February 5, 2022 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Session 5 ESOTERICISM IN THEATRE 11. 00 a. m. – 00. 30 p. m. Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Elena V. Shakhmatova (Moscow)
39. Marina G. Litavrina (Dr. of Sciences (Art Studies), Prof., Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS; Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow). The East on Gnezdnikovsky (Esoteric Hobbies of the Moscow Art Theater actress M. N. Germanova). 40. Roman V. Nutrikhin (Cand. of Sciences (Law), Docent, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol). TheInfluence of Mystical Doctrines on Formation of the Children’s Theatre in the Soviet Russia (to History of “Esoteric Underground” in Krasnodar). 41. Elena V. Shakhmatova (Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Prof., Head of the Scientific Department, Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS, Moscow). The “ Fleeing Atalanta” – an Alchemical Synthesis of Eras in the Metaphysical Promenade from Maxim Didenko.
00. 30 – 00. 45p. m. Break
Session5 (finishing) 00. 45 – 01. 45p. m. Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Elena V. Shakhmatova (Moscow)
42. Anna E. Krom(Dr. of Sciences (Art Studies), Prof., M. I. Glinka State Conservatory, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Between Two Worlds: Image of a Dybbuk on the TheatreStage. 43. Kseniya M. Strelets(Postgrad. Stud., Teacher, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, St. Petersburg). The Experience of Introducing Yoga into the Training Program of Actors in the Acting Studio of S. D. Tcherkassky.
01. 45 – 02. 30p. m. Break
Session6 ESOTERICISM IN CINEMA 02. 30 – 04. 00p. m. Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Elena V. Shakhmatova (Moscow)
44. Tatyana A. Dubrovina(Cand. of Sciences(Art Studies), Prof., Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography(VGIK). Eternity: How the Art of Cinema Solves Insoluble Problems. 45. Olga V. Kolotvina(PhD. Stud., Faculty of Art History, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow). TheWays of Representing the Sufi “Gardens of Vision” in J. Val del Omar’s Film “Water-Mirror of Granada” (1955). 46. Violetta D. Evallyo (Cand. in Sciences(CulturalStudies), Senior Researcher, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow). Phantom Cities in Perestroika Cinema.
04. 00 – 04. 15p. m. Break
Session 6 (продолжение) 04. 15 – 05. 15p. m. Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Elena V. Shakhmatova (Moscow)
47. Mikhail D. Zharovskii(Independent Researcher, Stavropol). TheRefraction of Gnostic Ideas in Postmodern Cinema. 48. Colton Ochsner (MA in Modern German History, PhD Candidate / Fulbright Scholar, University of Missouri, USA). Pneumatic “Film d’Art”: The Occult Blueprint of German Expressionist Cinema.
Session7 ESOTERIC CULTURE IN THE EAST 11. 30 a. m. – 01. 30p. m. Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Sergey V. Pakhomov (St. Petersburg)
49. Elena Yu. Kalantarova (Independent Researcher, Postgraduate (Alumni) at Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev), Andrey V. Skibitskii(Independent Researcher, Master of Theology, Kiev). Buddhism and Deconstruction through the Lens of the “Kalacakra Tantra”. 50. Olga P. Vecherina (Cand. in Sciences (History), Senior Researcher, Centre for the Research of Indian Philosophy and Culture “ Purushottama”, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow). Darś an as the Ultimate Goal of the Mystical Realization of the Sā dhaka: Experience of Tirumū lar. 51. Sergey V. Lobanov (Senior Lecturer, St. Philaret’s Institute, Moscow). The Nature of Aesthetic Experience in the Monistic Philosophy of Abhinavagupta. 52. Sergey V. Pakhomov (Cand. of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Prof., Institute of Philosophy of Man, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg). Swami Vivekananda and Theosophy.
01. 30 – 02. 30p. m. Break
Session7 (finishing) 02. 30 – 04. 00 p. m Moderator: Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy) Sergey V. Pakhomov (St. Petersburg) 53. Rimma N. Sabirova (Senior Lecuter, Insitute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University, Kazan). Ramlila Mysticism in “Ramayana”Based Indian Mythological Series. 54. Pavel D. Lenkov(Cand. in Sciences(History), Associate Prof., Institute of History and Social Sciences, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg). The Image of the Mother of the Northern Dipper (Dou mu) in Taoist Iconography. 55. Ekaterina B. Morozova (Cand. in Sciences(Art Studies), Senior Reseacher, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow). «What is Reflected in the Mirror? »: Mirror and Reflection as a Notion of Mystery in Japanese Theatre Tradition).
The changes in this program will be very possible!
If you have any questions, please, send e-mail to: esoterra. asem@gmail. com.
Organizing committee: Соchairmen: Dr. in Sc. Vladimir I. Krasikov, Cand. in Sc. Sergey V. Pakhomov Organizing committee members: Dr. in Sc. Elena V. Shakhmatova, Dr. in Sc. Andrey L. Yastrebov, Dr. in Sc. Dmtrii D. Galtsin, Dr. Hab. B. Menzel (Mainz, Germany), Semen S. Petrukhin (secretary) [1] Here and everywhere there is only Moscow time.