| Application form
| Blank attached, put the photo, fill in English or in German
| Diplomas and Certificates of any completed level of study
| Copy, with the list of the grades
| Knowledge of English or German language
| You can provide a copy of Language certificate, but it is not necessary
| Letterofreference
| In English or German language with the signature of scientific supervisoror anyone who is familiar with your work and studies
1-2 pages
| CV
| In English or German language
1 page
will be taken into account:
- experience of participation / conducting a sociological research
-work experience (in particular, close to a specialty or research interests)
- availability of publications at various levels
-experience of speaking at conferences / scientific seminars / forums / round tables, etc.
| Motivation letter
| In English or German language
1-2 pages
will be taken into account:
-personal, professional and academic experience
- a description of personal, professional and research interests
- motivation to study at the University of Bielefeld
| Researchproject
Key points:
- it must be feasible
- understand what exactly you want to explore
- why and who needs and will be useful for your research
- it is necessary to indicate why the research should be carried out in Germany, why to conduct the research it is necessary to go to the University of Bielefeld
| In English or German language
The project should include:
-description of the problem and justification of relevance
purpose and objectives of the study
research methodology (theoretical and methodological framework)
- research methods, their description (how the research will be conducted, how the above methods will be applied)
- research plan (timetable)
- List of sources
Follow the link to know more about standard elements:
http: //ic. daad. de/imperia/md/content/islamabad/guideline_research_proposal. pdf