THE PASSIVE VOICEEx. 1. Change the sentences from active to passive. 1. The teacher explains the new rule. 2. The teacher is explaining the new rule. 3. The teacher has explained the new rule. 4. The teacher explained the new rule. 5. The teacher was explaining the new rule. 6. The teacher had explained the new rule. 7. The teacher is going to explain the new rule. 8. The teacher will explain the new rule. 9. The teacher can explain the new rule. 10. The teacher should explain the new rule. 11. The teacher ought to explain the new rule. 12. The teacher must explain the new rule. 13. The teacher has to explain the new rule. 14. The teacher may explain the new rule. 15. The teacher might explain the new rule.
Ex. 2. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets. 1. This program (run) by very good managers. 2. These workers usually (pay) monthly. 3. The public not (allow) to drive on the park roads. 4. This city (bomb) heavily in the war. 5. Tim studies hard. He hopes he (give) the highest grades this semester. 6. The lost children just (find) in the park. 7. The new computer system (install) at the moment. 8. I (teach) to play chess by the time I was four. 9. He was getting the best care and treatment in the hospital, and he (monitor) night and day. 10. If all the money in the world (collect) and (divide) equally among all the people living on the Earth, each of us (give) three million dollars. 11. Don't worry! By the time we meet again, all your problems (solve). 12. We (tell) that the exact days for the talks not (set) yet. 13. It (decide) last week that this novel (televise). 14. The Olympic torch (pass) from one runner to the next one.
Ex. 3. A. Read the following text. When packages don't arrive on time things can't get done, people wait, clients leave, orders get backed up, jobs get lost, bosses get angry, people are disappointed, stores can't open, factories shut down, money gets lost, meetings are missed, conferences are cancelled, businesses can't open, blood pressure goes up, people can't work, promises are broken, trust is lost, opportunities are missed, deals aren't made, transactions never happen, ideas aren't shared, products don't get made, information is missed, and the person who used the shipping company that messed it up looks really really really bad. When packages do arrive on time the world works just fine. B. Say what happens to you if you are not on time.
Ex. 4. Change the sentences from active to passive if possible 1. Doctors use this medicine widely. 2. They deliver milk before 8 a. m. 3. When I came to the service station, they were still repairing my car. 4. Jack walked to school yesterday. 5. Don't worry, our people will meet the group at the airport. 6. This man is installing a new xerox in the office. 7. We stayed in a three-star hotel. 8. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they confused the names which the witness had given them. 9. They threw him into prison and deprived him of his property. 10. The leaves fell to the ground. 11. Have you received the message yet? 12. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. 13. Mary's cat ran away last week. 14. I hope they will have completed the repairs by tomorrow. 15. Some people were using the tennis court, so we couldn't play. 16. No one has solved that problem yet. 17. Did someone invite you to the party? 18. 1 agree with you, gentlemen. 19. This news surprised me. 20. Mr. Lee will teach this class.
Ex. 5. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets. Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since this book first (publish). During this period several hundred thousand copies of the book (dispose) of, and it (sell) practically in every country in the world where English (teach) as a second language. Nevertheless, the twenty-fifth anniversary is so important an occasion that it (commemorate) with the publication of the new edition, which thoroughly (revise) and considerably (enlarge). Additional sections (include). Another innovation is that a list of irregular verbs in everyday use (introduce). These verbs intentionally (place) as endpapers for easy reference. Besides, the opportunity (take) of revising the book from cover to cover, bringing it up to date and introducing many little improvements here and there. Much care (give) to the preparation of the Index, which it (hope) will make the book a useful work of reference. The writer is of the opinion that the best results (achieve) if it (use) by the students both as a text book and as a book of reference.
Ex. 6. Change the sentences from active to passive. Remember; only one passive construction is possible with these verbs 1. If you want, I'll dictate the address. 2. The customer repeated his request several times. 3. In his speech the lecturer mentioned some historic dates. 4. The council pointed out some shortcomings in the project. 5. The client explained his terms clearly. 6. Sally described all the details of the incident vividly. 7. The chief announced the good news to everybody's delight. 8. The lawyer suggested the new strategy. 9. She pointed out the mistake to us. 10. The policeman repeated his orders several times.
Ex. 7. Translate into English. 1. Нам объяснили, как работает аппарат. 2. Его так хорошо описали, что мы сразу поняли, что это он. 3. Письмо было продиктовано мне по телефону. 4. Об этом законе физики лишь упомянули, он не был объяснен студентам. 5. Тебе когда-нибудь объясняли значение этих слов? 6. Сообщение повторялось каждые полчаса. 7. Им указали на их недостойное поведение. 8. Заказчикам предложили новые условия контракта. 9. На днях вам было указано на эту проблему. 10. Вся информация будет записана для нас автоответчиком. Ex. 8. Change the sentences from active to passive 1. You can hear this hit everywhere. 2. One can't learn a foreign language in a few weeks. 3. You shouldn't put fruit into the fridge. 4. She is a rude child. Her mother must teach her good manners. 5. I have to complete the letter today. 6. Clara is going to mail these letters tomorrow. 7. Someone must call the police. 8. We ought to invite them, too. 9. They may raise the price of gas. 10. I am going to paint the walls white. 11. The customer has to pay this bill. 12. You shouldn't carry large sums of money with you. 13. Aluminum is a valuable metal. You can use it again and again. Because you can recycle this metal, nobody should throw away aluminum cans. 14. People must protect endangered wildlife from extinction. 15. They may easily fool you.
Ex. 9. Translate into English 1. — Полицию вызвали? — Её вызвали десять минут назад. 2. Что за сумасшедшая идея! Только никому не говори, а то над тобой будут смеяться. 3. На словарь Хорнби часто ссылаются. 4. Профессор был уверен, что лекцию о сленге подростков будут внимательно слушать. 5. О последнем кинофестивале много говорят. 6. Хорошо ли за мальчиком присматривают в детском саду? 7. Сад был великолепным. Ему всегда уделяли много внимания. 8. Если за врачом послать сейчас же, он будет здесь не раньше, чем через час. 9. Над его шутками всегда смеются. 10. Ключ ищут, но пока безуспешно. 11. С ним поговорили, и он все понял. 12. Он старался произвести впечатление, но его просто не заметили.
Ex. 10. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets 1. The first self service groceries (open) in America in 1912. 2. Oh, no! My car (go)! 3. Taking photographs in the museum (forbid). 4. Children should (see) but not (hear). 5. Milk (sell) often in cartons. 6. Energy could (save) if people made more journeys by bicycle. 7. Our team only (beat) once so far this year. 8. This painting probably (paint) by Dali. 9. She's only crying because some soap went into her eye while her hair (wash). 10. A new guidebook to the U. K. (write) at the moment. 11. In sоme countries women still (deny) the right to vote. 12. This event not (forget) very quickly. 13. The votes (count) by midnight?
Ex. 11. Choose the correct form of the words in brackets 1. Many students are (interesting, interested) in the Internet. 2. Nigel's classes are always (interesting, interested). 3. Don't bother to read that book. It's (boring, bored). 4. I'm (boring, bored). How about going to a movie? 5. Most children are (fascinating, fascinated) by animals. 6. Young children think that animals are (fascinating, fascinated). 7. 1 was very (embarrassing, embarrassed) by that question. 8. That was an (embarrassing, embarrassed) experience. 9. I read a (shocking, shocked) report yesterday. I was really (shocking, shocked). 10. The children went to a circus. For them, the circus was (exciting, excited). The (exciting, excited) children jumped up and down. Ex. 12. Translate into English 1. Учти, в расписание внесли некоторые изменения. 2. Словарями нельзя пользоваться на экзаменах. 3. Его постоянно критикуют за плохие манеры. 4. — Машина сияет. — Да, ее только что помыли. 5. Дайте нам знать, если хотите, чтобы вас встретили в аэропорту, 6. Синтетические ткани хорошо стираются. 7. Вещи сделанные из льна, сильно мнутся. 8. Его необходимо остановить, пока не слишком поздно. 9. Ее укусило странное насекомое. 10. Детей следует уважать так же, как и взрослых. 11. Лабораторией нельзя было пользоваться вчера, в ней устанавливали новое оборудование. 12. Все работы будут закончены к концу недели. 13. — Ты почему не в новых туфлях? — Они в ремонте. 14. Инспектор заверил нас, что все необходимые меры уже были приняты. 15. Как только данные будут получены, вас проинформируют об этом. 16. Эйфелева башня была спроектирована Александром Эйфелем. Она была сооружена в 1889 году. Ее можно видеть из любой части города.
13. Change the active to passive if possible: 1. Jackie scored the winning goal. 2. My cat died. 3. I agree with Dr. Ikeda’s theory. 4. Timmy dropped the cup. 5. The cup fell to the floor. 6. The assistant manager interviewed me. 7. It rained hard yesterday. 8. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village. 9. Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. 10. A large vase stands in the corner of our front hallway. 11. The children seemed happy when they went to the zoo. 12. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard. 13. The solution to my problem appeared to me in a dream. 14. Our plan succeeded at last. 15. Barbara traveled to Uganda last year. 14. Change the following active sentences to the passive: 1. People should save pandas from extinction. 2. People must obey all traffic laws. 3. Someone ought to repair this broken window. 4. Someone should have supplied the hotel with clean towels. 5. Someone had better take this garbage to the dump soon. 6. People can pick tomatoes before they are completely ripe. 7. Someone is supposed to divide the profits among the shareholders. 8. Someone must have hurt Bob’s feelings. 9. Someone ought to have reported the accident to the police. 10. You shouldn’t put bananas in the freezer. 15. Decide whether be or get is a more suitable auxiliary in these sentences: 1. The Nazca lines ___ discovered in the 1930. 2. My camera ___ was damaged yesterday. It will have to ___ repaired before the picnic next week so I can take pictures. 3. New medicines are ___ developed that show great promise in fighting cancer. 4. John’s car ___ damaged, so he had to take public transportation. 5. That’s really dangerous. If you ___ hurt, don’t blame me. 6. Scott ___ arrested on his way home from the football game. 7. I don’t think John and Mary will ever ___ married. They are too different. 8. Don’t put that fish in the same aquarium with the others. It might ___ eaten by the larger ones. 16. Translate from Russian into English using Passive: 1. Парковка в этом месте запрещена. 2. Никто не может требовать от студентов, чтобы они знали каждое слово. 3. Смотри! Пока эта женщина разговаривает, у нее воруют кошелек. 4. Он обнаружил, что все его деньги украдены. 5. Деревенская церковь сгорела в прошлом году. 6. Пассажирам не разрешается разговаривать с водителем. 7. Когда она увидит это письмо, она будет в шоке. 8. Мне сказали, что уже ничего нельзя изменить, так как решение принято. 9. Не входите. Там экзаменуют последнего студента. 10. Почему здесь так холодно? – Зал только что проветривали.