Which Hosting Should A Novice Webmaster Choose?The choice of hosting always seems to be quite a difficult task, since this service itself is not technically simple and has many features. Starting from its various types (VDS/VPS, virtual hosting), ending with the parameters of hoster evaluation (speed, reliability) and the features of various tariffs. Virtual hosting is the most budget-friendly and most popular type of hosting. It is called virtual because many client websites are located on one physical server using virtualization tools at once. In addition to the server, they also have software in common. There will not be a guaranteed amount of resources here, however, if you do not have a very demanding Internet project and a high-quality hosting provider, then this will definitely not hurt you. You can always take a more solid tariff. The tariffs differ mainly in the disk space, the maximum load limit, and the number of sites. Unlimited Reseller Hosting can also be the best idea to go with to get unlimited features and benefits. Hosting providers often offer two types of virtual hosting: Windows hosting and UNIX / Linux hosting. Moreover, the first option is mostly more expensive. The difference is in the possibilities of using technologies. The difference between Windows hosting is that it also uses technologies created by Microsoft (MS SQL, ASP. NET), and technologies that were originally created for UNIX / Linux hosting (MySQL, PHP). Sometimes, you can find tariffs with the names " hosting for Joomla", " hosting for WordPress" or " 1 Dollar Hosting for a full-fledged online store". In fact, all this is a regular virtual hosting. Functionally, it almost never differs from standard tariffs. However, the hosting provider tries to adapt such parameters as the number of sites, disk space for those Internet projects that, as he thinks, most often use CMS data.