Key structure steps. - ContextKey structure steps
- Ghost (one of the key steps) - ghost is really the attack by the mind. It’s typically expressed in 4 different ways 1) Power of the past on a present. We can’t get away from our past. 2) It tends to come out as actual sins that the parents have committed that are being visited on the children. Sometimes this sins can be generations old. 3) Ghost repeating itself. The ghost cycle. We don’t just have one sin that happened, we have this crime happening again and again and again. 4) Phenomenon of self-confirming hypothesis. That is if you put something in my mind, if you put a suggestion in my mind it begins to grow to such a degree that I will actually make it happened. It’s mind attacking the hero.
We wanna get geometry right, we wanna get the basic underline sequence. How do we do this connecting the ghost and so on?
1) Create a strong crime from the past. 2) Connect that to a horrifying crime in the future 3) Do that through the psychological and moral weakness of our hero
This is the foundation of the entire story.
Examples: Sisters, Hellraiser - Franks retransformation scene.
Clive Barker. The law of conservation of pleasure and pain. If you have it here you’ve got to pay for it there. Karma of horror. It can take a very circuitous route but it’s gonna come back.
- Context
1) Basic context is the haunted house which represents the opponent who lives in your house and in a deeper sense the opponent who lives in your head. It is basically the heroes great fear made physical. Haunted house characteristics:
- The tightest space in all of storytelling. It’s a human pressure cooker. Key to this space: creating the three-dimensional attack so we intensify the pressure on the hero. Example: Alien. Airshaft scene
- The space itself and the objects in the space are possessed. They have a power to attack on their own. Which means that the home Itself becomes a weapon. This place where we supposed to be most safe is a very dangerous weapon. Examples (Exorcist, Beetlejuice)
- The social world. § Class differences. Upper class feeds off of the lower class. Cunt Dracula, baron Frankenstein. § Corruption underneath a happy small town. Very ugly secret. (Friday 13th, Halloween, Poltergeist, Nightmare on Elm street, Twin Peaks)