Дата: The 4nd of February. Тема занятия: At the Chemist’s shop (В аптеке). Exercise №2. Read and translate the dialogues.. Dialogue A. At the Chemist’s shop. Dialogue B. At the drug store. Chemist:I can recommend you Tylenol. It’s for temporary relief ofСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Дата: The 4nd of February Тема занятия: At the Chemist’s shop (В аптеке)
Exercise №2. Read and translate the dialogues. Dialogue A At the Chemist’s shop Patient (Came to the Chemist’s shop): Can you help me? Chemist: No doubt. What is your problem? Patient: Have you got anything to care a headache? Chemist: I have a wonderful bottle with some medicine. The bottle has just given me. The chemist took it from the shelf, held the bottle under the patient ‘ nose and the cork was taken out. Patient: What a terrible smell! This smell is so strong that tears are coming into my eyes and running down my cheeks! Chemist: You wanted something good for your headache, Didn’t you? This medical liquid was taken to help you! Patient: Oh my God! You didn’t get me! My wife has got a terrible headache, not me! Dialogue B At the drug store Chemist: Can I help you? Patient: Could you give me something for a toothache? Chemist: I can recommend you Tylenol. It’s for temporary relief of your pain. Patient: May be do you have something else? Chemist: We have plenty of them. But they can’t be given you without a doctor’s prescription. Patient: Here it is. But I would like to buy another. Chemist: What do you mean? Patient: Ketorol. What do you think of this medicine? Chemist: Oh! It’s very expensive. Try to take Ketanov. It’s much cheaper! Patient: Many thanks! But I’ll take an advise my dentist. Dialogue C At the Chemist’s shop Chemist: Good evening. What can I do for you? Patient: A long list of things was dictated to me yesterday. My wife asked for me to buy it. Chemist: Show me your List, please. There is a shaving cream, a foam, a deodorant, a shampoo and an Ointment for hands and the drops for eyes Visine. Patient: Everything will be looked for. I hope. Chemist: May be something else? Patient: Oh! I nearly forgot! My wife asked for me to buy some medicine. Chemist: What medicine would you like? Patient: Something is wrong with her stomach.