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USA Demographic scope. Geographic scope

USA Demographic scope

Слайд 1

The USA is the main coffee lover in the world. According to statistics, we consume more coffee than any other country on the planet. It’s hard to imagine an average American family that doesn’t own a coffee machine or at least a French press that is used every single morning to fill the whole house with rich coffee aroma. Even those who are busy in the morning, rush to work, having forgotten their car keys, monthly report, but not a paper cup of latte from a local coffee shop. (вставить какую-то картинку с Америкой и кофе, на твое усмотрение)

Слайд 2

We know that a majority of American adults’ drink coffee every day, but what do we know about the different demographics and which groups are most likely to consume coffee, whether regularly or on special occasions?

The average coffee-drinking woman spends $2, 327 per year at coffee shops, while the average man spends $1, 934, according to a recent survey.

Hispanics and Latinos have the highest rate of coffee consumption among American adults.



72% of people over 60 drink coffee every day, compared to just 47% of 18- to 24-year-olds


Geographic scope

A new study ranked the most and least CAFFEINATED states in America. They looked at three factors: 1) How much coffee the average person drinks, 2) How much soda they drink, and 3) How often they search for coffee on Google.

According to the results, The Top caffeinated states in America are: Vermont, Arizona and Colorado. The LEAST caffeinated states are: Delaware, Maryland and Georgia.



Source: https: //coffeehustle. org/coffee-statistics-in-usa


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