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Chapter 47


SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --O lord of the earth! I will give an account now how Shree Krishnù Chund brought Brindabun to mind; listen attentively. One day Huri said to Bulram Jee, " Brother! all the inhabitants of Brindabun must be very much grieved on thinking of me, because the time has elapsed, in which I promised to return. We ought therefore, to send some one there, to console them for my absence. "

Having thus advised his brother, Huri sent for Oodho, and said to him, " Oodho! you are a great friend of mine; and are wise and intelligent, and resolute. I therefore wish to send you to Brindabun to offer explanations and consolation to Nund and Jusodha, and the cowherdesses, and to bring my mother Rohnee here. " Oodho expressed an immediate readiness to comply with this request. Shree Krishnù Chund again said, " First of all, inform Nund and Jusodha, and cheer up their spirits, and suggest to them to abandon all grief, and to look upon my arrival as near at hand; and not to regard me as their son, but worship me as a deity. Afterwards explain to those cowherdesses, who for my sake have given up all respect for the world and for the Vedas, and day and night sing of my sports, and are ready to die, if I do not fulfil their expectation of my returning, that they must no longer consider me as their lord, but worship me as Bhugwan, and lay aside all the anxiety they now suffer in consequence of my separation from them. "

O great king! having thus instructed Oodho, the two brothers wrote a letter, in which they expressed to Nund and Jusodha, and the cowherds and their children their respects and compliments, and blessing in due form: and advised all the women of Bruj to perform penance, and delivered the letter to Oodho, and told him to read it to them; and after having made the necessary explanations to return quickly. Having given him this message, Krishnù dressed Oodho in his own clothes, and gave him his own jewels and crown, and seating him on his own ruth, allowed him to depart to Brindabun. Proceeding on his journey, Oodho reached the neighbourhood of Brindabun after a short time, and on arrival there, heard birds singing melodiously in the thickly stocked arbours, and cows of all colours, scattered like clouds in every direction-and the cowherdesses and cowherds, with their children, singing the praises of Shree Krishnù.

He was delighted at the beauty of the scene, and making obeisance to the site of Krishnù 's sports, arrived at the outskirts of the village, when some one having recognized the ruth of Huri from a distance came and having enquired his name, went to Nund and said, " O great king! a person, named Oodho, has arrived from Muttra, in the appearance and ruth of Shree Krishnù. "

On hearing these words Nund Rae came forth from amidst the assembly of the cowherds, where he was then sitting, and immediately approached Oodho. Regarding him as the companion of Bulram and Krishnû, he embraced him with the greatest affection; and enquiring kindly of his health and welfare, escorted him to his house with great dignity and respect; having caused his feet to be washed, he offered him a seat, and feasted Oodho with delicacies of all kinds; when Oodho had enjoyed and finished his meal, Nund had an elegant couch prepared for him, shining like the foam of the sea, on which, after eating pawn, he reclined most agreeably, and forgot all the fatigues of his journey.

When after some time, Oodho awoke, Nund, the chief, came and sat near him, and enquired after his son, Soorsen, and his great friend, Basoodeo and his family, and asked whether they still continued to love him Nund added, " Give me news of my son, with whom you have abode constantly. Does he ever think of me, who am greatly grieved at his absence? He promised us all to return, but the time of his return has long elapsed. Jusodha constantly churns and makes butter for Krishnù, and places it apart for him. Does Krishnù ever think of her and the women of Bruj, who are deeply imbued with love and affection for him? "

Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit, --O lord of the earth! in this manner enquiring the news and celebrating the former sports of Shree Krishnù Chund, Nund Rae Jee, being deeply impregnated with affection for Krishnù, and meditating upon him, became silent--" He has destroyed Kuns, and other powerful men; why should Krishnù now forget us? "

In the mean while the Ranee Jusodha, greatly agitated, and losing all sense and perception, came weeping bitterly to Oodho and enquiring after Bulram and Krishnù said, " Tell me, Oodho Jee! how has Huri passed his time so long without us, and what message has he sent us, and when will he return to us? " On hearing these words Oodho Jee read the letter of Shree Krishnù and Bulram to Nund and Jusodha, and said, " Who can explain the greatness of those, in whose house Bhugwan has been born, and whom he has made happy by his sports? You are most fortunate, because how can the immortal Vishnù, the lord of Shivù and Bruhmù, who has neither mother, nor father, nor brother nor relations, whom you look upon as your own son, and constantly fix your thoughts and meditate upon, remain separated from you? Huri is constantly near those who love him; having assumed mortal shape for the sake of men, he has neither friends nor enemies, whether of high or low estate. Whoever offers adoration and worship to Huri, will be united to him, and become a follower of his. As the large black bee carries off another insect, and moulds it to its own form, and as it remains enclosed in the flower of the lotus, and does not leave it and fly away, although other bees buz over it during the whole night: in like manner Huri fashions after his own model, and never abandons those who love him, and meditate upon him. " Oodho added, " Do not any longer regard Huri as your son, but reverence him as the deity. Krishnù, the lord, who knows the secrets of the heart, and befriends his worshippers, will appear and come to you, and accomplish all your desires: be not at all anxious in your minds. "

O great king! when in conversation of this kind the whole night, with exception of about an hour, was spent, Oodho Jee said to Nund Rae, " O great king! it is now time for churning: with your permission, I will go and bathe in the Jumna. " Nund, the chief, gave his assent; he remained seated where he was, engaged in thought and reflection, and Oodho Jee went in his ruth to the banks of the Jumna. Having taken off his clothes, and purified himself, he approached the water, and placing dust on his head, and joining his hands, singing the praises of the Jumna, sipping water in the palm of his hand, he went into the river; and having bathed, and performed his ablutions, and completed his meditations, adorations and libations, began to count his beads. At the same time, all the women of Bruj rose, and having swept and besmeared with mud and cow-dung, the inside of their houses, and having burnt perfumes and lighted lamps, began to churn. The sound of the churning was like thunder, and like the sound produced by anklets and ornaments for the toes. The beautiful women of Bruj, having churned took away the butter, and finished their household work, went all together for water.

O great king! the cowherdesses being distracted at separation from Krishnù, and deeply imbued with love for him, and celebrating his many excellent qualities with songs, began, as they went along the road, to meditate upon him, and sing of his sports. One said, " I have seen Krishnù; " another, " That he had run off and hid himself. He has laid hold of my arm from behind: Huri is now standing under the shade of a fig tree. " One remarked, " I saw him milking: " another, " I beheld him very early. " Some said, " He is tending herds; others, " Listen! he is playing the flute. We will not go this road, as Krishnù will ask for presents. He will break our water pots, and untie the knots, on which we carry them; and will steal away our senses by his many glances. He is hid somewhere, and will come running towards us; and then where shall we escape. " The women of Bruj went along, conversing thus with each other; their minds being much agitated in consequence of their separation from Krishnù.





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