Chapter 13 1 страницаLeaning his head back against the warm soft stone in the bath, Nox let out a content sigh as he felt the warm scented water begin to relax the muscles in his back and legs. Outside of jumping into the sea on occasion, it'd been months, hell since they left Winterfell, that he'd had a full bath. He wasn't entirely sure if it was Arianne, Oberyn or Doran who set them up with private baths in the Tower of the Sun for their visiting noble guests, but he was thankful. The baths were a gift from the Force. As were the women who took their time to massage each of them with scented oils. Though their backs, legs and necks were not the only things the woman were sent to take care of. And judging by the sounds coming from some of the private rooms and the beet-red face of Jon after he all but ran from his private room, many were taking advantage of the women's skills. But despite the pampering and relaxation, Nox couldn't help but feel more than a slight twinge of annoyance creep into his being. Not from the prospect of having to stay for a feast tonight. No, he had expected that they would have to stay one night in the company of the Dornish ruling family after returning with their wayward Prince. But rather his annoyance stemmed from the conversation he'd had with Asha and Wendel Manderly just prior to entering the baths. Apparently, neither the Sea Wolf nor Asha's yet unnamed galleon had managed to escape their little skirmish completely unharmed. And because they were docked, both decided that now would be the most opportune moment to see to their repairs before starting their next leg north. Unfortunately, the damage to both ships, while not extensive nor enough to make either unseaworthy, was worrying. And at best would take a few days to repair fully. So, with nothing better to do, the crew dispersed into the city while those of more noble birth took guest rooms in the Tower of the Sun. The only two who decided to stay on the ship were Gerion Lannister and Talisa Maegyr. The latter because she wanted to work on finalizing her notes for their greyscale cure. And the former because he was a Lannister, and despite as much good will as he might've earned with Prince Oberyn he didn't want to test the hospitality of the Martells by forcing them to welcome a Lannister, and the brother of Tywin Lannister no less, into their home. Ever since they'd left Valyria, he'd been receiving, well, not visions but feelings. Sensations. Sensations that were emanating from the North. Something was happening in the North. Something important. Something that he needed to be there for. Yet here he was. Stuck in Dorne for several days while he waited for their ships to be fully repaired. And while he sat on his ass, that strange sensation only grew in annoyance. What was worse, he couldn't see what was causing the strange disturbances. In fact, his sight had been quite clouded by something ever since they'd passed by the Stepstones. He'd thought that after taking out the dark side entity that'd made its home in Valyria that he would gain some better clairvoyance in his visions, particularly the one that led him to make his home in the North. But instead, the exact opposite had happened. His visions were even more clouded now than they were before. It was almost as if something or someone was on purposefully blocking his sight. Though the who, where, what, and how currently escaped him. " You know, sorcerer, if I didn't know for a fact you got a woman waiting for you back in the North, I would swear that you prefer the company of a man in your bed rather than women. " Rolling his head to the side, he turned in the direction he knew where Small Jon Umber was currently relaxing in a stone bath of his own. " Oh, and why do you say that? " The Small Jon snorted, " what are we supposed to think sorcerer huh? Bravos, Volantis and now here in Dorne. All these exotic cunts to sample and yet you keep it in your pants. Think you're the only man on the ship who hasn't gone for a taste. Except for young Jon here, eh, boy? Unless you decided to sneak off and sample some foreign cunt while none of us were looking, eh? " Jon went redder than before and tried to disappear beneath the edge of the tube he was in. " Come off it, 'Small' Jon, " Nox groaned. He could understand being excited for sex. But honestly, between the Small Jon and Theon, he wasn't sure just who had the more one-tract mind when it came to the subject. " Snow here hasn't even hit three-and-ten yet. And, as for myself, I am content with Nyra waiting for me back in the North. And I told her I wouldn't lay with another woman till I returned to her, and I am a man of my word. " " Hahaha! She's got ya by the balls, eh, sorcerer? " Small Jon gaffed, splashing water out of the tube as he made to pinch the rear of the woman rubbing his shoulders, and getting a sultry chuckling in response. " Come now, we're in Dorne, sorcerer! Dorne! And these girls know a good find when they see one! Why not take advantage of our hosts' hospitality? Unless you're more than a little…disappointing below the belt, eh? Bet that's it. Gotta compensate with your magic, huh? " Shaking his head, Nox rose from the tub he was in to reveal that he had gone without a towel when he stepped in. Life as a slave and as a Sith had removed most reservations of modesty from him. And add to the fact that he couldn't physically see added to the fact that he didn't care who saw his body. " F-F-Fucking hells, sorcerer! " Umber stuttered as the woman who was massaging his shoulders ceased her menstruations as Nox got out of his bath and reached for a nearby towel. " Was your father part horse or something?! For gods' sake, leave something for the rest of us to compete against you with! " " Now why would I do that? " Nox asked as he tied the towel around his waist as he rolled his neck and headed towards the exit of the bath. " Just because you can't 'measure up', doesn't mean I should limit myself in any manner. " Entering the separate room for changing, Nox found that all their clothes were gone and had been replaced with fine silken clothes of varying colors. For Nox, he found a pair of loose-fitting pants, a black silk shirt with gold trim and a light long overcoat that would reach the floor. 'Either Ellaria was taking careful note of our clothes sizes during the voyage, or Sunspear has some very talented seamstresses in their employ, ' he thought as he chucked the towel aside so he could dress in the clothes laid out for him. Just as he was finishing up the lacing on his pants, he was joined in the room by his Apprentice, who had yet to get the heat in his face under control. " Um, Master Nox, where are our clothes? " " More than likely being laundered, " he answered, pulling on the shirt. It was a remarkably good fit. " Or destroyed. Seeing as how long we've been wearing them and what we've been through, I would put my money on the latter. " " Oh, " Jon replied ineloquently as he awkwardly went over to where his new clothes were located and began going through them. " Umm, how did they know they would fit? " " Your guess is as good as mine, " Nox shrugged, not really caring just how they got the new clothes but thankful for them nonetheless. He had been more than slightly tempted to simply burn the ones he had been wearing. " We need to speak of the feast tonight, Jon. And what is expected of you. " Jon paused with his hand halfway towards his new clothes. " I've been to a feast before, Master. " " In the North, yes. Here in Dorne, no, you haven't. And outside of the pure cultural differences between the North and Dorne, there is also the fact that you will more than likely be seated near, if not at, the high table with myself and the Martells. " Now he had Jon's full attention. His eyes going wide as his nerves raced about the prospect. " I – me…sitting near the high table? But – But I'm just as basta-" " What have I told you time and time again about that title, Apprentice? " Nox asked, leaning forward and fixing his full presence on his Apprentice, making the young man shiver slightly as the dark side washed out of Nox and over him. " That title only means something if you allow it to mean something. Stop using it as a crutch or I can guarantee you that next time you use it in my presence as such, you will need a crutch for the next several months. Am I understood? " " Yes, Master, " Jon nodded shakily. " Good. " Nox nodded, pulling his aura back into himself enough so that Jon could breathe properly. " You are an Apprentice to a Sith now, Jon. It's high time you start acting like one. Now, thanks to your little display in the yard in humiliating Ser Dayne as well as defending the honor of Princess Arianne, you have garnered quite a bit of favor within Prince Doran's court. But at the same time, you have more than likely made a few enemies as well. You must be on guard tonight. Those who are seeking your favor will be obvious. The women will want to bed you or stake a claim on you. And the men will either want you for their daughters or will be looking to poach you away from your family. And the enemies you made will be looking to belittle you and make you make an ass of yourself to lower your standing. Understand? " Jon's flush, which had started to dissipate after being under Nox's aura, flared back to life. " Um, I – I think…I mean, yes. But why would the women want…well…me. And – And would it be so bad if—? " " Think with your head, Jon, not your cock, " Nox sighed, throwing the overcoat around his shoulders. " You need to get over this aversion you have to the fairer sex and sex in general. And I suggest you do so quickly before I take on that aspect of your training as well by locking you in a brothel and forcing you to watch the whores ply their trade until you can talk to or about beautiful women or men and think of sex without stammering like an idiot. " Stumbling as he attempted to put on his pants, Jon started stammering once more. " But – But that—! I – I don't…I know where to pu – I mean, I know how! Lord Stark talked to Robb and I about…duties and – and expectations and—" " And knowing about sex is a lot different than knowing about sex, Jon, " Nox sighed. " Finish dressing already and take a moment to compose yourself. The feast begins soon. And I will not have my first Apprentice in this land make a fool of me tonight. " Staring down at the glass of watered down Dornish red wine before him, Jon did his best to keep himself focused as all around him the feast in the Tower of the Sun went on well past the falling of the sun. His Master had been correct in the statements that he'd made to Jon after the baths. He had indeed been seated near the high table, just below the dais where the Martell family and Lord Nox were seated. He had also been right in that the feast was far, far different than anything he had ever experienced in the North. It wasn't just the fact that they were in Dorne and the Dornish people were vastly different than the Northern people. Nor was it the fact that he was freely given wine, watered downed wine to be sure, and he'd never even been offered that in the North. No, the one thing that truly set this feast apart from the others was the fact that Jon, again just like Lord Nox had predicted, was being constantly approached by Lords and Ladies from across Dorne! And they were talking to him! Not just to curry favor with his Lord Father or with Lord Nox or with his siblings. But simply because they were interested in him! Jon Snow! So far, he'd felt that he'd done a decent job in talking with the different Lords and Ladies, but it certainly wasn't easy. The Lords he could handle, as they mostly seemed interested in his skills with sword or his mind for the battlefield or his venture into Valyria. Those questions he could handle. But what he couldn't handle and almost made him want to run from the hall and find a corner to hide in were the Ladies. Many of them were, well, quite forward. Hells, one Lady who could've easily been older than Lady Stark had pointblank asked him if his cock was working properly yet and if he would be willing to give her a son from his loins! And she asked him this while holding onto the arm of her husband! Then there were the more subtle offers he'd constantly received throughout the night from various Ladies and their daughters to either spend the night with them before he had to leave or to offer him a permanent place in their household as their paramour for the older Ladies or future husbands for the younger. Mercifully, after fending off the tenth or eleventh subtle hint at bedding, Asha and Dacey had taken it upon themselves to seat themselves at the two vacant seats on either side of him that'd been left empty when Small Jon and Eddard Karstark had both disappeared after being offered a dance. Though sitting with the two had presented a whole new set of problems to Jon. Problems stemming from the fact that both women were wearing dark, form-fitting dresses. Though Asha seemed to have slit hers open down the front to expose the breeches she wore underneath. For as long as he'd known Asha, she'd always worn what Lady Stark would call 'men's clothes'. For over the past few months he'd known Dacey, he'd only ever seen her in leather or light cloth. To see both in dresses… Well, it was something that he never thought he'd see. But what was even more startling was that both seemed, well, pretty. No, beautiful. Not that they weren't before! But it seemed that by wearing dresses, their beauty was just…accentuated. So, he was having trouble keeping his eyes in…appropriate places when he looked at the two. But the problems he was facing with the various Ladies of Dorne, Asha and Dacey paled in comparison with the real problem he was having during the feast. A problem that was sitting up at the high table with her father, Prince Doran, as well as Lord Nox. Princess Arianne Martell. As was proper, the ruling family as well as their esteemed guest Lord Nox were the last to enter the banquet hall after all the others were seated. And when the Princess entered on the arm of Lord Nox, Jon was sure that his heart skipped a beat. When he'd first met the Princess earlier that day, he'd already thought she was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. But seeing her in a loose-fitting orange and red dress of her House colors that hugged her body in all the right places with golden ringlets in her hair… Jon was not one for jealously, at least he tried not to be. But when he saw her enter the hall on his master's arm, well, it wasn't the first time he'd wished death upon his Master. Only it was the first time he'd ever done so outside of one of his exhausting and brutal training sessions. " If you don't close your mouth soon, Jon, you'll drool right into your food. " Shaking his head, Jon sent a half-glare in the direction of Asha, who wasn't even looking at him as she kept her eyes on the Lords and Ladies dancing in the middle of the hall while sipping on her wine. " I'm not drooling. " " You'd do a better job of convincing us if your tongue wasn't hanging out of your mouth like a dog ready to hump her leg, " Dacey chuckled, making Jon growl as he found himself on the defense from the women on either side of himself. Focusing on the food in front of him, a colorful assortment that he never would've thought possible, Jon tried his best to get himself under control once more. " We're just pulling your leg, Jon, " Asha chuckled, tapping his shoulder with her knuckles. " You've done a good job so far tonight, thinking with your head instead of your cock. Just make sure you keep on doing that. Especially with that Princess staring at you like you're a rare piece of meat. " Gulping, Jon risked a glance towards the high table, just in time to watch Arianne slowly put a piece of food into her mouth. A mundane move, but from her… Gods… That just wasn't even fair! " She—She doesn't look at me like that. " Shaking her head, Asha drained her wine and refilled it. " Jon, every woman in this room, married or not, is looking at you like that right now because of that little display you did in the training yard. You just need to be careful, because I doubt many – if any – care about you as a person. They only care about securing your power and your connections for themselves. " " She – The Princess isn't like that! " Jon hissed, though where his anger was coming from confused even him at the time. Setting her glass down, Asha fixed him with a look that chilled him to his bones. " Jon, I say this to you now because you're as much my little brother as Theon. But don't think for a moment that just because she has a pretty face and was nice to you that she doesn't want to use you. She's a Princess. An unmarried Princess that hasn't been officially declared as her father's heir. Which means she needs allies and power. And she will do whatever she needs to do to get that power. And you Jon, you are a prime target for one like her. Of course, I've known her for about as long as you have, so I could be wrong. But still. You need to be careful. If something sounds too good to be true, it quite often is. " Mulling her words over in his head, Jon risked another look towards Princess Arianne. 'She…She isn't like that…is she? She was so nice earlier and… But then again, I am a bastard. What…What use am I to her? A Princess? I'm young, not yet a man. Not like the other men here. All I have is the Force… Is that…? Is that the only reason she is interested in me? ' With those thoughts running through his mind, Jon suddenly lost interest in the feast going on around him and the food before him as he sat emotionlessly thinking over everything that had happened over the past day and wondering if anything that'd happened during his brief exchange with the Princess was genuine or not. Sipping on her wine, a fine vintage of Dornish Red, Arianne watched the dancing taking place before her in the great hall of the Tower of the Sun. Normally, she would be in the midst of the dancing, enjoying herself and working on making the connections that would grant her a smooth transition into her father's seat in the future. But that was not her purpose for this feast. No, this was her opportunity to make a different sort of connection. One that could firmly secure her future. The only problem was, the one that she had her sight set on was seated a fair distance from her and had been almost pointedly ignoring her and the festivities going on around him ever since the Greyjoy woman talked to him. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Mormont woman was sitting right next to him and seemed to be the only one he was willing to talk to. 'It appears that I am going to have to be the one to make the first move, ' she thought with a frown as she noticed Jon look towards her, blush, and quickly turn away again. 'The Mormont girl is hovering over him like a protective mother hen. But, perhaps, this will be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with a single stone. ' Getting to her feet, she took up her glass of wine and made her way over towards the squire's table where her new objective sat. 'Good, he's staring, ' she thought with just the slightest bit of glee as she spotted Jon following her intently out of the corner of her eye, 'I did wear this outfit to catch his attention. Glad to see my efforts were not in vain. ' Arriving at the squire's table, all the squires immediately stood up and bowed their heads to her. Giving them all a polite nod in return, she promptly shooed them all away save for the one she needed to speak with. Her uncle's squire Daemon. " I must say, Daemon, " she began, setting down her glass and taking a seat. " I'm surprised to see you with your ass still firmly planted on your seat with such a prize just across the room. " Daemon gave her a strained look. He knew exactly what she was speaking off, or rather who she was speaking of. " I don't know what you're talking about Arianne. " She couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. It was quite the sight to see the man she knew intimately squirm so. " Oh, come now, Daemon. I know you better than anyone else. Unless, of course, you've been running off to the red lantern district while I wasn't looking. I know what gets your blood moving. Dark hair. Fair complexion. Strong features. A warrior woman. And eyes that says she would brain the first man who looked at her wrong? I'm surprised your 'sword' has not cut its way out from your breeches just from looking at her. " Daemon scowled at her but didn't correct her. " And what about you, Arianne? I've noticed your future conquest is sitting right over there and he was practically drooling the moment you stepped foot in the hall. Why aren't you staking your claim and ruining all other women for him? " " Details, " Arianne replied dismissively with a wave of her hand. No way she was about to tell him that Jon was pointedly ignoring her as of halfway through the feast. " But now, I see a way that two friends can help each other out. We drag those two out onto the dance floor. And later perhaps you will be able to have some real fun with the one who has stolen what I couldn't with just her appearance. " She hadn't meant to say the last part, but it had slipped out on her before she could stop herself. " Much to my regret, Arianne. " Sighing, she polished off her glass of wine. " We had our fun, Daemon, and it was fun never doubt that. And you will always hold a place in my heart because of it. But you and I both know that there was no spark between us. And if I can help you find what truly strikes your interest, then I will do exactly that. Even if I have to drag you over to her kicking and screaming. " Nodding, Daemon finished off his own glass and rose to his feet while holding out his hand to her. " Well, let us not let our future fun slip from us. We have only the one night for now. And who knows how long it will be before either of us have a chance to meet them once more. " " Indeed. " Arianne agreed, taking his hand. " Let us go show those two what true Dornish hospitality is like. " Looping her arm through Daemon's, she let her uncle's squire take the lead as he led the two of them around the dining hall and towards their targets for the night. As they approached, Jon was unsurprisingly the first to notice them. He quickly shot to his feet the moment he realized they were indeed heading for him. " Um, Princess Arianne, it – um…" " As eloquent as this morning, good to see that you are consistent, Jon, " Arianne smiled, finding his stammering amusing and flattering at the same time. " And you would be Lady Dacey Mormont. It is an honor and privilege to meet you. Even in Dorne, we have heard of the strength of the bears of Bear Island and respect you for it. " Lady Mormont seemed caught off guard. Apparently, she hadn't been expecting Arianne to greet her personally, or perhaps to even acknowledge her presence. " Um, thank you, Princess. And, um, may I say that your Uncle, Prince Oberyn greatly undersold your beauty. " 'Apparently proper etiquette is not high on priorities in the North. Eh, I suppose it's understandable, all things considered. The North has never cared for the Great Game. They're too preoccupied with keeping their people alive through the winter and waging a never-ending war against the Wildlings. Something I can greatly respect. ' Arianne smiled in return. " Thank you, my Lady. And may I introduce my Uncle Oberyn's squire, Daemon Sand. " " Jon here already knows all about me. He used me as a training dummy well enough this morning. " Daemon joked, which drew a chuckle from the Mormont woman and a slight blush from Jon. " But you, my lady? May I say it is indeed an honor to make your acquaintance. And if you would do me the honor, I would love to have the chance to speak and dance with you this evening. " Lady Mormont arched a brow at Daemon, but Arianne could detect the slightest of red appearing in the warrior-woman's cheeks. " Do you think it is that easy to woo me, Ser Daemon? Remember, I have had to put up with Prince Oberyn's advances for nearly two months now. " " Just Daemon, my Lady. I am not Lord and I am not yet a knight. And if it truly were that easy to woo you, my lady, then you would already be on the floor in the arms of one of the men of Dorne. Yet here you are. Alone. And a woman as beautiful and powerful as yourself should not be alone. Yet I hope that you would grant this loyal man the honor of your presence tonight. And perhaps tomorrow the two of us can dance a different dance in the yard to see if the She-Bears of Bear Island are truly as strong as any man in the realm? " The reddening in Dacey's face had progressed to fully encompass both of her cheeks by the time Daemon had finished speaking. 'Smooth, Daemon. Appealing to both her womanly and warrior sides. Very smooth. ' " Do you honestly think you can keep up with me, Daemon? " Dacey asked, a slight hitch in her voice. Gracing her with a smile, Daemon let go of her and held out his hand for Dacey. " I would very much like the opportunity to try, my Lady. " " Keep speaking like that, Daemon, and I will have to find a better use for that tongue of yours, " Dacey replied, mildly shocking all three present as she took Daemon's offered hand. " What? You try spending months isolated on a ship with your uncle and his paramour constantly going at it like bears in heat while constantly fending off their advances and see what kind of colorful manner of speech you pick up. Jon…? Good luck. " Daemon then swept Dacey off her feet, almost literally, as he led her off onto the dance floor. And Arianne found herself in the very unusual position of simply being left standing before Jon, who was doing little more than shifting his feet awkwardly before her. " Well? " Arianne asked, trying to keep her impatience from showing in her tone. 'He's still young yet, ' she reminded himself. " It is usually not custom for a woman to ask a man to dance. Nor is it considered polite to simply leave any Lady, let alone a Princess in her own home, wanting. " " Um – oh. I, um, sorry, Prin – Arianne. Um, would you please…? Um, do me the honor of… Will you give me the hon – Um, will you dance with me? " he asked more than slightly awkwardly. 'Points for manning up finally. But he definitely needs some honing of skills outside the yard. ' " Why, yes, Apprentice Snow, " she wasn't entirely sure of the title. But he wasn't a knight yet, so Apprentice worked as well as any. " I would be delighted to see how well you fare on a different field. " " Apprentice? " Jon mouthed, seeming to test the title on his lips. " I lik – Oh, shite. I mean, don't I – I…I'm mucking this up, aren't I? " " Just a little, " Arianne chuckled. Honestly, his fumbling was cute in a way. " But you can more than make it up to me by showing me a good time tonight. And stop ignoring me. " Jon flinched and, for a moment, she felt a ping of regret. She hadn't meant to let that slip. By the waters of Rhyone, what was wrong with her tonight? It wasn't like her to lose control of her tongue so easily like this. " I apologize, Princes Arianne, " Jon replied, his back straightening and offering her his hand. " Would you grant me the honor of your presence on the dance floor this evening, Princess? " " Better, " she smiled, taking his hand. " And yes, you may. I do hope you know how to dance. For I am a…demanding partner, Apprentice Snow. " Letting him lead her out onto the floor, Arianne stopped when she felt they were far enough in and placed her right hand onto his shoulder while holding onto his left with her own. Her amusement increased substantially as she felt Jon's right hand lightly touch her side, before moving up, then down, then off her before settling back down. 'Trying to find a spot to hold me that is socially acceptable. Oh, I do so love the innocent. From what I've heard from my Uncle and Aunt Ellaria, it is often the most innocent ones that have the dirtiest and most adventurous minds. Let's hope they weren't simply blowing smoke. ' The dance started out awkwardly with Jon almost stepping on her feet twice. But after the second time it was almost like something flipped in the young man. His awkwardness disappeared. He met her eyes. He tightened his hold on her and he started leading her through the waltz that the bards were performing. " I must say, Jon, you are quite the dancer. I take it Lady Stark insisted on you having lessons with your siblings? " She knew the question was a mistake the moment it left her lips as Jon's eyes darkened slightly before quickly returning to normal. " No, if it was up to Lady Stark, I would've been left out in the woods when I was still but a babe. "