of the XXVII L. A. Brook International Children Piano Duo Competition “Brother and Sister” (to be filled out by each duo player separately)
Registration Form
of the XXVII L. A. Brook International Children Piano Duo Competition “Brother and Sister” (to be filled out by each duo player separately)
*For participants under 14 ** For 14-year old or older participants
I agree to the processing of my child's personal data in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, Federal Law No. 152-FZ " On Personal Data", with the posting of information about the results of auditions of the competition on the website of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia _____________________________(parent’s / legal guardian’s signature) I agree that in order to determine my child's rating among other participants in the competition the videos will be used my child's performance of the competition repertoire _____________________________ (parent’s / legal guardian’s signature) Repertoire
I abide by the Regulations of the competition.
Date ________________________ Signature_________________________