VIDEO TEACHING/ KEEPING PET. Activity 1: Vocabulary. Exercise 1: Look at the pictures below, what kinds of animals do they belong to?. Exercise 2: List out the animals that have the following features in the table below. Activity 3: Video watching. Link t ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 VIDEO TEACHING/ KEEPING PET Activity 1: Vocabulary Exercise 1: Look at the pictures below, what kinds of animals do they belong to? Exercise 2: List out the animals that have the following features in the table below
Activity 2: Discussion: Work in group of 4 – 5 people to discuss the following questions 1. What kinds of pet are popular in your country? 2. Do you have a dog or a cat? Do you love them? 3. What are the benefits of keeping pets? 4. What are the disadvantages of keeping pets? Activity 3: Video watching Link to download: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=YCty8q4VSbs Exercise 1: Watch the video the first time and decide the following sentences True ( T) or False (F)
Exercise 2: Watch the video the second time and choose the best answer
1. In the video, Teddy respond to: A. His name B. Light C. Grass cutting tool D. Fire truck E. Road drilling machine F. None of the above 2. Scott wakes Teddy up every morning because: A. He takes Teddy to his workplace B. He wants Teddy to take exercise C. He often makes the bed before going to work. D. He worries that Teddy may be hungry 3. The final solution was described as: A. Difficult B. Cute and funny C. Simple and elegant D. Impossible 4. Teddy responds to the doorbell because: A. He is hungry B. He is scared that someone may break into the house C. He thinks that somebody’s gonna be on the other side. D. He wants to find someplace to hide. 5. After being tricked, Teddy feels: A. Unhappy B. Grateful C. Angry D. Sulky