How to protect yourself from problems with the unavailability of the site? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 How to protect yourself from problems with the unavailability of the site? It is almost impossible to protect yourself from completely all kinds of problems with the unavailability of the website. Anything can happen. However, it is possible to reduce the risks of getting into a similar situation.
To reduce the likelihood of getting into a situation related to the unavailability of an Internet site, you should, first of all, choose cheap vps hosting very carefully. In addition, you need to make sure that the employee who will manage the website is sufficiently qualified. Cheap vps hosting in USA: general requirements for the stable operation of the site If the requirements for a website management employee are very diverse to describe them fully in this article, then the general requirements for a hosting site for the stable operation of a website are quite universal. The very first thing you need to make sure is that the hoster you have chosen uses modern productive equipment to host customer websites. Second, but no less important, it is necessary to clarify with the hoster's specialists how many client accounts are hosted on one server. If the hoster hosts more than two hundred customer accounts on one server, then it makes sense to look for another hosting in USA. Third, you need to make sure that the data center where the hosting provider's servers are located is reliable and has proven itself perfectly.