Lots and lots of time … Gregorovich started talking with her again soon afterward. He seemed to have returned to his usual self, which she was pleased to hear. They played several games of Transcendence, and though he beat her every time, Kira didn’t mind, as she enjoyed having the company, any company. She tried not to think too much about the nightmares or the Maw or even the great and mighty Ctein brooding in the depths of the Plaintive Verge … but her mind returned to them time and time again, making it difficult to relax into the state of dormancy needed to survive the journey. It might have been a few hours, it might have been more than a day, but eventually Kira felt the familiar slowing of her body as the Soft Blade responded to the lack of food and activity and began to prepare her for the sleep that was more than sleep. Each time she entered hibernation, it seemed to become easier; the xeno was getting better at recognizing her intent and taking the appropriate action. She set her weekly alarm, and as her eyes drifted shut, she said, “Gregorovich … think I’m going to sleep. ”
“Rest well, meatbag, ” the ship mind whispered. “I think I shall sleep as well. ” “… perchance to dream. ” “Indeed. ” His voice faded away, and the soft strains of a Bach concerto took its place. Kira smiled, snuggled deeper into the blankets, and at long last, allowed herself to relax into oblivion.
7. A shapeless while passed, full of half-formed thoughts and urges: fears, hopes, dreams, and the ache of regrets. Once a week, the alarm roused Kira, and she—groggy and bleary-eyed—would train with the Soft Blade. It often felt like fruitless labor, but she persisted. And so did the xeno. From it she sensed a desire to please her, and with repetition of action came clarity of intent, if not mastery of form, and she began to feel a hint of yearning from the Soft Blade. As if it aspired to some type of artistry in its endeavors, some form of creativity. For the most part, she shied from those instincts, but they stirred her curiosity, and often Kira had long, deeply strange dreams of the greenhouses of her childhood and of plants sprouting and twining and leafing and spreading life, good and healthy. Once every two weeks, the Wallfish emerged from FTL, and Kira went down to Sparrow’s makeshift gym and pushed her mind and body to their limits while the ship cooled. Each time, she sorely missed her right hand. The lack of it caused no end of difficulty, even though she used the Soft Blade as a substitute to hold and lift things. She consoled herself with the knowledge that using the xeno like that was good practice. And it was. As she trained in the hold, the Marines stood watch among the nearby racks of equipment: Hawes and three others frozen in their blue-lit cryo tubes; Sanchez, Tatupoa, Moros, and one other wrapped in the same cocoons that had saved Trig’s life. Seeing them there left Kira feeling as if she’d stumbled upon a row of ancient statues set to defend the souls of the dead. She gave them a wide berth and did her best to avoid looking at them, an odd bit of superstition for her. Sometimes she ate a ration bar after exercising, to keep up her strength, but mostly she preferred water and a return to hibernation. Partway through the first month, in the empty hours of the night, as she floated outside Itari’s airlock—all but insensate to the universe around her—a vision coalesced behind her shuttered eyelids, a memory from another time and another mind: Summoned once more to the high-vaulted presence chamber, she and her flesh stood as witness before the gathered Heptarchy, three to each ascension, and the Highmost stationed between. The central seal broke, and through the patterned floor rose a gleaming prism. Within the faceted cage, a seed of fractal blackness thrashed with ravening anger, the perversion pulsing, stabbing, tearing, ceaselessly battering its transparent prison. Flesh of her flesh, but now tainted and twisted with evil intent. “What now must be done? ” the Highmost asked. The Heptarchy replied with many voices, but one spoke most clearly: “We must cut the branch; we must burn the root. The blight cannot be allowed to spread. ” But dissent made itself known with another voice: “True it is we must protect our gardens, but pause a moment and consider. There is potential here for life beyond our plans. What arrogance have we to put that aside unexamined? We are not all-knowing nor all-seeing. Within the chaos might also dwell beauty and, perhaps, fertile soil for the seeds of our hope. ” Long discussion followed, much of it angry, and all the while the captive blackness struggled to escape.
Then the Highmost stood and struck the floor with the Staff of Blue and said, “The fault is ours, but the blight cannot be allowed to persist. The risk is too great, the rewards too uncertain, too slight. Although light may emerge from dark, it would be wrong to allow the dark to smother the light. Some acts exist beyond forgiveness. Illuminate the shadows. End the blight. ” “End the blight! ” cried the Heptarchy. Then the rainbowed prism flashed blindingly bright, and the malevolence within shrieked and burst into a cloud of falling embers.
Not for ourselves alone are we born. —MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO