1. Word games like Scattergories or Boggle1. Word games like Scattergories or Boggle Although multiple online versions of these games are designed to be played on a computer, nothing says you can’t hand the kids some paper and project the game on the board. Print out answer sheets that allow students to play and then let the program do the work!
2. Brain games Kids love a mystery, no matter how much they complain they don’t get it. One favorite activity is to challenge students to think differently about words and images. Thinkablepuzzles. com has a wide variety of printable games, but probably the best is Bamboozables. A bamboozable is a saying/phrase that is made up of a display of words, in an interesting way. The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, place, or thing that each bamboozable is meant to represent. Kids will scratch their head, beg you for answers, and have a blast while practicing problem-solving skills and alternative thinking.
3. Create a Holiday Memory Book Have students capture their best holiday moments in a memory book. Students will have more than enough to share, and a memory book is a great way to do that. Ask students to draw or bring in a picture of their favorite holiday outing, moment, or gift. Then ask students to write a few sentences about it. Once students have completed their memory book page, have them share it with the class or bind them all together to make a class book. Make New Year’s Resolutions Returning from holiday break is the perfect time to teach students how to reflect upon the past year and to make positive changes for the new year. Tell students that the new year means a fresh start and they can make promises to themselves that are positive and realistic. As a class, brainstorm a few resolutions together. Give them the following prompts to get started.