Ход занятия.. Negotiations. Переговоры
Тема занятия: Переговоры. Беседа о проекте контракта. Вид занятия: практическое. Тип занятия: комбинированное. Цели занятия: Обучающая: формирование лексических навыков формирование умения монологического и диалогического высказывания Развивающая: совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся обогащение словарного запаса обучающихся по теме «Переговоры. Беседа о проекте контракта» создание условий для развития умений учащихся применять знания в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях Воспитывающая: воспитание потребности в практическом использовании английского языка Задачи занятия: практическое применение языковых навыков Ход занятия.
2. Актуализация опорных знаний. (проверка домашнего задания по теме: «На международной специализированной выставке»)
3. Введение новой лексики:
4. Работа с текстом по теме- чтение, перевод, изучение лексики. Negotiations. Conversation about a draft contract Major the condition of mutual assent of parties - it, undoubtedly, negotiations. Process of negotiations certainly must be envisaged documentarily. The date and time of the conducted negotiations, participating parties, object, sum, term of action, terms of extension and measure of responsibility for the broken agreements are named in an agreement. Signed by both parties, a contract fixes the results of negotiations. If Your company as a result of heavy competitive activity became the winner of purchase procedure, then on a turn signing of contract with a customer, and, already it is time properly to study the offered draft contract. Attentively studying a draft contract is necessary on the stage of decision-making about expedience of participating in purchase procedure. A winner of procedure will be under an obligation to supply with commodities, execute works or render services in strict accordance with the terms of contract the project of that is driven to purchase documentation. Giving a request on participation, you confirm the same, that agree with a draft contract and already not able to change his substantial terms. And in an order not to get in an unpleasant situation it is necessary attentively to study these substantial terms of contract. 1. Requirements to the commodities, works, services Foremost, it is necessary attentively to study the certain bill of goods (works, services) 2. Terms of execution of obligations by contract Necessarily soberly will estimate possibility of execution of contract in the indicated terms. 3. Right and duties parties there always is a division of " Right and duty of parties" In a draft contract. Usually he contains the standard list of requirements that meet in most contracts. 4. Order of payment by contract One of major for a performer positions of contract is an order of payment of the executed works. Order of payment by contract One of major for a performer positions of contract is an order of payment of the executed works. 5. Whether the cost of purchase of VAT includes 6. Warranty obligations the Warranty obligations of performer of contract are described in the corresponding division of project. 7. Place execution of contract In practice sometimes there are situations, when the place of execution of contract can render substantial influence on possibility of performer to execute the undertaken obligations
5. Домашнее задание: письменный перевод текста.