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Chapter 23 2 страница

He started with the living quarters and workshops that were near the base of the tower. Neither of which seemed to interest the Princess all that much, though he did notice a gleam in the eyes of the one with blond hair, Tyene he believed her name was, when he showed them the workshop that his Master had taken to calling his 'laboratory'. As they ascended the tower, he could feel the slightest bits of excitement starting to come off Arianne as her grip on his arm became slightly tighter with each level they rose.

Coming to one of the highest rooms in the tower, Jon paused as he was unsure whether it would be alright for him to bring the Princess into this room as normally, outside of Master Nox's acolytes, one needed permission from either Jon's father or Master to enter the Sorcerer's private library. 'Master did say to show them everything…I guess that is permission enough. ' Deciding to push forward, Jon opened the door and led Arianne into the library. " This is Master Nox's private library, " he informed the group, drawing sharp looks from three of the four women, Obara he'd come to realize had little care for much outside of martial matters. " Most of what you'll find in here are the tomes that were collected from Valyria. But he has quite a few more from our brief stays in Braavos and Volantis. "

" Incredible, " Arianne breathed, all but dragging him into the library before dropping his arm and making her way between the shelves. Pausing, she pulled a book seemingly at random off the shelf and flipped it open. " Are they all in High Valyrian? Because mine is more than a little out of practice. "

Nodding, Jon stepped up beside her while making sure he was keeping a respectful distance between the two for proprieties sake. " Not all, but most. Lady Talisa has been most helpful since her arrival in both translating some of the texts and teaching a few of us how to speak and read High Valyrian. Though there hasn't been much time for either of those lessons as of late. "

Jon felt a quick spike of jealousy from Arianne that disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. 'Jealousy? Why? '

" Perhaps I can be of assistance then while I am here, " Arianne said, replacing the book and returning to her wandering between the shelves. " I do not claim to be an expert in the Valyrian tongue, but I do know enough to instruct you in the basics of the language. " As if to prove her point, the princess of Dorne switched from the common tongue to High Valyrian without hesitation. " And perhaps I can show you just what else I can do with my tongue in a more private setting. "

Jon suddenly found an intense want to learn High Valyrian. The way the language rolled off her tongue…it brought more than a few images and desires to mind that he had to quickly quell. " I would be honored to learn from you Pr – Arianne. I'm sure that there is much you can teach me. "

The look she gave him made his britches more than slightly uncomfortable. " Oh, you have no idea just how much I can teach you, Jon Stark. "

An urge awoke within him, like a sleeping bear coming out of its cave on the first day of spring. He wanted her. By the gods did he want her. He wanted to press her against the shelves here and now, tear her dress from her body, and – 'Stop, Jon! ' He cursed himself, fighting against the urges raging a war within him as he fought for control. A battle that turned abruptly once more when Arianne turned and jutted her hip towards him as she walked away. 'By the gods…she's a Princess! But on the other hand, she is making all these – no. That's no excuse! She's still a Princess and deserves the utmost respect. Yet had things turned out differently…then I would be a Prince and such things wouldn't matter – no. Stop. Just…stop. '

" Jon? Are you coming? It isn't polite to keep a Princess wanting. "

'Gods, ' Jon cursed, the war for control still raging within him as he quickened his steps to catch up with Arianne. 'She's going to be the death of me. I swear it. '

Catching up with Arianne, he found the Princess of Dorne standing beside one of the few tables within the library and staring down at its surface. Or, more accurately, the two bracers that were laid out on the surface of the table.

" What are these? " Arianne asked, her dark curls swaying as she turned her head at his approach.

Looking down, Jon wanted to curse his forgetfulness. On the table, thankfully still were he'd left them before his father had sent him south to protect the Martells and Tyrells, was the talisman bracer they'd found in Valyria that allowed him to control the dragon's fire. And next to it was the duplicate that Jon had been trying for over a year to replicate with unfortunately little success. 'At least I remembered to keep my other little gift from Valyria hidden in my room. Gods only know how anyone who react to me having an actual dragons' egg. '

" It's the talisman that I found in the ruins of Valyria. The one that allowed me to control the dragon's fire. Or at least divert it away from us, " Jon answered, drawing a surprised look from Arianne. " And this one, well, it's a duplicate I've been trying to make for years using the texts we found in Valyria. But I've had no luck whatsoever with the blasted thing. Even after almost a year, it's little more than a decorative bracer. And not even a well-made one at that. "

Arianne favored him with a smile that lifted his ill mood brought on by the reminder of his failure. " I'm sure that you will figure it out, Jon. You're one of the smartest and most gifted men I've met. And I include my father and uncle in that company as well. " Turning away, she looked down at the bracer again, the smile fading from her face as one of her fingers began to delicately trace the rune work on the original armlet. " Tell me… You said that you've been using Valyrian text to duplicate this, correct? Which means Valyrian magic. "

" Aye, " Jon nodded, staring intently at Arianne.

Her smile returned full force as her fingers left the armlet. " Then I might be able to start teaching you here and now, Jon Stark. For these runes are not Valyrian. They are of my people. They're Rhoynish. "

" Rhoynish? " Jon questioned, looking back and forth between Arianne and the talisman.

" Yes, " Arianne nodded, pointing towards one of the symbols on the armlet. " I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I've studied my ancestors, especially their magic given its recent resurgence. This rune here…I recognize it as being a rune for 'fire'. And I recognize a few of these other runes…however without a guide I am not entirely sure of their meaning. Though I do find it strange that there are Rhoynish runes on a Valyrian artifact. My ancestors did not have the best history with the Dragon Lords. So, it is odd that they would give the Valyrians a part of their magic. "

" Actually, it's not as strange as you might think, " Jon started, remembering back to the ruins of Valyria and what they learned about the Valyrian people. " The Valyrians didn't just eradicate their enemies. They absorbed them, taking what made their enemies strong and incorporating them into their own people. The Rhoynish were powerful. It isn't surprising that the Valyrians would take in their magic after their defeat. But now that I know that these runes are Rhoynish instead of Valyrian…"

Trailing off, Jon turned on his heel and marched away from Arianne and began searching through the shelves of books looking for anything on the Rhoynar people. 'Come on, there has to be something here, ' he thought, quickly scanning over the books. Sam, Talisa, and the other students had been busy trying to categorize the books that they'd found, but it was still a work in progress. Which meant that finding anything about one subject in the library was more than a little difficult. Stumbling in his rush, Jon braced himself on the shelf and cursed his two left feet before blinking dumbly. Right in front of him near the floor was a book with similar symbols as the talisman. Grabbing the book off the shelf, he quickly flipped it open, once again cursing his lack of understanding of the Valyrian tongue as he made his way back.

Arianne was still where he'd left her, though during his brief search she'd managed to pull two chairs up to the table and was currently sitting in one of them. " Did you find something? " she asked, a slight note of excitement in her voice.

" I think so, " Jon nodded, taking the empty seat across from her as his excitement mounted, making him forget the fact that he was with a Princess. " These look like the same symbols as on the talisman. "

" Hand it over, " Arianne all but demanded as he laid the book out on the table so that the two of them could look it over. Arianne immediately began flipping through the pages, her eyes scanning each page quickly before moving on to the next. " Most of this is in High Valyrian. But other parts…like this page here…this is Rhoynish. I might just be able to make some of this out…but this is very old. "

Jon lost track of time quickly as he and Arianne sat next to one another with the book spread out between them. He had no idea if her cousins were still in the room or not, nor did he really care. He was so engrossed in his work and in the beautifully intelligent woman beside him that everything else faded into the obscurity. Working together, the two used everything they knew to work their way through the Rhoynish-Valyrian book, using scrap pieces of paper to write down their observations as they went. In seemingly no time at all, the entirety of the surface of the table was covered with various books that Jon had fetched and dozens of pieces of scrap parchment with crude drawings of runic designs.

" So, this is where you two have disappeared to. " Jumping slight, Jon cursed himself for having become so engrossed in his work that he'd neglected to keep mindful of his surroundings, and because of that he'd allowed Prince Oberyn to get almost arm's length to the two of them. " I must say, you two caused more than a few tongues to wag at your unexpected disappearance. Though I am quite surprised to see that none of what was being said is actually happening. "

" Prince Oberyn! " Jon greeted the man, trying to keep himself passive despite his anger at himself for having failed to have noticed him. " We…We were just working together. Nothing untoward hap–! "

" Relax, boy, " Prince Oberyn said, smiling lightly at Jon as he held up a hand. " I know my niece, and I like to think that I've known you long enough to get a good read on you. And if anything were to happen, I know that it would be my niece who would be the guilty party and not you. "

" Is there a reason that you are interrupting us, Uncle? " Arianne asked, seemingly completely at ease with the prince's insinuation, which brought more than a few inappropriate thoughts to Jon. " Or have you come merely to try and get a rise out of Jon and I? And before you comment on that with your usual response, don't. "

The prince's smirk made Jon shiver as the potential double meaning of Arianne's words came to him. " Nothing of the sort, dear niece. I'm merely here to remind you that our wonderful Stark hosts are holding a welcoming feast for our arrival, as well as belatedly welcoming the Lannisters as well. And I thought it prudent that I find you both before the start of the feast. You two have already started more than a few rumors. Should you both miss the feast…Well, those rumors will become even more interesting by morning. Perhaps even to the point where we'll have to find a Septon or drag you both before the weirwood as is tradition here in the North? "

'Stay calm, Jon, ' he thought, willing himself to remain impassive as possible just as his Master had taught him. 'Don't give into his taunting. '

Clicking her tongue, Arianne rose to her feet. " Was it not you uncle who told me that if you do not start at least five scandalous rumors wherever you visit, then you are not trying hard enough? "

Prince Oberyn smirked and nodded. " Yes, I did, niece. Though in that case, I was referring to myself, not you. I do have a reputation to keep after all. "

" Of course you do, Uncle, " Arianne nodded before turning to him. " I expect you to be my escort for the night, Jon. I have found myself missing your company since you left Sunspear and would not have you parted from me tonight. "

" I–I would enjoy that very much, Arianne, " Jon replied, only just managing to keep the stutter out of his voice as he agreed to her request.

" Good, " Arianne nodded. " Then I best freshen up while I still have the time. And don't think you're going to be completing this little project without me, Jon Stark. You've piqued my interest with this Rhoynish armlet from Valyria. And I intend to be there once you've completed your work. "

" Of course, Arianne. I think I have already made twice as much progress with you now than I have in the past six moons alone, " he said in an attempt at flattery.

" Yes, you could, " Arianne nodded. " Modesty is a good trait to have Jon. But so is confidence. Perhaps you should start showing more of the latter rather than the former. " And with that, Arianne turned quickly away from him and marched out of the library with her uncle and cousins following closely behind her.

Now alone, Jon let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. " Gods…That woman is going to be the death of me. "

Sitting in the great hall of Winterfell with his head leaning back against his chair, Robb Stark watched with a keen eye on the festivities that'd taken hold within the heart of Winterfell. The great hall had been transformed into a state that he doubted he would ever see again. Members of four of the Great Houses of Westeros were gathered under a single roof for the first time in he didn't know how long. To an outside observer, everything might seem completely normal. Bards were playing in the corner, their music bringing a lively air to the hall that prompted more than one man and woman to leave their seat and dance across the middle of the hall. And the members of each house were seemingly being very cordial with one another. But the truth was that this peace that'd descended upon Winterfell was balancing on a sword's edge and the wind was blowing.

It was in the eyes. The slight shifting and the tightening whenever a member one House would approach a member from a differing House. Almost as if they were expecting a dagger in the back here and now. And then there was also the fact that, after the initial entering of the hall, each House had pretty much separated themselves from the other, sectioning off each part of the great hall as if each side was preparing themselves for battle. He knew that gatherings such as this one was important for the future as whenever this many nobles gathered it was inevitable that one—if not more—alliances would be struck before the gathering was through. And as he watched his sister Sansa be led across the dance floor by a newly healed Willias Tyrell, Robb had a suspicion as to a potential alliance that might be struck.

'She isn't the only Stark who is enjoying themselves, ' Robb's own voice sounded in his head. 'In fact, you seem to be the only one of your siblings who is not enjoying themselves tonight. '

Unfortunately, the betraying voice in his head spoke true. While he was stuck at the head table constantly keeping an eye on the other houses to make sure nothing nefarious took place, his siblings were mingling with their guests and seemingly having a great time of it. Jon had moved from his seat the moment it was appropriate to do so and had taken up the spot right next to Princess Arianne. Ever since the moment he sat down, Jon and Arianne had put their heads close to one another and began talking, though about what he didn't know as he couldn't hear them over the noise in the hall. But he was sure that their closeness to one another, and the fact that the two had seemingly disappeared right after arriving this morning, would set more than a few tongues wagging. His brother had told Robb quite a few times about the woman's beauty, both in mind and body. And now that Robb had met the woman who had so captivated his brother, all he could think was that his brother had been understating matters. The woman was stunning. Though in his eye she still paled in comparison to Talisa.

Sitting almost right next to Jon was their sister Arya, who'd followed Jon after he'd left his seat to join the Martells. Though unlike his brother who was completely enthralled with Arianne, Arya seemed to have her attention focused on the bastard daughters of Prince Oberyn, the so-called 'Sand Snakes'. Warrior women who, according to Jon at least, were just as good with their weapons of choice as any man he'd ever met. So, it was little wonder as to why his sister, who dreamed of casting aside what was expected of her and forging her own path, was drawn to them. Thankfully though, the daughters of Prince Oberyn seemed to take Arya's presence completely in stride. Hells, if anything, within a few minutes Arya seemed more at ease with the bastard girls than any of the other visitors they'd had in Winterfell over the years.

Bran, much like Sansa, had drifted towards the Tyrell's, or more specifically the middle son of the Tyrells, Ser Garlan Tyrell. A knight of the Reach and a man said to be one of the better swords in the south. And just like Jon and Arya, it was little wonder as to just why his brother had made his way towards the man, who was now at least humoring his young brother with some tale or other. Despite being trained by Lord Nox, his brother's dream of becoming the greatest knight Westeros had ever seen had not diminished in the slightest. If anything, they'd only intensified as his brother's training began.

" Such a heavy demeanor is not befitting the heir of Winterfell tonight, Robb. Not while your brothers and sisters are enjoying themselves so. "

It was all Robb could do not to jump out of his seat at the sound of her voice. Instead, he managed to remain calm as he rose to greet her. 'Gods! Am I so distracted that I didn't even…notice…her…? By the gods, old and new. ' Talisa was always beautiful to him, but tonight, there was just something about her tonight that truly took his breath from him. Her hair was done in a traditional northern style braid and slung over one of her shoulders and she was wearing a pale blue dress that covered most of her body while still hugging her curves. If not for the darkened color of her skin, he would say that she was a true northern woman.

" Lady Talisa, " he greeted her, doing his best to calm his racing heart. This was their first feast such as this since Lord Nox's wedding feast…and the less said about that night the better.

" Robb, " Talisa greeted him before turning her attention to his father, " Lord Stark, please forgive my tardiness. A woman unexpectedly went into labor in Winter Town and it was an unfortunately difficult delivery for both the mother and babe. And I didn't feel right leaving either until I knew they were both alright. "

" There is nothing to forgive, Lady Talisa, " his father replied in greeting. " You were doing your duty to the people of the North. None here will begrudge you for that. Please, join us. The Tyrells have graciously provided the food for tonight's meal. Though, I fear that even if we invited every man, woman, and child in Winterfell to dine with us, there will still be some left. "

His father wasn't lying in that regard. Upon their arrival, the Tyrells had immediately set about trying to make a good impression on their hosts by revealing enough food to feed a small army through a campaign. Ideally it was supposed to last for the duration of their stay, but given the fact that his sister and Lord Nox healed Willias Tyrell's leg from it's longstanding injury, the Lady Olenna Tyrell pressed the need for a lavish celebration for his recovery.

" I can see that, " Talisa nodded, taking note of the piles of food, the weight of which Robb was sure was making the table legs buckle. " Perhaps when the night is through, we can send any food that is left to be distributed to those unable to join in the celebration tonight? "

His father nodded as Talisa took the seat to Robb's left and began putting a small amount of food on her plate. " Your thoughts mirror my own, Lady Talisa. " His father said as Robb retook his seat.

" Talisa, please Lord Stark, " Talisa said, filling her glass with watered downed wine that'd been set out for Robb and Jon. " I have been…basically a ward of Winterfell for nearly a year now. I have little connection to my past life and title. And that is the way I prefer it to be. "

" As you wish, Talisa, " his father nodded before turning his attention away from Robb and Talisa and back to the hall itself.

Wracking his brain, Robb tried to think of something to talk about as Talisa carefully picked at her meal. " The new mother in Winter Town. Will she be alright? And her child? "

Taking a sip of wine, Talisa nodded. " Aye. It was not an easy birth. The baby had not turned fully before the birth begun. Mercifully we didn't have to forcibly remove the babe from the womb, which could've caused quite a few more complications. But in the end, the mother and her new son pulled through and after a bit of rest will be back on their feet within a few days. "

Blinking, Robb tried to wrap his mind around what she'd just told him. " What do you mean by…forcibly removing the babe from the womb? Surely, you don't mean that you… Well…cut the child out? "

To his horror, Talisa merely nodded. " That is exactly what it means. The process isn't unheard of and isn't nearly as bad as you might think it is. But it is still a last resort and only used when the life of the child and the mother are at risk. "

Shaking his head to keep the image out, Robb tried desperately to find another topic to talk about. " Are you…finding the North to your liking, Talisa? "

Talisa paused in her eating and leveled her gaze at him. " You are horrible at small talk, Robb, " she said not unkindly. " It's been a year since I left my home, most of which has been spent here in Winterfell. And my answer to that question is the same as the last time you asked it of me…which was two days ago if I recall correctly. "

From beside him, Robb could swear that he heard his father try, and fail, to stifle a laugh. " Sorry, " he said ashamedly.

" Don't be, " Talisa replied, giving him the slightest of grins. " You're to be the future Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. It's your prerogative to ask the same question again and again. Even if you already know the answer. "

Sighing, Robb turned his attention away from Talisa and back to the dance floor. His sister Sansa had left the dance floor and was now sitting next to Lady Margaery Tyrell and the two were engaged in a seemingly animated discussion, though about what he had no idea, nor did he necessarily want to know. But those dancing in the center of the hall had not stopped just because his sister and Willias had vacated their spot. In fact, it seemed as if more people had decided to take the opportunity to enjoy themselves. Lord Nox was expertly leading Lady Nyra around the floor, his grace and technique once again putting even the most seasoned of dancers to shame. But what surprised Robb was the fact that his brother Jon was also now in the center of the floor with the Princess held lightly in his arms. And judging from the look of shock on his face and the look of satisfaction on the Princess, it was not necessarily Jon's idea for the two of them to dance.

'Well, ' Robb thought with a grin, seeing an opportunity to get one over on his brother. 'Jon might be a far better sword than I. But perhaps there is an area that I can truly outshine my brother. '

Waiting until she had finished with her meal, Robb rose to his feet and offered his hand to Talisa. " My lady, will you do me the honor of sharing a dance with you this evening? "

Robb smirked as he was finally treated to the sight of Talisa being put on the back foot for a change. " And what will everyone think if we do, Robb? " Talisa asked, her eyes looking around the room. " The heir of Winterfell and future Warden of the North sharing a dance with a foreign lady from Volantis? "

" They will envy my luck. For I will have been graced with the chance to dance with the most beautiful woman in the hall, " he answered her, not backing down and still holding his hand out waiting for her to take it.

Talisa glanced down at his offered hand, and then looked up to meet his eyes, his heart beating faster and harder with each moment she stayed in her seat. " Very well, " she said at last, bringing a wave of relief and joy rushing through him. " I do hope that you know your steps. I would like my toes to remain unmolested come morning. "

" No worries of that my lady, " Robb replied with confidence as Talisa took his hand and led her out to the center of the hall.

Once they reached the center of the mass of people, Robb wrapped his right arm around her waist and took her right hand in his left as she placed her remaining hand on her shoulder. Waiting for the music to shift, Robb immediately began leading Talisa around the floor with a grace that'd been engrained into him from the endless dance lessons his mother had forced upon him. 'I hated those lessons…and I let mother know it too. ' He lamented as he guided Talisa through the other dancers. 'And now, now I can't tell her how much I appreciate her insistence that I learn the art. '

" It seems you're not all talk, Robb, " Talisa commented, a light smile upon her face. " You're not half bad. "

Smiling, Robb spun her around in a tight circle in accordance with the music before taking her in his arms once more. " I hated dance lessons when I was a boy. But my mother was relentless and insisted that I learn the steps of multiple dances, " he remarked, his light mood fading slightly at having said his thoughts aloud. " And now I'll never be able to tell her just how much I appreciate her insistence. Or how much I've come to appreciate the hundreds other things she did for me over the years. "

Talisa's face fell slightly. " She knows, Robb, " she said, her left hand reaching up and gently cupping his face for a moment as they paused their dance.

" Thank you, " he said with a smile before taking off once more as the music picked up once more.

After leading her around the dance floor for at least four songs, exhaustion finally caught up to both and they decided without even having to say anything to one another that they'd well and truly earned a break. Leading her back to her seat next to him, noting that his father had moved away from his traditional spot and was now down mingling with the guests, Robb held out her chair for her before retaking his own right next to her.

" That was…exhilarating, " Talisa said, smiling widely. " It has been a long time since I've danced like that… Let alone since I've had a competent dance partner. "

" I am pleased that I met your expectations then, my lady. "

" Met and exceeded, Robb, " Talisa commented back lightly. " And stop with the 'my lady'. You more than have my permission to call me by my name. "

" Talisa, " Robb said, smiling and enjoying the way her name felt on his lips.

The two smiled at one another as they sat back and just enjoyed each other's company while watching the rest of those present enjoy themselves. " Robb…I'm going to be leaving Winterfell. "

Robb was caught so off guard by the statement that it took him a while to even realize that it'd been Talisa who'd said it. " What? " he asked when his mind was finally righted once more. " Why? I–I thought that you said that you were enjoying your time here? And you're not a burden on anyone! Why would you leave? "

" I have enjoyed my time here, and I have learned more from the sorcerer in terms of healing than I ever thought possible, " Talisa nodded, giving Robb a sense of hope that she might just change her mind. " But I can see, especially after watching your sister and the sorcerer heal that young man over there so easily, that I am not needed here. Not when they can heal an injury that is unhealable by any normal means. But outside of Winterfell where the people do not have access to such miraculous capabilities? That is where my skills will be needed. "


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