Chapter 86
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --Raja! I will now relate how Urjoon carried off Shree Krishnù Chund Jee's sister, Soobhudra, from Dwarka; and how Shree Krishnù Chund went and abode in Mithila, listen with attention: when Dewukee's daughter, whose name was Soobhudra, and who was younger than Shree Krishnù Jee, was marriageable; Basoodeo Jee having invited several of the descendants of Judoo, and Shree Krishnù and Bulram said, " The girl is now of a fit age to be married, to whom shall we give her? " Bulram Jee replied, " It is said, 'That we ought to contract marriage, enmity and friendship with equals; one thing occurs to me, that we ought to marry this girl to Doorjodhun, and obtain renown and greatness in the world. " Shree Krishnù Chund said, " In my opinion, we shall obtain a high reputation in the world by giving her to Urjoon. " Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! on Bulram's speaking, no one uttered a word; but when Shree Krishnù Chund Jee had spoken, all exclaimed, " It is most advisable to marry the girl to Urjoon. " Bulram Jee was offended at hearing this, and rose up and went away; and the party present, observing that he was offended, remained silent; when Urjoon afterwards received information of these circumstances, he assumed the disguise of a religious mendicant; and, taking a staff and wooden pot went to Dwarka; and, having selected a convenient spot spread a deer's skin, and sat upon it: he remained thus for four months during the whole rains, and no one discovered his secret purpose; looking upon him as a guest, they all paid him attention; and, for the sake of Vishnù, entertained affection for him; Krishnù knew all his secrets, but did not reveal them to any one. O great king! one day Buldeo Jee also invited and brought with him Urjoon to an entertainment at ibis house, when Urjoon sat down to eat, he beheld Soobhudra, with a body like the moon, and eyes like the deer. On seeing her Urjoon was fascinated; and, avoiding the gaze of all, began to look upon her with averted glance; and thought to himself, " When will Bruhmù accomplish what is destined in my fate? " Whilst on the other hand Soobhudra Jee, pleased with the brilliancy of his countenance, was saying to herself, " He is some prince and not a religious mendicant, why is he sad? " Having thus spoken, Soobhudra Jee went into the house and began to think of obtaining a husband.; and on the other hand, Urjoon, after he had finished eating, came to his seat, and was occupied with all kinds of anxieties as to how he should gain possession of his beloved. Some days afterwards, on the occasion of the festival of Shivù rat, all the inhabitants of the city, male and female, went outside the city to worship Shivù. Soobhudra went there also with her female companions and attendants. Having heard of her going, Urjoon mounted his chariot, and taking his bow and arrows, went there and was ready. Whilst, O great king! Soobhudra was returning with her female friends after having worshipped Shivù, Urjoon at sight of her abandoned all reserve and modesty; and seizing her by the hand, lifted her into his chariot, and went off. Bulram was greatly enraged, when he heard of it; he took his plough and wooden pestle on his shoulder; his eyes were bloodshot, he spoke in a voice of thunder; " I will now go and utterly destroy him, and will lift up the world and place it upon my forehead, how shall a beggar carry off my beloved sister, Soobhudra? Wheresoever I may catch this religious mendicant, I will destroy him, and search out and utterly destroy all his family. " O great king! Bulram Jee continued to make many idle and very angry speeches, when, having heard what had occurred, Purdiyomun, Unroodrù, Sumboo and other noble descendants of Judoo came into the presence of Buldeo Jee, and said with joined hands, " O great king! if you give us the order, we will lay hold of, and bring your enemy here. " Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! when Bulram taking all the descendants of Judoo with him, was ready to go in pursuit of Urjoon, Shree Krishnù Chund went and explained to Buldeo all the secrets connected with the carrying off Soobhudra; and said in a tone of the greatest submissiveness, " Brother! Urjoon, in the first place, is the son of our paternal aunt; and in the second, he is my greatest friend; he has committed this act heedlessly, and without due thought; but it is not at all right for us to fight with him; this would be contrary to religion, and contrary to the custom of the world; and whoever might hear of our fighting would say, 'That the friendship of the descendants of Judoo is like a wall of sand. '" On hearing these words, Bulram Jee beating his head, and being greatly enraged said, " Brother! this is a common custom with you to raise a fire, and then run for water; otherwise, if you had not taken part in the business, what power had Urjoon to carry off my sister? " Having thus spoken, Bulram Jee suffered great regret, and was very angry, and looking at his brother dashed his plough and wooden pestle on the ground, and sat down; and all the descendants of Judoo sat down also with him. Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --Raja! whilst Shree Krishnù Chund entered into explanations with them all, Urjoon went home and married Soobhudra, in the manner prescribed by the Vedas. On receiving intelligence of the marriage, Shree Krishnù and Bulram Jee sent off to Hustinapoor, in charge of a brahmin, clothes, jewels, male and female servants, elephants, horses, chariots and a large sum of money; afterwards Shree Moorari, the friend of his worshippers, mounted his chariot and went to Mithila, where there were two worshippers of his, named Sootdeo and Buhoolas, the one a Raja, and the other a brahmin. O great king! on Krishnù 's departure, Narud, Bamdeo, Byas, Atri, Purshooram, and many other sages came and accompanied Shree Krishnù Chund Joe; whatever countries Krishnù passed through, the Rajas of them came out to meet him, and worshipped him, and gave him presents; at length, after a journey of some days, Krishnù arrived there; when they heard of Huri's arrival, the two worshippers rose up, and came running hastily to him with presents. During their interview with Krishnù, they both placed their presents before him; and, making obeisance, and standing in his presence with joined hands, said, with the utmost submissiveness, " O sea of compassion and brother of the poor! you have shown great mercy, in having allowed sinners like us to see you, and thereby made us pure, and put an end to our being born and dying. " Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! Shree Krishnù Chund, acquainted with the secrets of the heart, having beheld the sincere faith of those two worshippers, assumed two bodily forms, and went and dwelt in the houses of both; they entertained and amused him in an agreeable manner; and Huri made a stay of some days, and made them exceedingly happy; after this, when Krishnù having gratified all their wishes, and increased their knowledge, went to Dwarka; the sages and saints took leave of him on the road, and Huri went and abode happily at Dwarka.