Список слів (заняття 2).independence the electorate a nationwide referendum political success presidential elections economic reform constitution executive branch legislative branch to eliminate one’s nuclear arsenal association to adopt a new constitution currency to abound an official an attempt to assassinate struggle extensive corruption a complication a dispute between maintain ships. to divide the fleet negotiations control indefinitely lease to declare a statement removal to reach an agreement to settle the dispute a treaty tenure to appoint to succeed parliamentary elections an economic collapse to fall in value to slump to receive loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) to ratify the treaty of friendship and cooperation to delay accepting the treaty a delay to be elected to a second term to remain to establish democratic institutions and traditions former Soviet republics stipulate a parliamentary democracy to be eligible to vote head of state to be elected by direct majority vote under the advice confirmation head of government carry out one’s policies a single chamber a deputy a constituency to change the constitution to pass laws to confirm the budget to impeach the president judiciary the highest court the Constitutional Court to interpret the constitution a judge a magistrate the Supreme Court appeals court the removal of judges local government decentralization autonomous republic utilities to implement policies to contradict the constitution of Ukraine