Course OutcomesСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒
Spring 2015
Course Instructor: Name: Surname: Phone: E-mail: Purpose of the Course: The Writing course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop competency in basic, academic and creative writing. The goal of the course is to take the student from mechanics of basic sentence to the ability of construct paragraphs and texts. The course also introduces students to principles of effective written communication and critical reading. It stresses invention, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment, along with effective critiquing and collaborating.
Specific Objectives: § To reinforce the new vocabulary, ideas, and structures in the text § To understand paragraph writing process, practice different rhetorical models, and review grammar and sentence patterns § To sharpen students’ essay writing skills and train them to write clearly, coherently, and cohesively § To practice ability to analyze, revise, and edit writings and texts § To analyze the nature of academic writing § To teach writing skills for academic purposes including argumentative essay writing, developing a research report/proposal § To organize and produce texts that meet the demands of specific genres, purposes, audiences, and stances § To find, analyze, summarize, and synthesize appropriate source material from both print and electronic environments § To develop effective group interaction skills § To correctly identify and explain the key features of fiction and creative nonfiction § To produce students able to apply their knowledge and understanding of critical, theoretical, and technical traditions to the production of original literary works § To produce students able to effectively communicate what it is they, as writers, do, and to effectively present literary works, their own as well as the works of others.
Course Outcomes On completion of the Writing course, students will be able to: § Demonstrate understanding of writing as a series of tasks, including finding, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate sources, and as a process that involves composing, editing and revising. § Demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills, including understanding an argument’s major assertions and assumptions and how to evaluate its supporting evidence. § Demonstrate competence in Standard Written English, including grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, coherence, and document design (including the use of the visual) and be able to use this knowledge to revise texts. § Demonstrate facility with the fundamentals of persuasion as these are adapted to a variety of special situations and audiences in academic writing. § Demonstrate research skills, integrate their own ideas with those of others, and apply the conventions of attribution and citation correctly. § Demonstrate understanding of various forms and structures of fiction and poetry. § Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of professional writers’ styles and voices in fiction and poetry in order to develop your own individual style.