How young people in Zetland celebrate the New Year ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The New Year has become one of the most popular holidays especially among the teenagers. To learn more about it, I have found some information on how young people in Zetland celebrate the New Year. As part of my project, I have analyzed these data and come across some interesting findings.
According to the data given in the table, the vast majority of the respondents prefer to celebrate the New Year by having a family dinner (68%). Going for a walk with friends is the second popular preference (16%). A very small proportion of those interviewed choose celebrating this holiday by eating out in the café and travelling to another city or country (5% and 2% respectively). Surprisingly, there is a significant difference between the most favoured and the least favoured ways of celebrating this holiday: having a family dinner is more than thirty times as preferable as travelling to another city or country. By comparison, the difference between the figure for having a party at friends’ home and eating out in the café is not so striking: it is only 4%, which seems quite interesting because typically teenagers like both activities.
Although the New Year is considered to be one of the most welcomed holidays, people may face some major problems. One of them is free access to fireworks that can result in severe injuries and serious fire. The best solution to this problem is to restrict the purchase of fireworks and not to allow young people to use them without adults’ supervision.
In conclusion, I personally think that the best way of celebrating the New Year is travelling somewhere to switch off completely.