A hard day´s night by The beatles ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1)Listen to the song 2)Listen again and complete it. A hard day´ s night by The beatles
It………………………………………………, and I……………………………………. dog You know I …………… all day to get you money to ………………………………………………
Owwww So why on earth should I moan, 'cause ………………………………………..
You know I feel alright
A Hard Day's Night is a 1964 British comedy. It describes a couple of days in the lives of the group. The movie's strange title originated from something said by Ringo Starr, who described it this way in an interview in 1964: " We went to do a job, and we'd worked all day and we happened to work all night. I came up still thinking it was day I suppose, and I said, 'It's been a hard day... ' and I looked around and saw it was dark so I said, '... night! ' So we came to A Hard Day's Night. "