


Случайная статья

y o g u r t e t a. d f s p y o - y o

y o g u r t e t a

d f s p y o - y o

1 Listen and repeat. Then read the letter and the words. (Track 26)

2 Complete. Then colour.

3 Look and read. Then circle yes or no.




4 Circle the odd one out.

1 Listen and repeat. Then read the letters and the words. (Track 27)

2 Unscramble the letters and write the words. Match them to the pictures.

1  Listen and repeat. Then read the letters and the words. (Track 28)

2 Join to make words.



1 Listen and repeat. Then read the letters and the words. (Track 29)


2 Join to make words.

1 Listen and repeat. Then read the letters and the words. (Track 30)

2 Circle the right word.


1 Listen and repeat. Then read. (Track 31)

2 Write the words in alphabetical order.



1 ___________

2 ___________

3 ___________

4 ___________

5 ___________

6 ___________

7 ___________

8 ___________

3 Look, read and put a tick (P) or a cross (O).


        This is a wheel.   £ 4             This is a ship. £

        This is a helicopter. £      5             This is a zebra. £

        This is a van.      £      6             This is a fox.    £

4 Do the crossword puzzle.


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