a medical workerСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ The specifics of the work put forward strict requirements to clothes of doctor and nurses. The main requirement for medical clothes — the ability to deliver effectively and hygienic barrier function, protecting skin doctors from getting drugs and infected biological liquids. Preferred materials for sewing reusable goods, especially linen, cotton and other natural hypoallergenic fabrics of natural origin. Such fabrics allow the skin to breathe, preventing irritation. Medical shoes for doctors, nurses and other medical personnel are made of leather or modern synthetic materials with a microporous structure.
Disposable clothes made of non-woven materials the required density. If the products are intended for gynaecological, obstetric and surgical procedures, they are released in the form of sterile sets (doctors and patients). Clothing for doctors are divided by purpose: for surgical operation (sterile sets: hat or hood, pants, boot covers, stockings (socks), gloves with puncture protection, a robe or jacket with laminated elements on the front surface of the mask); for ambulatory patients and medical procedures (plain-woven coats, suits, blouses, pants, jackets, hats, latex gloves); to work in infectious and pathoanatomical departments (robes, gloves, armlets, aprons and masks).
Important properties of medical clothing and footwear: convenience, suitable size and fit; strength (ability to withstand multiple washes); wear resistance; safety, no electrostatic effect; aesthetics.