Sherlock Holmes joke: C – B – F – A – E – D ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Sherlock Holmes joke: C – B – F – A – E – D Harold jokes: 1. At school 2. Two (Harold and his teacher) 3. Harold is complaining about his marks. 4. He cheated in the exam 5. It is based on deliberate misunderstandings 6. 1 and 1=11 not the names of the days of the week, as you would expect (Tuesday and Thursday) the second day of each month=12 7. (Student’s own answer) Riddles Student A: An owl because he always says “who, who? ” Advice. Student B: Nine His mother Laugh and you will feel better: laughter – laugh – released – tolerate – relaxed – discovered – grow Did you know…? : Bart Simpson Do you get the jokes? 1. What has 4 legs but cannot walk? 2. How many people work in this office? 3. What does your husband do for a living? 4. Why do birds fly south? 5. What kind of hair have oceans got? 6. What time is it when you meet a crocodile? 7. You are wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger…. Punch line 1. I know. It is very effective, isn’t it? 2. Use another one.